Creekside Village Specific Plan Scoping Meeting September 26, 2023
El Dorado County Planning and Building Department issues Notice of Second Scoping meeting and early consultation with public for Draft EIR
The El Dorado County Planning Department has provided a Notice of a second Public Scoping Meeting for the proposed Creekside Village development located along Latrobe Road in El Dorado Hills. The first Public Scoping meeting was held virtually on November 19, 2020 regarding the proposed 208 acre site that would feature up to 918 units of low and medium density single family residential development. Following that November 2020 Scoping meeting, the County held a 30 day public comment period, with the expectation that the Draft Environmental Impact Report analysis would begin. However in October 2021 the applicants requested that the project application be placed on hold. Following this, Dermody Development sought to purchase the project site for the proposed Project Frontier 4-plus million square foot distribution center. With the withdrawal of the Project Frontier application, the property owner has engaged in discussions with multiple area Home Owners Associations to gather feedback regarding their previous residential project. Those discussions have led the property owner to reactivate their Creekside Village residential project.

The Scoping meeting is scheduled for September 26th from 6:00PM to 7:00PM at El Dorado Hills Fire Station 85, located at 1050 Wilson Blvd in El Dorado Hills.
Additionally, residents may attend the meeting virtually via Zoom –
A phone-in option is also available: 1-530-621-7603 or 1-530-621-7610 (Webinar ID: 857 5066 7220).
From the Public Notice of the Second Scoping Meeting
The previously issued Notice of Preparation, including a description of the Project, maps showing the location of the Project south of Highway 50, west of Latrobe Road, and south of Investment Boulevard in the El Dorado Hills area (APN 117-010-032 and a portion of APN 117-010-031; previously numbered APN 117-010-012), and probable environmental effects of the
Project, is available at: The project applicant proposes to develop a 918-unit residential community located on an approximately 208-acre site. The Project remains consistent with the description in the Notice of preparation with minor revisions, including the addition of an approximately 1.8-acre neighborhood commercial area in response to requests from the community to add a small neighborhood commercial component and the removal of 8
proposed units. The project would include 115.8 acres of single-family low-density residential development, 20.8 acres of single-family medium-density residential development, 13.6 acres of parks, 44.8 acres of open space preserves and buffers, 1.8 acre of neighborhood commercial, and 11.1 acres of roadways.At the second scoping meeting and early public consultation, El Dorado County will receive verbal comments regarding the Project and scope and content of the Draft Environmental Impact Report and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. Written comments may also be provided no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 12, 2023, and
should include “Creekside Village NOP Comment” in the subject line. Written comments may be sent to:Anna Leanza, Senior Planner
County of El Dorado Planning Division
2850 Fairlane Court
Placerville, CA 95667
Email: [email protected]
Project Documents
Project Documents can be found in El Dorado County’s TRAKiT permit tracking website, accessible with a required FREE user account at
Copies of the available project documents can be found on the EDH APAC Project Documents page: