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Planning Commission

Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan public workshop August 8, 2024

Staff-led informational workshop presented for the public and Planning Commissioners

El Dorado County Planning Department to offer a Staff led informational workshop for the the public and Planning Commissioners to learn about the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and the Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan. The Public review period for the Draft Environmental Impact Reports for BOTH projects closed in July 2024. Both projects are expected to be scheduled for formal hearings before the Planning Commission, and then the Board of Supervisors within the next several months, with the intent to have the projects reviewed for environmental impacts, entitlements, and approvals finalized by the end of 2024.

From the Staff Report A – Staff Memo 07-15-24 PC 08-08-24

The purpose of this informational workshop includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Provide the Planning Commission and public a general overview and introduction of both
    the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan (VMVSP) and the proposed Lime
    Rock Valley Specific Plan (LRVSP) projects, including the size and scope.
  • Give a “heads-up” that these projects are in the pipeline and will soon be formally brought
    before the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation to the Board of
  • Provide an opportunity for decision-makers and the general public to ask questions share
    comments prior to a formal hearing.
  • Encourage staff to pursue additional research regarding questions from Planning
    Commissioners and the general public, so that the future formal hearing may be better
    informed and responsive to specific questions.
    The intention of this staff-led informational workshop is that it be a non-binding introduction to the
    projects for the Planning Commission in a setting less formal than a public hearing. No action nor
    recommendation to the Board of Supervisors is being sought from Planning Commissioners for this
    item at the August 8, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting.
    County CEQA Consultant, Pat Angell from Ascent Environmental will deliver most of the
    introductory presentation. Guest speakers from County Divisions and Local Agencies may deliver
    brief relevant information. The proportion of Applicant participation in delivering this introduction
    is expected to be proportional to other projects heard by the Planning Commission.

Workshop Presentation

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Planning Commission June 27, 2024 CEQA Public Workshop Materials

Planning Commissioners to get CEQA refresher in June 27th Workshop

The El Dorado County Planning Commission, facing an aggressive project review schedule for the second half of 2024, will begin with a public workshop on the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) at this Thursday’s Planning Commission Hearing.

CEQA – long cited by development proponents and opponents alike as the reason for California’s prohibitively expensive and often litigated project approvals process – has been in place since 1970, signed into law by California Governor Ronald Reagan.

Subsequent governors and California agencies, such as City councils, County Boards of Supervisors, and more, have complained that the CEQA process is why development in California is so expensive – and why their pet projects don’t come to fruition. Truthfully, CEQA’s intent was to allow for a full public review of potential significant environmental impacts from development projects. It allows for both project applicants, and community residents, to weigh in on Environmental concerns. CEQA allows for “significant unavoidable environmental impacts” if they provide a public benefit.

El Dorado County Projects in Process from County Projects in your area app

The Planning Commission’s tentative project review schedule in the second half of 2024

The Planning Commission has provided to EDH APAC a tentative review schedule from their 2024 calendar. It is rather aggressive:

  • June 27 CEQA training for Planning Commissioners – Planning Commissioners have asked that the workshop be made available to the public.
  • July 11 Generations At Green Valley EIR presentation.
    379 single-family residential lots, 1 Park lot, 1 clubhouse, 9 open space lots, 13 landscape lots, and 3 road lots on Green Valley Road in El Dorado Hills. Public Scoping Meeting was held on March 12, 2024
  • July 25 Town and Country Village El Dorado EIR presentation
    Two hotels, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis. Public Scoping Meeting was held in August 2024
  • August 8 Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan informational.
    Marble Valley SP – 2,342 acres of land consisting of approximately 3,236 dwelling units and 475,000 square feet of commercial. The project is located in between El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park area south of Highway 50. Public Scoping Meeting was held in March 2013
    Lime Rock Valley SP – Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan proposes for the development of 740 acres of land consisting of approximately 800 dwelling units. The project is located south of Highway 50 in the Cameron Park area. Public Scoping Meeting was held in March 2013

Planning Commission June 27th CEQA Workshop Presentation Materials

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Download CEQA Workshop Slides [761.84 KB]

EDH APAC Comment Letter to Planning Commission About Latrobe Road CIP Item

Comment Letter submitted to Planning Commission recommending tabling Latrobe Road CIP Item.

El Dorado Hills APAC submitted a comment letter to the Planning Commission regarding Agenda Item #2 on their scheduled April 13, 2023 Planning Commission Hearing. EDH APAC members, and many El Dorado Hills residents have concerns regarding the timing of adding a Latrobe Road widening project back into the County’s Capital Improvement Program, just three years after removing the project (then – CIP Project No: 72LATROBE) due to a finding that it was unwarranted in 2019/2020.

The timing concerns center on the staff recommendations that the new CIP #36105055 item is due to “growth in the EDH Business Park.” EDH APAC Subcommittee members have observed that the only significant growth in the El Dorado Hills Business Park that might justify traffic improvements has been the expansion of the John Adams Academy private school. The school has been a success welcomed by EDH residents, and has generated a significant traffic impact in the area, however without a traffic analysis it is uncertain if that one development has triggered the need for the expansion of Latrobe Road. John Adams Academy opened in El Dorado Hills in 2017, so some of its traffic impacts should have been known in 2020 when CIP Project 72LATROBE was removed from the CIP list.

It appears that CIP #36105055 would mostly benefit the proposed Project Frontier, which EDH APAC Subcommittees are still reviewing. EDH APAC Subcommittees are concerned that adding CIP #36105055 into the CIP would expose El Dorado County Taxpayers to more costs by shifting the funding burden away from the full impacts of the proposed Project Frontier development before it has been adequately reviewed and analyzed.

CIP project #36105055 proposes to widen Latrobe Rd between Investment Blvd and Golden Foothills Pkwy (south)

The EDH APAC comments to the Planning Commission recommend:

EDH APAC would propose delaying this action before your Commission before a thorough review has been completed. Considering that CIP 36105055 was removed as “unwarranted” just in 2020, it is fair to ask if it was short-sighted to remove the project at that time. If so, it may also be short-sighted to add the project back into the CIP without a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of Project Frontier in 2023.

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April 11 2023 Comment Letter [185.87 KB]

Planning Commission June 9, 2022 CEDHAP Hearing – Commissioners vote to recommend project denial

Findings center on lack of General Plan Consistency, and El Dorado Hills public sentiment.

The El Dorado County Planning Commission held a public hearing to complete their deliberations on recommendations to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors regarding the proposed Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan. After a morning of receiving additional Public Comments (continued from the Planning Commission’s April 28, 202 2public hearing) the Commissioners heard additional updates from the project applicant, and from County Planning Staff.

After a lunch break, the Commission resumed their deliberative process, discussing issues among themselves, and providing their own opinions on many elements of the proposed Specific Plan. Eventually settling on concerns that the project as proposed was inconsistent with the Adopted 2004 Voter Approved General Plan, the commissioners first voted to not accept the Final Environmental Impact Report as complete on a four to one vote, with Commissioners Payne, Nevis, Harkin, and Vegna supporting, and Commissioner Clerici voting no. Following this, the Commissioners voted unanimously to provide a recommendation of Denial to the Board of Supervisors.

The project will move on to the Board of Supervisors for consideration. The Board of Supervisors does not have to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and may, in fact, approve the project. No hearing date has yet been publicly announced.

The Meeting Minutes of the Planning Commission Hearing will be posted in the Planning Commission Documents section of the EDH APAC website when they are published by El Dorado County.

A Message to the El Dorado Hills Community from EDH APAC Chair John Davey

Many, many people have reached out to congratulate APAC regarding the Planning Commission decision to recommend denial of the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan to the Board of Supervisors – but to be honest, I don’t know that congratulations are appropriate, or warranted. I certainly join the majority in our community in thanking our APAC volunteers for their beyond-the-pale efforts in examining and reviewing the project. Additionally, many members of the community participated in providing feedback to the Planning Commission over several years, and their efforts should not go unrecognized.

As I mentioned again in public comments to the Planning Commissioners at the hearing, I really view our APAC finding of non-support, and the Planning Commission’s recommendation of denial as a failure – from all corners.

Failure from our community and APAC in conveying our concerns about the project in a way that the applicant and county planners could recognize that the project could have been modified in some beneficial manner that the community could support, and a failure from the applicant, planning staff, and the approvals process that this project took ten years to get to the Planning Commission with no meaningful compromises, that might have satisfied the community, and generated actual benefits that the community might have been able to support.

I  absolutely take no joy in the project being recommended for denial by the Planning Commission. I believe it was the correct decision, but ultimately I regret the lost time of ten years, and squandered opportunities to find a recreational use for the former Executive Golf Course property, as well as the opportunity for needed multifamily housing in the Pedregal Plan area, to benefit our community.

My hope is that a community approach can be undertaken to generate a project (or projects) for the properties that respects existing zoning. One that our residents can support, that enhances the things we all love about El Dorado Hills, and that is a beneficial project for the property owner. Understandably many may perceive a sense of animosity between members of the community and the project applicant. That is unnecessary – this all revolves around a simple disagreement, and nothing more. It’s natural and healthy to have reasonable disagreements. What we do to resolve our disagreements speaks more about our community, than arguing about the issues.

JOhn Davey, El dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee chair.

EDH APAC Submits Recommendation on Summer Brook TM-R21-0001

Finds that request to modify 2008 conditions of approval for the signalization of the Green Valley Rd – Deer Valley Rd intersection should be denied.

EDH APAC April 5, 2022 letter to El Dorado County Planning Commission

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Download EDH APAC Public Comments [153.71 KB]

Full project documents and details can be found on the project document page:

Summer Brook documents page

Green Valley Rd – Deer Valley Rd intersection 2012 prior to 2014 intersection improvements- looking west
Green Valley Rd – Deer Valley Rd intersection 2021 following 2014 intersection improvements – looking west

Montano de El Dorado Phase 2 Public Hearing March 25th

The County of El Dorado Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 25, 2021 at 8:30AM to consider:

Rezone Z15-0002/Tentative Parcel Map P15-0006/Planned Development PD15-0004/ Conditional Use Permit S17-0015/Montano De El Dorado Phase I and II Master Plan submitted by MONTANO VENTURE 2, LLC to: 1) Rezone (Z15-0002) from Regional Commercial – Community Design Review Combining Zone (CR-DC) to Regional Commercial – Planned Development Combining Zone (CR-PD); 2) Commercial Tentative Parcel Map (P15-0006) on Assessor’s Parcel No. 118-010-012 to create a total of 12 commercial parcels from an existing 16.85-acre parcel, ranging from 0.72 acres to 3.48 acres in size, as part of proposed Phase II of the Montano De El Dorado Master Plan; 3) Planned Development (PD15-0004) to establish a Development Plan for the existing Montano De El Dorado Phase 1 development and the proposed Phase II expansion. Phase I consists of an existing commercial center, consisting of five buildings, on the 20.1-acre project site with a combined total of 39,645 square feet of floor area.  Existing uses include retail stores, restaurants, and a bank. The proposed Phase II expansion consists of nine additional commercial buildings with a combined total of approximately 80,000 square feet of retail, restaurant, commercial and office uses, a 55,136 square foot, 100-room hotel, a small community pavilion and on-site parking, lighting, signage and landscaping; and 4) Conditional Use Permit (S17-0015) to allow outdoor special events and office uses within existing Phase I and proposed Phase II of the Montano De El Dorado Master Plan. The properties, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 118-010-012, 118-010-014, 118-010-015, and 118-010-016, consisting of 20.1 acres, is located approximately 0.5 mile south of U.S. Highway 50 on the east side of Latrobe Road at the intersection with White Rock Road, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 2. (County Planner: Tom Purciel, 530-621-5903)  [An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2017072027) consisting of a Draft EIR and Final EIR has been prepared for the project]

County Staff Reports and the project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) as referenced in the Public Notice, have not yet been made available on the County’s Legistar website, or on the County’s eTRAKiT website. Project Documents are typically available about two weeks prior to a public hearing.

Any written correspondence should be directed to the County of El Dorado Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667 or via e-mail:

To ensure delivery to the Commission prior to the hearing, written information from the public is encouraged to be submitted by Thursday the week prior to the meeting. Planning Services cannot guarantee that any FAX or mail received the day of the Commission meeting will be delivered to the Commission prior to any action.

The EDH APAC Project Documents Page is HERE

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Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan: NEW Planning Commission Hearing Schedule – One Hearing To Be Held IN El Dorado Hills

Two new hearings added to previously announced November and December Hearings

The El Dorado Hills APAC has been notified by the County of El Dorado Planning Department of two new hearings to be scheduled regarding the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan project for the proposed Serrano Westside (Old Executive Golf Course) and the Pedregal (west of El Dorado Hills Blvd at Wilson Way) planning areas. The new third and fourth hearings will be scheduled for January 2020. The first January 2020 Planning Commission Hearing will be held IN El Dorado Hills, in the evening, allowing the opportunity for more El Dorado Hills residents to contribute to the process.

From the the Planning Department update:

During today’s agenda review meeting with Planning Commission Chair Gary Miller, Dave Livingston, and Tiffany Schmid, the following Planning Commission hearing schedule was determined for the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan project.  This will allow several opportunities for public testimony and also comply with the Board’s direction on November 5th to hold a Special Meeting in January 2020 in El Dorado Hills during the evening. 

**Public Testimony will be taken at the November, December and January (Special Meeting) hearings and then closed for Planning Commission deliberation and action at the final hearing in January/February 2020.  
Hearing #1 – November 14, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting (Building C Hearing Room)(meeting to be continued to December 12, 2019)

Hearing #2 – December 12, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting (Building C Hearing Room) (meeting to be continued to Special Meeting in January 2020 in El Dorado Hills-evening)

Hearing #3 – January 2020 Special Planning Commission Evening Meeting – El Dorado Hills (TBD)(meeting to be continued to Regular Meeting in January/February 2020)

Hearing #4 – January/February 2020 Regular Planning Commission Meeting (Building C Hearing Room)

Wednesday November 13th 7PM EDH APAC Meeting -Serrano Associates Presentation

The El Dorado Hills APAC Wednesday November 13th 7PM meeting be focused on an overview and recent changes to the proposed Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan in a presentation by representatives of Serrano Associates.

This is an opportunity for El Dorado Hills residents to learn about the proposed project, and a question and answer session will follow the presentation. Keep in mind – El Dorado Hills APAC has no land use authority, and only provides resident feedback on proposed development projects to the Applicant, the County Planning Department, the Planning Commission, and to the Board of Supervisors. We will be conducting a respectful discussion with the project applicant, who is under no obligation to appear at our EDH APAC meeting. We appreciate the applicant’s effort in providing a review and discussion of their proposed project.

The EDH APAC page for CEDHSP documents and details can be found HERE

Draft Development Agreement

County Planning Commission Holds CEQA Workshop

At the February 28, 2019 El Dorado County Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission held a workshop regarding the California Environmental Quality Act presented by Pat Angell, Senior Director of Ascent Environmental, Inc .

The workshop was wide ranging, and covered many example topics, and questions from the Commissioners. An audio recording of the Planning Commission meeting can be reviewed HERE.

The Presentation Slides from the workshop can be viewed on this post, or downloaded from the link below.

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Notice Of Public Hearing Serrano Village J Lot H April 12, 2018

The County of El Dorado Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in the Building C Hearing Room, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667 on April 12, 2018, at 8:30 a.m., to consider Tentative Subdivision Map TM14-1524/Planned Development PD14-0008/Serrano Village J Lot H submitted by SERRANO ASSOCIATES, LLC to request the following: 1) Serrano Village J-Lot H Tentative Subdivision Map consisting of 41 single-family detached residential lots ranging from 7,200 to 17,077 square feet in size, two landscape lots, one open space lot, and a 12.53 acre-lot for a future recreational park. This map replaces the approved 83-unit tentative map approved under TM10-1498; 2) Development Plan for the Serrano Village J-Lot H Tentative Subdivision Map with modifications to applicable residential development standards in the Zoning Ordinance. This Development Plan replaces the previously approved Development Plan under PD10-0003; and 3) Design Waiver of El Dorado County Design and Improvement Standard Manual (DISM) standards: Modification of subdivision road improvement Standard Plan 101 B: A) Reduction of right-of-way width from 50 feet to 38 feet, reduction; B) Construction of 4-foot wide sidewalk along one side of the residential road instead of 6 foot sidewalks on both sides; and C) Construction of modified rolled curb and gutter instead of vertical curb. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 123-370-01, 123-370-03, and 123-280-10, consisting of 25.27 acres, is located approximately 1½ miles north of Highway 50 along Bass Lake Road, at the intersection with Serrano Parkway, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 1. (County Planner: Mel Pabalinas) (Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 15182 of the CEQA Guidelines)**

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TM14-1524 Village J Lot H Project Documents Page

El Dorado County Board of Supervisors February 13 El Dorado Hills Apartments Hearing

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors will conduct a hearing to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval for the El Dorado Hills Apartments project A16-0001 on Tuesday February 13, 2018  tentatively scheduled for 1:00PM in the Supervisors Meeting room at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA.

The Project seeks to gain four entitlements that will permit the project to move forward with two 4-story apartment buildings comprised of 214 apartment units, and one 5-story parking garage at the corner of Town Center Blvd and Vine Street. The property is currently zoned for commercial development.

The four project entitlements are:

  1. General Plan Amendment adding a new Policy (Policy under Objective 2.2.6 (Site Specific Policy Section) to increase the maximum residential density allowed in the General Plan from 24 dwelling units per acre to a maximum of 47 dwelling units per acre specifically for the 4.565-acre project site within the TCE Planned Development area identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 121-290-60, 61, and 62.
  2. El Dorado Hills Specific Plan Amendment incorporating multi-family residential use, density, and related standards for the project site. The project site would be designated as “Urban Infill Residential” within the Village T area of the EDHSP Plan.
  3. Rezoning of the project site from General Commercial-Planned Development (CG-PD) to Multi-Family Residential-Planned Development (RM-PD) and revisions to the RM-zone district development standards applicable to the proposed 214-unit apartment project
  4. Revision to the approved Town Center East Development Plan incorporating multi-family residential use, density, and related design and development standards for the proposed 214-unit apartment project within Planning Area 2 of the TCE Plan area.

EDH APAC formed a subcommittee to research and review the project. The subcommittee report, which recommended non-support of the project as proposed, can be seen HERE. At the August 9, 2017 APAC meeting, Project applicants generously took time to make a presentation and answer questions about the project. Following this presentation, and a review of the subcommittee report, the full APAC committee voted 7-0 to accept the subcommittee recommendation of non-support. An article in the El Dorado Hills Village Life covered details of the meeting.  Following the meeting, APAC submitted its vote of non-support, along with the detailed subcommittee report, to the El Dorado County Planning Commission, El Dorado County Planning Services Dept, and the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, and offered the report as a response to the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Report.  A copy of the August 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes can be found HERE

Upon the release of the Final Environmental Impact report in December 2017, EDH APAC offered additional comments to the EDC Planning Commission and EDC Planning Services Dept. concerning both environmental, and non-environmental issues not addressed by the FEIR – the full response can be read HERE.

On January 11, 2018 the El Dorado County Planning Commission reviewed the project and voted 3-2 to approve the project as proposed- with District 1 and District 4 Commissioners opposed.

  • EDH APAC members feel that the Planning Commission, as well as the Final Environmental Impact Report, didn’t adequately address the major concern – a General Plan Amendment allowing the doubling of the 24 dwelling unit per acre multi-family residential standard to 47 dwelling units per acre for this project.
  • EDH APAC members ask: if the standard exists, why is it reasonable to grant an amendment to double it?
  • What benefit does it generate to the County, and more pointedly to El Dorado Hills? EDH APAC members see this as no minor variance.
  • APAC members don’t see the benefit to the County or El Dorado Hills. The sole benefit is that the project applicant will get to build their project.
  • EDH APAC members ask: Is this justification enough to amend the General Plan? EDH APAC members feel that the General Plan is a tool that exists to benefit El Dorado County residents, not as a tool to benefit a single development project, at the expense of residents.

As to the merits of the debate if it is better to allow the project site to stay vacant, or to move forward with this current project as proposed, EDH APAC members counter that the original proponents of the Village T Town Center East Planned Development sought in the early 90s to get what they wanted, and now have – a commercial center, and were rewarded with zoning to that effect. EDH APAC members suggest that the impacts of failure to develop the parcel in their development as granted by the originally requested zoning,  shouldn’t be forced to be borne by the El Dorado Hills community, or by the El Dorado County General Plan. Vacant or developed, the property has the zoning that was requested, and the ability to develop it rests with the owners, and the Town Center East Planned Development – if the project was seeking some simple, minor, modifications to develop the property, that would merit consideration – but a General Plan amendment is never minor.  EDH APAC members don’t believe it merits a General Plan amendment based on the benefits it seeks for itself, in lieu of the lack of benefit to the County, and El Dorado Hills.

Community members wishing to provide public comment or questions in support, or opposition to the project may submit those comments to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors by Monday, February 12, 2018. Comments via email should be addressed the Clerk of the Board,a s well as to all five Supervisors, to be attached to the project file at the following addresses.

Project A16-0001 El Dorado Hills Apartments
Clerk of the Board
District 1 Supervisor
District 2 Supervisor
District 3 Supervisor
District 4 Supervisor
District 5 Supervisor

The EDH APAC Project Document file can be found HERE