Montano de El Dorado Phase 2 Public Hearing March 25th
The County of El Dorado Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 25, 2021 at 8:30AM to consider:
Rezone Z15-0002/Tentative Parcel Map P15-0006/Planned Development PD15-0004/ Conditional Use Permit S17-0015/Montano De El Dorado Phase I and II Master Plan submitted by MONTANO VENTURE 2, LLC to: 1) Rezone (Z15-0002) from Regional Commercial – Community Design Review Combining Zone (CR-DC) to Regional Commercial – Planned Development Combining Zone (CR-PD); 2) Commercial Tentative Parcel Map (P15-0006) on Assessor’s Parcel No. 118-010-012 to create a total of 12 commercial parcels from an existing 16.85-acre parcel, ranging from 0.72 acres to 3.48 acres in size, as part of proposed Phase II of the Montano De El Dorado Master Plan; 3) Planned Development (PD15-0004) to establish a Development Plan for the existing Montano De El Dorado Phase 1 development and the proposed Phase II expansion. Phase I consists of an existing commercial center, consisting of five buildings, on the 20.1-acre project site with a combined total of 39,645 square feet of floor area. Existing uses include retail stores, restaurants, and a bank. The proposed Phase II expansion consists of nine additional commercial buildings with a combined total of approximately 80,000 square feet of retail, restaurant, commercial and office uses, a 55,136 square foot, 100-room hotel, a small community pavilion and on-site parking, lighting, signage and landscaping; and 4) Conditional Use Permit (S17-0015) to allow outdoor special events and office uses within existing Phase I and proposed Phase II of the Montano De El Dorado Master Plan. The properties, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 118-010-012, 118-010-014, 118-010-015, and 118-010-016, consisting of 20.1 acres, is located approximately 0.5 mile south of U.S. Highway 50 on the east side of Latrobe Road at the intersection with White Rock Road, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 2. (County Planner: Tom Purciel, 530-621-5903) [An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2017072027) consisting of a Draft EIR and Final EIR has been prepared for the project]
County Staff Reports and the project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) as referenced in the Public Notice, have not yet been made available on the County’s Legistar website, or on the County’s eTRAKiT website. Project Documents are typically available about two weeks prior to a public hearing.
Any written correspondence should be directed to the County of El Dorado Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667 or via e-mail:
To ensure delivery to the Commission prior to the hearing, written information from the public is encouraged to be submitted by Thursday the week prior to the meeting. Planning Services cannot guarantee that any FAX or mail received the day of the Commission meeting will be delivered to the Commission prior to any action.
The EDH APAC Project Documents Page is HERE