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Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan public workshop August 8, 2024

Staff-led informational workshop presented for the public and Planning Commissioners

El Dorado County Planning Department to offer a Staff led informational workshop for the the public and Planning Commissioners to learn about the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and the Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan. The Public review period for the Draft Environmental Impact Reports for BOTH projects closed in July 2024. Both projects are expected to be scheduled for formal hearings before the Planning Commission, and then the Board of Supervisors within the next several months, with the intent to have the projects reviewed for environmental impacts, entitlements, and approvals finalized by the end of 2024.

From the Staff Report A – Staff Memo 07-15-24 PC 08-08-24

The purpose of this informational workshop includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Provide the Planning Commission and public a general overview and introduction of both
    the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan (VMVSP) and the proposed Lime
    Rock Valley Specific Plan (LRVSP) projects, including the size and scope.
  • Give a “heads-up” that these projects are in the pipeline and will soon be formally brought
    before the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation to the Board of
  • Provide an opportunity for decision-makers and the general public to ask questions share
    comments prior to a formal hearing.
  • Encourage staff to pursue additional research regarding questions from Planning
    Commissioners and the general public, so that the future formal hearing may be better
    informed and responsive to specific questions.
    The intention of this staff-led informational workshop is that it be a non-binding introduction to the
    projects for the Planning Commission in a setting less formal than a public hearing. No action nor
    recommendation to the Board of Supervisors is being sought from Planning Commissioners for this
    item at the August 8, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting.
    County CEQA Consultant, Pat Angell from Ascent Environmental will deliver most of the
    introductory presentation. Guest speakers from County Divisions and Local Agencies may deliver
    brief relevant information. The proportion of Applicant participation in delivering this introduction
    is expected to be proportional to other projects heard by the Planning Commission.

Workshop Presentation

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