Planning Commission June 27, 2024 CEQA Public Workshop Materials
Planning Commissioners to get CEQA refresher in June 27th Workshop
The El Dorado County Planning Commission, facing an aggressive project review schedule for the second half of 2024, will begin with a public workshop on the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) at this Thursday’s Planning Commission Hearing.
CEQA – long cited by development proponents and opponents alike as the reason for California’s prohibitively expensive and often litigated project approvals process – has been in place since 1970, signed into law by California Governor Ronald Reagan.
Subsequent governors and California agencies, such as City councils, County Boards of Supervisors, and more, have complained that the CEQA process is why development in California is so expensive – and why their pet projects don’t come to fruition. Truthfully, CEQA’s intent was to allow for a full public review of potential significant environmental impacts from development projects. It allows for both project applicants, and community residents, to weigh in on Environmental concerns. CEQA allows for “significant unavoidable environmental impacts” if they provide a public benefit.

The Planning Commission’s tentative project review schedule in the second half of 2024
The Planning Commission has provided to EDH APAC a tentative review schedule from their 2024 calendar. It is rather aggressive:
- June 27 CEQA training for Planning Commissioners – Planning Commissioners have asked that the workshop be made available to the public.
- July 11 Generations At Green Valley EIR presentation.
379 single-family residential lots, 1 Park lot, 1 clubhouse, 9 open space lots, 13 landscape lots, and 3 road lots on Green Valley Road in El Dorado Hills. Public Scoping Meeting was held on March 12, 2024 - July 25 Town and Country Village El Dorado EIR presentation
Two hotels, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis. Public Scoping Meeting was held in August 2024 - August 8 Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan informational.
Marble Valley SP – 2,342 acres of land consisting of approximately 3,236 dwelling units and 475,000 square feet of commercial. The project is located in between El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park area south of Highway 50. Public Scoping Meeting was held in March 2013
Lime Rock Valley SP – Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan proposes for the development of 740 acres of land consisting of approximately 800 dwelling units. The project is located south of Highway 50 in the Cameron Park area. Public Scoping Meeting was held in March 2013