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Town and Country Village El Dorado

Town & Country Village El Dorado DEIR Available

45 day public review period to end on September 9, 2024

The El Dorado Count Planning and Building Department released the Notice of Availability for the Town and Country Village El Dorado DRAFT environmental impact report on July 26, 2024. A 45 day public review period has been established to accept public comments, questions, and concerns, regarding the ENVIRONMENTAL impacts of the project. Public review comments can be submitted via email to [email protected].

This DEIR identifies that the proposed project could result in significant environmental impacts to the following CEQA topics: Aesthetics; Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Energy; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Geology and Soils; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Hydrology and Water Quality; Noise; Transportation; Tribal Cultural Resources; and Wildfire.

In the Notice of Availability, the County also details that they will conduct a meeting to receive comments regarding the content of the DEIR and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. The meeting will be held in-person with a remote option via Zoom on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the El Dorado County Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C, Placerville, CA 95667 in the Planning Commission hearing room. The Zoom meeting link is accessible at the following: – This is NOT a Planning Commission Hearing, but a presentation for the public facilitated by El Dorado County.

The project site is located in El Dorado County, California, approximately 500 feet north of U.S. Highway 50, east of Bass Lake Road. The approximately 60.5-acre site is identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 119-080-12, -021 and -023. The project site is located in the southern central portion of the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan (BLHSP); the northern portion of the project site is located within the Community Region of the El Dorado County General Plan, and the southern portion of the site is located within the Rural Region.

The project site includes two areas: the Project Development Area and the Program Study Area. The Project Development Area consists of the northernmost and southernmost 30.3 acres of the project site, and would be developed with two hotels, retail services, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis. The Program Study Area consists of the central and easternmost 30.2 acres of the project site, and may include future development of additional hotels, medical facilities, senior housing, townhomes and cottages, and other uses allowed by the proposed zoning districts. Development within the Program Study Area of the project site is not currently proposed; however, a maximum buildout scenario is included for program level analysis in the EIR. Vehicle access to the project site would be provided by private roads connecting to Bass Lake Road to the west and to Country Club Drive to the north. In addition to on-site utility improvements, full buildout of the proposed project would require installation of off-site water, sewer, and natural gas utilities within Bass Lake Road, other nearby roads, and with respect to the sewer line, generally to the west along Old Bass Lake Road/Lincoln Highway towards Carson Creek.

The proposed project would require approval of:
A General Plan Amendment
BLHSP Amendment
BLHSP Public Facilities Financing Plan Amendment
Planned Development
Tentative Subdivision Map
Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Other responsible agency approvals (e.g., El Dorado LAFCO related to annexation of the project site into EID’s service area).

Project documents available on EDH APAC Project Documents Page

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Applicant presentation scheduled for September 4, 2024 EDH APAC Meeting

Town and Country Village El Dorado NOP DEIR and Scoping Meetings

Two scoping meetings scheduled for August 8, and 9, 2023

El Dorado County has issued a Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Town and Country Village El Dorado development project. The project site is located north of Highway 50 east of Bass Lake Road and south of Country Club Drive.

The Project Development Area consists of the northernmost and southernmost 30.3 acres of the project site, and would be developed with two hotels, retail services, two restaurants, a museum, an event center, associated parking, 56 residential cottages for employee housing, and an additional 56 residential cottages that may be rented on a daily or extended stay basis, which may require a conditional use permit.

A second project site of the development is “the Program Study Area” – this site consists of the central and easternmost 30.2 acres of the project site, and may include further development in the future such as additional hotels, medical facilities, senior housing, townhomes and cottages, and other uses allowed by the proposed zoning districts.

The project seeks the following entitlements:

General Plan Amendment

The General Plan Land Use Designation for the project site is Adopted Plan (AP). The General Plan designates the portion of the project site north of Country Club Drive as within the El Dorado Hills Community Region, and the area south of Country Club Drive as within the Rural Region. The proposed General Plan Amendment would modify the Community Region boundary to include the entire project site within the El Dorado Hills Community Region

Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Amendment

The existing BLHSP land use designations for the project site are L.7-PD and L.2-PD. The BLHSP designates the portion of the project site north of Country Club Drive as L.7-PD [maximum allowable density of 0.7 dwelling units per acre (du/ac)], and the portion south of Country Club Drive is designated L.2-PD (maximum allowable density of 0.2 du/ac). The requested BLHSP Amendment would establish three new land use designations for the specific plan: Commercial (C), Multi-Family Residential (MFR), and Open Space (OS). Application of these proposed new land use designations would be limited the project site. These land use designations would be allocated to the project site as follows: 26.2 acres of C, 23.0 acres of MFR, and 7.6 acres of OS. In addition to changing the land use designations of the project site, the BLHSP Amendment would include content revisions to the BLHSP itself to accommodate the proposed project. As part of the BLHSP Amendment, a Fiscal Impact Analysis and update to the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Public Facilities Financing Plan (PFFP) would be completed. The PFFP sets forth a strategy to finance the backbone infrastructure and other public facilities required to serve the proposed land uses in the BLHSP.


The current zoning designation for the entire project site is RE-10. The proposed project would require the approval of a Rezone from RE-10 to the following El Dorado County zoning districts: Community Commercial (CC), Multi-Unit Residential (RM), and Open Space (OS). Additionally, as required by the BLHSP, the Planned Development Combining District (-PD) suffix would be added to all the zoning district designations listed above.

Buildout of the Project Development Area of the project site would include two 150-room hotels, 112 residential cottages, retail uses, restaurants, an event center/museum, recreational amenities, and parking lots (see Figure 3).

Additionally, the Project Development Area would be developed with internal roadways and a new Class I Bicycle Path. Development within the Program Study Area of the project site is not currently proposed to occur concurrently with development of the Project Development Area; however, a maximum buildout scenario is included for program level analysis in the EIR.

Two Scoping Meeting dates:

Two scoping meetings – both open to agencies, organizations, and individuals – will be held to receive public comments and suggestions on the scope of environmental issues to be studied in the EIR. The scoping meetings will be held as follows:

In-Person Tue Aug 8, 2023 6PM
An in-person scoping meeting will be held: Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Time: 6:00 PM Location: El Dorado Hills Fire Department Community Room 1050 Wilson Boulevard El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Virtual Wed Aug 9, 2023 11AM
A virtual scoping meeting will be held: Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Time: 11:00 AM Link: Call In Phone #’s: 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610 Webinar ID: 865 2121 1649

EDH APAC encourages residents to attend one or both of the planned Scoping Meetings to provide comments, questions, and concerns. Comments will be addressed as required by law in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and included in the Final Environmental Impact Report.

Project Documents

Project Documents and links are available on the EDH APAC project Document page: