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Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan public workshop August 8, 2024

Staff-led informational workshop presented for the public and Planning Commissioners

El Dorado County Planning Department to offer a Staff led informational workshop for the the public and Planning Commissioners to learn about the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and the Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan. The Public review period for the Draft Environmental Impact Reports for BOTH projects closed in July 2024. Both projects are expected to be scheduled for formal hearings before the Planning Commission, and then the Board of Supervisors within the next several months, with the intent to have the projects reviewed for environmental impacts, entitlements, and approvals finalized by the end of 2024.

From the Staff Report A – Staff Memo 07-15-24 PC 08-08-24

The purpose of this informational workshop includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Provide the Planning Commission and public a general overview and introduction of both
    the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan (VMVSP) and the proposed Lime
    Rock Valley Specific Plan (LRVSP) projects, including the size and scope.
  • Give a “heads-up” that these projects are in the pipeline and will soon be formally brought
    before the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation to the Board of
  • Provide an opportunity for decision-makers and the general public to ask questions share
    comments prior to a formal hearing.
  • Encourage staff to pursue additional research regarding questions from Planning
    Commissioners and the general public, so that the future formal hearing may be better
    informed and responsive to specific questions.
    The intention of this staff-led informational workshop is that it be a non-binding introduction to the
    projects for the Planning Commission in a setting less formal than a public hearing. No action nor
    recommendation to the Board of Supervisors is being sought from Planning Commissioners for this
    item at the August 8, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting.
    County CEQA Consultant, Pat Angell from Ascent Environmental will deliver most of the
    introductory presentation. Guest speakers from County Divisions and Local Agencies may deliver
    brief relevant information. The proportion of Applicant participation in delivering this introduction
    is expected to be proportional to other projects heard by the Planning Commission.

Workshop Presentation

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Town & Country Village El Dorado DEIR Available

45 day public review period to end on September 9, 2024

The El Dorado Count Planning and Building Department released the Notice of Availability for the Town and Country Village El Dorado DRAFT environmental impact report on July 26, 2024. A 45 day public review period has been established to accept public comments, questions, and concerns, regarding the ENVIRONMENTAL impacts of the project. Public review comments can be submitted via email to [email protected].

This DEIR identifies that the proposed project could result in significant environmental impacts to the following CEQA topics: Aesthetics; Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Energy; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Geology and Soils; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Hydrology and Water Quality; Noise; Transportation; Tribal Cultural Resources; and Wildfire.

In the Notice of Availability, the County also details that they will conduct a meeting to receive comments regarding the content of the DEIR and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. The meeting will be held in-person with a remote option via Zoom on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the El Dorado County Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C, Placerville, CA 95667 in the Planning Commission hearing room. The Zoom meeting link is accessible at the following: – This is NOT a Planning Commission Hearing, but a presentation for the public facilitated by El Dorado County.

The project site is located in El Dorado County, California, approximately 500 feet north of U.S. Highway 50, east of Bass Lake Road. The approximately 60.5-acre site is identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 119-080-12, -021 and -023. The project site is located in the southern central portion of the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan (BLHSP); the northern portion of the project site is located within the Community Region of the El Dorado County General Plan, and the southern portion of the site is located within the Rural Region.

The project site includes two areas: the Project Development Area and the Program Study Area. The Project Development Area consists of the northernmost and southernmost 30.3 acres of the project site, and would be developed with two hotels, retail services, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis. The Program Study Area consists of the central and easternmost 30.2 acres of the project site, and may include future development of additional hotels, medical facilities, senior housing, townhomes and cottages, and other uses allowed by the proposed zoning districts. Development within the Program Study Area of the project site is not currently proposed; however, a maximum buildout scenario is included for program level analysis in the EIR. Vehicle access to the project site would be provided by private roads connecting to Bass Lake Road to the west and to Country Club Drive to the north. In addition to on-site utility improvements, full buildout of the proposed project would require installation of off-site water, sewer, and natural gas utilities within Bass Lake Road, other nearby roads, and with respect to the sewer line, generally to the west along Old Bass Lake Road/Lincoln Highway towards Carson Creek.

The proposed project would require approval of:
A General Plan Amendment
BLHSP Amendment
BLHSP Public Facilities Financing Plan Amendment
Planned Development
Tentative Subdivision Map
Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Other responsible agency approvals (e.g., El Dorado LAFCO related to annexation of the project site into EID’s service area).

Project documents available on EDH APAC Project Documents Page

_noa.pdf” download=”all” text=”Download Notice of Availability”]

Applicant presentation scheduled for September 4, 2024 EDH APAC Meeting

Generations at Green Valley Public Scoping Meeting March 12, 2024 5:30PM

Scoping meeting to be held March 12 5:30PM at EDH Fire Station 85

Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting for the Generations at Green Valley Project (General Plan Amendment GPA22-0001, Rezone Z22-0001, Tentative Subdivision Map TM220001, Development Agreement DA24-0001) Review Period: February 26, 2024 to March 26, 2024 The County of El Dorado (acting as the Lead Agency) is releasing this Notice of Preparation (NOP) on February 26, 2024, for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Generations at Green Valley Project (project) located in unincorporated El Dorado County (County). The NOP initiates the environmental scoping process in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21080.4) and CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15082). The purpose of an NOP is to provide sufficient information about the proposed project and its potential environmental effects to allow public agencies, organizations, tribes, and interested members of the public the opportunity to provide a meaningful response related to the scope and content of the EIR, including feasible mitigation measures and project alternatives that should be considered in the EIR (CEQA Guidelines, 14 CCR Section 15082(b)). The proposed project and location are briefly described below. PROVIDING COMMENTS El Dorado County is soliciting written comments from public agencies, organizations, tribes, and individuals regarding the scope and content of the environmental document. Because of time limits mandated by State law, comments should be provided at the earliest possible date, but no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 26, 2024. Please send all comments to: Bianca Dinkler, Senior Planner County of El Dorado Planning Department 2850 Fairlane Court, Building C Placerville, CA 95667 Email: [email protected]

Agencies that are responsible agencies or trustee agencies will need to use the EIR when considering permits or other approvals for the project. Such agencies should provide the name of a contact person, phone number, and email address in their comment. Comments provided by email should include “Generations at Green Valley Project NOP Comment” in the subject line, and the name and physical address of the commenter in the body of the email.

PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located in an unincorporated area of El Dorado County (Figure 1). Existing land uses in the project area consist of single-family residences and rural residential areas. The project site encompasses approximately 280 acres located on five current parcels, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 126-020-001, 126-020-002, 126-020-003, 126-020-004, and 126-150-023. The majority of the site is located south of Green Valley Road, with the exception of northern tip of the site that is north of Green Valley Road (portion of APN 126-150-023). This portion of the project is being removed as part of Boundary Line Adjustment that is being processed under a separate application to the County. The project also includes two proposed access roadway connections to Green Valley Road (C-Drive and A-Drive) that would use existing easements to access Green Valley Road.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The El Dorado County General Plan land use designations for the site are Low Density Residential (LDR), with approximately 1.4 acres designated Open Space (OS) associated with an existing Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) utility easement. Zoning on the site consists primarily of Residential Estate, Ten-Acre (RE-10), with the SMUD easement zoned as Recreational Facilities, Low Intensity (RF-L). The proposed C-Drive extension area is zoned RE-5, while the proposed A-Drive extension area is zoned RE-10. The Generations at Green Valley Project proposes to amend the General Plan land use designations to High Density Residential (HDR), Low Density Residential (LDR), and Public Facilities (PF). The project would also rezone the site to Residential, Single-unit (R1), Open Space (OS), Recreational Facilities, High Intensity (RF-H), and Residential Estate, Five-Acre (RE-5) (Figure 2). The proposed development area of the project would be within the General Plan designated El Dorado Hills Community Region boundary. The project proposes a Tentative Subdivision Map that would subdivide the project site into 379 residential lots, clubhouse lot, park site lot, thirteen landscape lots, nine (9) open space lots, and three (3) lots for project roadways. Age restrictions would apply to 214 of the residential lots in the project. Proposed residential lot sizes would range from 6,000 square feet up to 5.7 acres. Roadway access to the project would be provided through two (2) main connections with Green Valley Road and three (3) emergency access roads connecting to existing roadways along the project’s boundary. The project also anticipates constructing improvements and adding additional lanes to segments of Green Valley Road. The proposed park site would be 4.0 acres and would be proposed for dedication to the El Dorado Hills Community Services District (CSD). The design of the park site would be determined by the El Dorado Hills CSD, but may include a baseball diamond, tot lot, parking lot, and a restroom. The clubhouse site would be owned and maintained by the homeowners association (HOA) and may include community building, pool, barbeque facilities, bocci courts, and a pickle ball court. The open space would be owned and maintained by the HOA.

Proposed offsite transportation improvements

  • Optimize traffic signal coordination on El Dorado Hills Boulevard/Latrobe Road from White Rock Road to Saratoga Way (North).
  • Modify traffic signal phasing and hardware for the Silva Valley Parkway and Harvard Way intersection to provide a southbound right-turn overlap.

The project would construct improvements to Green Valley Road at the project proposed access points with C-Drive and A-Drive that would provide left- and right-turn pockets to promote safe traffic flow.

Water and utilities

With the exception of proposed onsite wastewater systems for the RE-5 lots and park site, the project would obtain water and wastewater service from El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) and would involve the following offsite water and wastewater improvements

Offsite Water Supply Improvements:

  • Connection to an existing 8-inch water distribution pipeline within Lima Way on the project’s western boundary.
  • Construction of a new water distribution pipeline from the project’s southern boundary to an existing 10-inch pipeline located in Greenview Drive.
  • Construction of a new water distribution pipeline from the project’s eastern boundary along Green Valley Road to an existing 12-inch pipeline west of Pleasant Grove Middle School. Offsite Wastewater Conveyance Improvements:
  • Connection to an existing 8-inch gravity wastewater conveyance pipeline within Lima Way on the project’s western boundary.
  • Upsizing of approximately 1,600 linear feet of existing gravity wastewater pipeline upstream of the Highland Hills Lift Station.
  • Construction of approximately 8,500-linear foot force main from the Highland Hills Lift Station to an existing 15-inch gravity wastewater pipeline that flows to the St. Andrews Lift Station.

Other utility improvements for the project would include the following:

  • Construction of eight (8) onsite detention/water quality basins
  • Improvement of existing electrical cable facilities and addition of new electrical cable along Sangiovese Drive, Appian Way (new trenching anticipated along Appian Way), and Lima Way
  • Improvements to the existing electrical facilities along eastern portion of the project site.

In addition to the General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Tentative Subdivision Map entitlement requests, the project is also requesting that the El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approve the annexations of the site into the following districts:

  • El Dorado Hills Fire Department (also known at the El Dorado Hills County Water District/Fire Protection District) for fire protection services
  • El Dorado Hills CSD for parks, recreation, and other community services
  • EID for water and wastewater services.


El Dorado County will hold a public scoping meeting to receive verbal comments regarding the scope and content of the environmental document and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. The meeting will be held in-person with a remote option via Zoom on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the El Dorado Hills Fire Station, Station 85, located at 1050 Wilson Boulevard, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Here is the Zoom link:

Written comments regarding the scope and content of the environmental document may be submitted throughout the scoping period, which closes at 5:00 p.m. on March 26, 2024.

The County of El Dorado is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities are provided the resources to participate in its public meetings. If you require accommodation, please contact Planning Services at 530-621-5355 or via e-mail, [email protected].

EDH APAC Project Documents Page

Town and Country Village El Dorado NOP DEIR and Scoping Meetings

Two scoping meetings scheduled for August 8, and 9, 2023

El Dorado County has issued a Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Town and Country Village El Dorado development project. The project site is located north of Highway 50 east of Bass Lake Road and south of Country Club Drive.

The Project Development Area consists of the northernmost and southernmost 30.3 acres of the project site, and would be developed with two hotels, retail services, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis, which may require a conditional use permit.

A second project site of the development is “the Program Study Area” – this site consists of the central and easternmost 30.2 acres of the project site, and may include further development in the future such as additional hotels, medical facilities, senior housing, townhomes and cottages, and other uses allowed by the proposed zoning districts.

The project seeks the following entitlements:

General Plan Amendment

The General Plan Land Use Designation for the project site is Adopted Plan (AP). The General Plan designates the portion of the project site north of Country Club Drive as within the El Dorado Hills Community Region, and the area south of Country Club Drive as within the Rural Region. The proposed General Plan Amendment would modify the Community Region boundary to include the entire project site within the El Dorado Hills Community Region

Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Amendment

The existing BLHSP land use designations for the project site are L.7-PD and L.2-PD. The BLHSP designates the portion of the project site north of Country Club Drive as L.7-PD [maximum allowable density of 0.7 dwelling units per acre (du/ac)], and the portion south of Country Club Drive is designated L.2-PD (maximum allowable density of 0.2 du/ac). The requested BLHSP Amendment would establish three new land use designations for the specific plan: Commercial (C), Multi-Family Residential (MFR), and Open Space (OS). Application of these proposed new land use designations would be limited the project site. These land use designations would be allocated to the project site as follows: 26.2 acres of C, 23.0 acres of MFR, and 7.6 acres of OS. In addition to changing the land use designations of the project site, the BLHSP Amendment would include content revisions to the BLHSP itself to accommodate the proposed project. As part of the BLHSP Amendment, a Fiscal Impact Analysis and update to the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Public Facilities Financing Plan (PFFP) would be completed. The PFFP sets forth a strategy to finance the backbone infrastructure and other public facilities required to serve the proposed land uses in the BLHSP.


The current zoning designation for the entire project site is RE-10. The proposed project would require the approval of a Rezone from RE-10 to the following El Dorado County zoning districts: Community Commercial (CC), Multi-Unit Residential (RM), and Open Space (OS). Additionally, as required by the BLHSP, the Planned Development Combining District (-PD) suffix would be added to all the zoning district designations listed above.

Buildout of the Project Development Area of the project site would include two 150-room hotels, 112 residential cottages, retail uses, restaurants, an event center/museum, recreational amenities, and parking lots (see Figure 3).

Additionally, the Project Development Area would be developed with internal roadways and a new Class I Bicycle Path. Development within the Program Study Area of the project site is not currently proposed to occur concurrently with development of the Project Development Area; however, a maximum buildout scenario is included for program level analysis in the EIR.

Two Scoping Meeting dates:

Two scoping meetings – both open to agencies, organizations, and individuals – will be held to receive public comments and suggestions on the scope of environmental issues to be studied in the EIR. The scoping meetings will be held as follows:

In-Person Tue Aug 8, 2023 6PM
An in-person scoping meeting will be held: Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Time: 6:00 PM Location: El Dorado Hills Fire Department Community Room 1050 Wilson Boulevard El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Virtual Wed Aug 9, 2023 11AM
A virtual scoping meeting will be held: Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Time: 11:00 AM Link: Call In Phone #’s: 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610 Webinar ID: 865 2121 1649

EDH APAC encourages residents to attend one or both of the planned Scoping Meetings to provide comments, questions, and concerns. Comments will be addressed as required by law in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and included in the Final Environmental Impact Report.

Project Documents

Project Documents and links are available on the EDH APAC project Document page:

Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Creekside Village Specific Plan

Review Period November 6, 2020 – December 7, 2020

County of El Dorado will be the Lead Agency and will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Creekside Village Specific Plan (proposed project) located in unincorporated El Dorado County (County). This Notice of Preparation (NOP) initiates the environmental scoping process in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations [CCR] Section 15082). The purpose of an NOP is to provide sufficient information about the proposed project and its potential environmental effects to allow public agencies, organizations, tribes and interested members of the public the opportunity to provide a meaningful response related to the scope and content of the EIR, including feasible mitigation measures and project alternatives that should be considered in the EIR.

El Dorado County is soliciting written comments from public agencies, organizations, and individuals regarding the scope and content of the environmental document. Because of time limits mandated by State law, comments should be provided no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, December 7, 2020.

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting Scheduled

El Dorado County will hold a scoping meeting to receive verbal comments regarding the scope and content of the environmental document and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. Due to COVID-19 social distance requirements, the scoping meeting will be held remotely. The meeting will be on Thursday, November 19, 2020 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.

Attendees can observe and participate via live stream of the scoping meeting by going to this website:
Attendees can also participate and join by phone: 1-669-900-6833 or 1-929-205-6099 Webinar ID 924 1489 7860

About the Project

The project site is located south of Highway 50, west of Latrobe Road and south of Investment Boulevard in the El Dorado Hills area (APN 117-010-012), see Figure 1. The project site is bordered on the north by the existing El Dorado Hills Business Park and the John Adams Academy Charter School, to the east by the Blackstone master planned community (Valley View Specific Plan), to the south by undeveloped rural residential and industrial lands, and to the west by undeveloped land in the Carson Creek Specific Plan zoned for research and development.

The project applicant proposes to develop a new 926-unit residential community located on an approximately 208-acre site. The project would include 115.9 acres of single-family low-density residential development, 21.0 acres of single-family medium-density residential development, 14.3 acres of parks, 46.3 acres of open space preserves and buffers, and 10.4 acres of roadways.

The current zoning and General Plan land use designation for the project site is Research & Development (R&D). The project would require a general plan amendment from R&D to AP – Adopted Plan and a rezone from R&D to SP – Creekside Village Specific Plan and establish a Specific Plan for Creekside Village.

The Creekside Village Specific Plan includes a single-family low-density residential land use designation that would include single-family residential, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and junior ADUs1 as well as neighborhood and community serving amenities such as parks, community clubhouses, and emergency services facilities. Low-density development would range from 4 to 8 dwelling units per gross acre, with a target dwelling unit count of 676. The single-family medium-density residential land use designation would allow for single-family dwellings, and two- and three-family dwellings as well as parks and public facilities. The draft Tentative Map includes two parcels designated for future development of medium-density residential that would range from 8 to 12 dwelling units per gross acre with a target dwelling unit count of 250.

Three parks are proposed: an 8.8-acre village park in the northeast area along Latrobe Road, a 3.3-acre neighborhood park in the south central area of the site, and a third 2.2-acre park located in the southeast corner of the site. The proposed Open Space Preserve designation would protect intermittent
drainages, seasonal wetlands, vernal pools, and ponds extending from the west to the northeast part of the project site. An Open Space buffer would be located along the western, northern, and southern borders of the site, as well as along Royal Oaks Drive.

El Dorado Hills APAC Creekside VIllage Project Douments Page
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Download NOP of DEIR [7.34 MB]

Notice Of Availability DEIR Montano de El Dorado Phase 2

The County of El Dorado Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, as the Lead Agency, has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the proposed Montano De El Dorado Phase I and II Master Plan Project.

The Project is comprised of a rezone of a 16.85 property form REGIONAL COMMERCIAL- DESIGN CONTROL (CR-DC) to REGIONAL COMMERCIAL- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CR-PD) as part of the Montano de El Dorado Development Plan. The project is located on the east side of Latrobe Road, 500 feet south of the intersection with White Rock Road.

From the County’s Notice Of Availability announcement:

DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY AND REVIEW PERIOD: This DEIR is available for public and agency review for a 45-day period beginning Saturday, May 30, 2020 and ending Monday, July 13, 2020. The purpose of this comment period is to consider the content of the DEIR and the potential environmental impacts that may result from project implementation, not the positive or negative attributes of the Project itself. Comments pertaining to the impact analysis, criteria and thresholds, mitigation measures, and alternatives presented in the DEIR will be considered by the County during preparation of the Final EIR (FEIR).

All written public and agency comments on the DEIR must be received by 5:00 PM on Monday, July 13, 2020 and should be directed to: El Dorado County Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, Attention: Tom Purciel, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667. Include the name of the contact person of your agency, if applicable.

Comments may be submitted via email to [email protected]. Comments submitted via email must either be included in the body text of the message or as an attachment in Microsoft® Word or Adobe® PDF format. Comments may also be submitted via fax to (530) 642-0508.

PUBLIC WORKSHOP: The DEIR is scheduled for a public workshop before the Planning Commission on June 25, 2020. The purpose of this workshop is to present information on the DEIR and receive public input; no action will be taken. To subscribe to Planning Commission agendas and minutes visit: and register your email address with the County’s free email subscription service. When registering, please select “Planning Commission agenda” from the list of topics provided. Planning Commission agendas are posted online no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting at: https:\

El Dorado County Notice of Availability: DEIR Montano de El Dorado Phase 2

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Download Notice Of Availability [2.40 MB]

Proposed Entitlement Requests:

  • A Rezone (Z15-0002) of the 16.85-acre Phase II property from Regional Commercial- Design Control (CR-DC) to Regional Commercial- Planned Development;
  • A Commercial Tentative Parcel Map (P15-0006) on the 16.85-acre Phase II parcel creating a total of 12 commercial lots, ranging from 0.72 acres to 3.48 acres in size, as part of the proposed Montano De El Dorado Phase 2 Development Plan; and
  • A Planned Development Permit (PD15-0004) for the existing Montano De El Dorado Phase 1 Development and the proposed Phase II expansion. The proposed Phase 2 of the development would include approximately 74,000 square feet of retail/commercial space within eight buildings, 6,000 square feet of office space, 63,000 square feet, 99-room hotel, and an amphitheater.
  • Modifications to an existing Conditional Use Permit (S17-0015) for Phase I to allow outdoor special events and office uses within existing Phase 1 and the proposed Phase II.

EDH APAC Montano de El Dorado Phase 2 Documents Page