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General Plan Amendment

Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan public workshop August 8, 2024

Staff-led informational workshop presented for the public and Planning Commissioners

El Dorado County Planning Department to offer a Staff led informational workshop for the the public and Planning Commissioners to learn about the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan and the Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan. The Public review period for the Draft Environmental Impact Reports for BOTH projects closed in July 2024. Both projects are expected to be scheduled for formal hearings before the Planning Commission, and then the Board of Supervisors within the next several months, with the intent to have the projects reviewed for environmental impacts, entitlements, and approvals finalized by the end of 2024.

From the Staff Report A – Staff Memo 07-15-24 PC 08-08-24

The purpose of this informational workshop includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Provide the Planning Commission and public a general overview and introduction of both
    the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan (VMVSP) and the proposed Lime
    Rock Valley Specific Plan (LRVSP) projects, including the size and scope.
  • Give a “heads-up” that these projects are in the pipeline and will soon be formally brought
    before the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation to the Board of
  • Provide an opportunity for decision-makers and the general public to ask questions share
    comments prior to a formal hearing.
  • Encourage staff to pursue additional research regarding questions from Planning
    Commissioners and the general public, so that the future formal hearing may be better
    informed and responsive to specific questions.
    The intention of this staff-led informational workshop is that it be a non-binding introduction to the
    projects for the Planning Commission in a setting less formal than a public hearing. No action nor
    recommendation to the Board of Supervisors is being sought from Planning Commissioners for this
    item at the August 8, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting.
    County CEQA Consultant, Pat Angell from Ascent Environmental will deliver most of the
    introductory presentation. Guest speakers from County Divisions and Local Agencies may deliver
    brief relevant information. The proportion of Applicant participation in delivering this introduction
    is expected to be proportional to other projects heard by the Planning Commission.

Workshop Presentation

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AKT and UC Davis Health Proposes 8000 Unit Master Plan Healthy Living Community

Development would be equally split between Sacramento County and El Dorado Hills

AKT Development and UC Davis Health submitted a proposal to both El Dorado County and the City of Folsom on Friday December 22, 2023 for a project described as a “Community for Health and Independence” that would provide a residential development for healthy senior communities, and residential housing for disabled residents. The project proposes 4000 residential housing units in Sacramento County, and 4000 residential housing units in El Dorado Hills. Parks, Schools, and commercial development would also occur in both counties – with El Dorado Hills initially planned for one Elementary/Middle School site, which would appear to be inside the boundaries of the tiny Latrobe Union School District.

The project would also feature A 200-acre UC Davis teaching, research and health complex planned as the centerpiece of the community.

The Project seeks annexation into the city of Folsom for parcels south of the Folsom City limit in Sacramento County along the Sacramento and El Dorado County lines south of White Rock Road and the future Empire Ranch Rd US50 interchange. Parcels for the in El Dorado Hills are primarily located west and south of the EDH Business Park, and the Four Seasons and Heritage residential villages. The project would also construct a roadway system that would extend from the future Empire Ranch Rd extension to White Rock Road in Sacramento County, and provide a connector road/beltway from White Rock Rd in Sacramento County south and east to Latrobe Road in El Dorado County

In El Dorado Hills, the County zoning designations for the majority of the parcels and adjacent parcels are:

  • AG-40 – Agricultutral Grazing (40 acre minimum)
  • IL – Industrial Light
  • RL-80 – Rural Lands (80 acre minimum)
  • RL-40 – Rural Lands (40 acre minimum)
  • PA-40 – Planned Agricultural (40 acre minimum)
  • LA-40 – Limited Agricultural (40 acre minimum)
  • RE-10 – Residential Estate (10 acre minimum)
EDC Parcel Zoning in East Plan Area

Project documents have not yet been posted on the El Dorado County Planning Department website, or the County ETRAKiT website.

Rough overlay image – not to scale

The City of Folsom has posted the project proposal on their website. A copy of the City of Folsom Proposal packet is also posted here on the EDH APAC website. The parcel list for the project in both Sacramento County and El Dorado County is also posted here on the EDH APAC website.

The City of Folsom website has the following description of the project, and some initial details:

Conceptual Annexation Proposal
On December 22, 2023, the City of Folsom received a conceptual annexation and development proposal from AKT and UC Davis for their “Community for Healthy Living and Independence” project. The proposed project includes land in both Sacramento and El Dorado counties. The western portion of the project, located adjacent to Folsom in unincorporated Sacramento County, includes 1,416 acres and the proposed development of 4,511 housing units along with commercial, office, and medical research uses. City staff will review the proposal and present their analysis and findings to the City Council for discussion and further direction in the next two to three months.

The proposed development area is located south of White Rock Road and adjacent to the Sacramento County border with El Dorado County. Any proposed annexation that involves a change to the City’s boundaries is subject to the review and approval of Sacramento County’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) in addition to approval by the Folsom City Council.

The details on the City of Folsom website further goes on to describe the tentative schedule:

It is anticipated that the review of the proposal will take approximately 2 to 3 months.  At the conclusion of staff analysis, an item will be brought forward to the City Council for consideration and direction to staff. A more detailed schedule will be provided in the near future.

Residential Densities

The residential housing densities proposed in the concept document vary from Low Density residential single family homes to High Density Multifamily.

Commercial, Business, Retail

The Project narrative submitted to the City of Folsom includes descriptions of development areas for work, business, and shopping.

  • Village Mixed Use | Mixed-use (MU)designated sites include retail, office, services (0.5 FAR), and residential uses (9-30du/ac)
  • Commercial + Research | The Plan includes General Commercial (GC) and Regional Commercial (RC) areas for neighborhood retail and a Lifestyle Center, as well as Industrial/Office Park (IND/OP) areas intended for Research and Development.
  • UC Davis Site/Complex | The Plan includes a large complex for UC Davis (IND/OP) that is proposed to serve as a center for the study of aging and longevity.
  • Schools | Elementary schools and a middle school (PQP) are sited within neighborhoods and will provide an employment opportunity within the community.
  • Civic Safety| Law enforcement and fire protection services are planned in the MU Village area

Transportation Plan in El Dorado County

The project envisions a new connector road from White Rock Road in Sacramento County that is identified as “Village Parkway” that would roughly travel north to south through the project area. In El Dorado County a connector road from “Village Parkway” identified as “Latrobe Connector” would cross over from Sacramento County to El Dorado County in a west to east direction providing a connection to Latrobe Road south of the EDH Business Park and the Heritage and Blackstone Villages. Another connector road, further to the south, would extend from Village Parkway eastward into El Dorado County, and is identified as “Rural Parkway”.

Plan Areas

Since the project spans across municipalities in two counties, the Sacramento County side of the project is referred to as the “West Plan Area” in the Project Narrative document, and the El Dorado County side of the project is referred to as the “East Plan Area”.

East Plan Area Land Use

The residential land use in El Dorado County proposes:

  • 295 Single Family units over 105 acres
  • 2157 Single Family High Density units over 490 acres
  • 337 Multi-Family Low Density units over 46 acres
  • 232 Multi-Family Medium Density units over 19 acres
  • 311 Multi-Family High Density units over 19 acres

The Age-Target Residential land use proposes

  • 526 Age Targeted Single Family High Density units over 119 acres
  • 144 Age Targeted Multi-Family Low Density units over 20 acres
  • 160 Age Targeted Multi-Family High Density units over 10 acres

Mixed Use land use proposes

  • 144 Mixed Use Village residential units over 32 acres

Commercial, Employment and Civic land use proposes

  • 10 acres of General Commercial use
  • 100 acres of industrial/Office Park UC Davis Health Complex
  • 15 acres of Industrial/Office Park Research
  • 10 acres for public or quasi public Schools


This project envisions 8000 housing units over 4000 acres in two counties. The applicants seek an annexation of the property in Sacramento County to the City of Folsom, requiring approval of Sacramento County LAFCO.

It would also require extensive analysis in El Dorado County for a General Plan Amendment, parcel rezones, and likely a Specific Plan, and Planned Development entitlement. The complexity is frankly very ambitious, and is expected to take several years to review and process.

As official project documents are made public in El Dorado County, EDH APAC will post and link them on a documents page for the project on the EDH APAC website.

Project Narrative Document posted to City of Folsom website

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Town and Country Village El Dorado NOP DEIR and Scoping Meetings

Two scoping meetings scheduled for August 8, and 9, 2023

El Dorado County has issued a Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Town and Country Village El Dorado development project. The project site is located north of Highway 50 east of Bass Lake Road and south of Country Club Drive.

The Project Development Area consists of the northernmost and southernmost 30.3 acres of the project site, and would be developed with two hotels, retail services, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis, which may require a conditional use permit.

A second project site of the development is “the Program Study Area” – this site consists of the central and easternmost 30.2 acres of the project site, and may include further development in the future such as additional hotels, medical facilities, senior housing, townhomes and cottages, and other uses allowed by the proposed zoning districts.

The project seeks the following entitlements:

General Plan Amendment

The General Plan Land Use Designation for the project site is Adopted Plan (AP). The General Plan designates the portion of the project site north of Country Club Drive as within the El Dorado Hills Community Region, and the area south of Country Club Drive as within the Rural Region. The proposed General Plan Amendment would modify the Community Region boundary to include the entire project site within the El Dorado Hills Community Region

Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Amendment

The existing BLHSP land use designations for the project site are L.7-PD and L.2-PD. The BLHSP designates the portion of the project site north of Country Club Drive as L.7-PD [maximum allowable density of 0.7 dwelling units per acre (du/ac)], and the portion south of Country Club Drive is designated L.2-PD (maximum allowable density of 0.2 du/ac). The requested BLHSP Amendment would establish three new land use designations for the specific plan: Commercial (C), Multi-Family Residential (MFR), and Open Space (OS). Application of these proposed new land use designations would be limited the project site. These land use designations would be allocated to the project site as follows: 26.2 acres of C, 23.0 acres of MFR, and 7.6 acres of OS. In addition to changing the land use designations of the project site, the BLHSP Amendment would include content revisions to the BLHSP itself to accommodate the proposed project. As part of the BLHSP Amendment, a Fiscal Impact Analysis and update to the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Public Facilities Financing Plan (PFFP) would be completed. The PFFP sets forth a strategy to finance the backbone infrastructure and other public facilities required to serve the proposed land uses in the BLHSP.


The current zoning designation for the entire project site is RE-10. The proposed project would require the approval of a Rezone from RE-10 to the following El Dorado County zoning districts: Community Commercial (CC), Multi-Unit Residential (RM), and Open Space (OS). Additionally, as required by the BLHSP, the Planned Development Combining District (-PD) suffix would be added to all the zoning district designations listed above.

Buildout of the Project Development Area of the project site would include two 150-room hotels, 112 residential cottages, retail uses, restaurants, an event center/museum, recreational amenities, and parking lots (see Figure 3).

Additionally, the Project Development Area would be developed with internal roadways and a new Class I Bicycle Path. Development within the Program Study Area of the project site is not currently proposed to occur concurrently with development of the Project Development Area; however, a maximum buildout scenario is included for program level analysis in the EIR.

Two Scoping Meeting dates:

Two scoping meetings – both open to agencies, organizations, and individuals – will be held to receive public comments and suggestions on the scope of environmental issues to be studied in the EIR. The scoping meetings will be held as follows:

In-Person Tue Aug 8, 2023 6PM
An in-person scoping meeting will be held: Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Time: 6:00 PM Location: El Dorado Hills Fire Department Community Room 1050 Wilson Boulevard El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Virtual Wed Aug 9, 2023 11AM
A virtual scoping meeting will be held: Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Time: 11:00 AM Link: Call In Phone #’s: 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610 Webinar ID: 865 2121 1649

EDH APAC encourages residents to attend one or both of the planned Scoping Meetings to provide comments, questions, and concerns. Comments will be addressed as required by law in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and included in the Final Environmental Impact Report.

Project Documents

Project Documents and links are available on the EDH APAC project Document page:

Notice of Public Hearing Feb 23, 2021 Carson Creek Village Specific Plan Conceptual Review

J6 Conceptual Review at the Board of Supervisors

The County of El Dorado Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing in the Supervisors Meeting Room, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 on February 23, 2021, at 1:00 p.m., to consider Pre-Application PA20-0002/Carson Creek Village Specific Plan Conceptual Review submitted by ANDREA MATARAZZO/PIONEER LAW GROUP for an Initiation Hearing (Conceptual Review) of a proposed Specific Plan that would allow medium- and high density attached and detached residential development with a potential build-out of 600 to 800 dwelling units, approximately 110,000 square feet of new commercial floor area, approximately 8.5 acres for a park and paseo site, and approximately 26.5 acres of open space. The property consisting of 98 acres, is located within the central portion of the existing El Dorado Hills Business Park, along the west side of Latrobe Road, north of the intersection with Golden Foothill Parkway

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El Dorado Hills APAC Project Document Page

Notice of Public Hearing: Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan

The County of El Dorado has issued a Notice of Public Hearing today regarding the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan. A hearing will be held at the November 14, 2019 County Planning Commission Meeting, at 8:30AM, at Building C Hearing Room, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667

The Planning Commission will consider General Plan Amendment A14-0003/Specific Plan Amendment SP12- 0002/Rezone Z14-0005/Specific Plan Amendment SP86-0002-R/Planned Development PD14-0004/Tentative Subdivision Map TM14-1516/Development Agreement DA14- 0003/Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan.

From the original project description:


Number of Lots: 1028
Project Description

Project Final Environmental Impact Report and Staff Reports

The CEDHSP Final Environmental Impact Report, and Staff Reports, are expected to be available to the public two weeks prior to the hearing.

November 13, 2019 El Dorado Hills APAC Meeting

The El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee is dedicating the entirety of our November 13, 2019 meeting to a discussion and presentation of the project, with updated changes, from the applicant, Serrano Associates.

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