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APAC March 14, 2018 Meeting Agenda Available Online

The El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee has posted the Agenda for the March 14, 2018 meeting, to be held at the El Dorado Hills Community Services District Norm Rowett Pavilion at 1021 Harvard Way in El Dorado Hills CA.

Some Topics to be covered

Guest Speakers- Louis Mansour of the Mansour Company, updating us on Town Center West, and the TCW Apartments

Supervisor Communications: Supervisor John Hidahl

EDH APAC VOTE: Cleanup Amendments to the APAC Guidelines with respect to posting of Agendas and the start of term for APAC officers.

UPDATE- Serrano Village J Lot H – Planning Commission Hearing scheduled for April 12, 2018 at 8:00AM.

***UPDATED Tuesday March 13, 2018: Amended two additional Projects***

PA18-0001 First Rate Storage Rossmore Lane area – Pre Application for Self Storage Facility on 5.5 acres off Rossmore Lane, east of Town Center.

El Dorado Hills Business Park Owners Association Proposal to De-Annex 207 Acres Owned by DST at the south end of the Business Park, for potential residential housing.

Download FULL Agenda HERE [377.48 KB]


Saratoga Retail Fast Food And Town Center Apartments Projects Back At Planning Commission Jan 11, 2018

The January 11 2018 meeting of the El Dorado County Planning Commission will feature the return of two El Dorado Hills Projects as separate hearings for Planning Commission approval.

The Planning Commissioners will consider Findings for denial for the Saratoga Retail project DR08-0003-R, that was conceptually denied by the Planning Commission on December 14, 2017. Commissioners will be voting to accept the Findings for Denial as presented by County Planning Staff. This project is a Design Review Revision, seeking to alter the original 2008 approved plan, by reducing over-all building square footage, and splitting the previously approved two buildings (buildings 2 and 3) into 3 buildings (buildings 2A, 2B, and 3 ) and adding two drive through fast food restaurants.

For the second El Dorado Hills project, the the Planning Commissioners will conduct a hearing to consider the El Dorado Hills Apartments project at Town Center East: A16-0001, Z16-0004, SP86-0002-R-3, PD94-0004-R-3. This project was continued from the December 14 2017 meeting at the request of the project applicant, the EDH APAC, and area residents, to allow additional time to fully review the project Final Environment Impact Report. This project is seeking approval to construct a 214 unit apartment complex, comprised of two 4-story apartment buildings, and a 5-story parking garage at the corner or Town Center Blvd and Vine Street.

The project needs to be granted four entitlements:

  1. General Plan Amendment adding a new Policy (Policy under Objective 2.2.6 (Site Specific Policy Section) to increase the maximum residential density allowed in the General Plan from 24 dwelling units per acre to a maximum of 47 dwelling units per acre specifically for the 4.565-acre project site within the TCE Planned Development area identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 121-290-60, 61, and 62.
  2. El Dorado Hills Specific Plan Amendment incorporating multi-family residential use, density, and related standards for the project site. The project site would be designated as “Urban Infill Residential” within the Village T area of the EDHSP Plan.
  3. Rezoning of the project site from General Commercial-Planned Development (CG-PD) to Multi-Family Residential-Planned Development (RM-PD) and revisions to the RM-zone district development standards applicable to the proposed 214-unit apartment project
  4. Revision to the approved Town Center East Development Plan incorporating multi-family residential use, density, and related design and development standards for the proposed 214-unit apartment project within Planning Area 2 of the TCE Plan area.

Residents can submit public comments on these projects as late Wednesday January 10, 2018

Agenda Item 2
Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department presenting Findings for Denial for the Saratoga Retail project (Design Review Revision DR08-0003-R) on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 120-690-07 and 120-690-08, consisting of 1.71 acres, in the El Dorado Hills area, that was conceptually denied by the Planning Commission on December 14, 2017; and staff recommending the Planning Commission take the following action: 1) Deny Design Review Revision DR08-0003-R based on the Findings for Denial as presented. (Supervisorial District 1)

Address public comments to:
County Planner Efren Sanchez [ ]
Please be certain to cc:
As well as the Clerk of the Planning Commission, Char Tim [ ]

Agenda Item 5
Hearing to consider the El Dorado Hills Apartments project (General Plan Amendment A16-0001/Rezone Z16-0004/Specific Plan Revision SP86-0002-R-3/Planned Development Revision PD94-0004-R-3) on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 121-290-60, 121-290-61, and 121-290-62, consisting of 4.56 acres, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by The Spanos Corporation; and staff recommending the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors take the following actions: 1) Certify the Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 201704217) based on the Findings presented; 2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15074(d), incorporated as Conditions of Approval; 3) Approve A16-0001 adding a new policy under Objective 2.2.6 (Site Specific Policy Section) in the General Plan increasing the maximum residential density allowed in the General Plan from 24 dwelling units/acre to a maximum of 47 dwelling units/acre for the 4.565-acre site within the Town Center East Planned Development

Address public comments to:
County Planner Mel Pabalinas [ ]
Please be certain to cc:
As well as the Clerk of the Planning Commission, Char Tim [ ]

Meeting Agenda
El Dorado County Legistar Calendar Links
Event Details

Planning Commission To Hold Hearings on THREE El Dorado Hills Projects Dec 14 2017

The El Dorado County Planning Commission has scheduled to hold hearings on three significant projects impacting El Dorado Hills, on December 14 2017, starting at 8:30AM in Placerville. The order of the hearings has not been determined. Public Comment NEEDS TO BE RECEIVED no later than December 13 2017.

Event details HERE

El Dorado Hills Apartments at Town Center East APAC FILES HERE
The project applicant is seeking four distinct entitlements:
(1) General Plan Amendment adding a new policy under Objective 2.2.6 (Site Specific Policy Section) increasing the maximum residential density allowed in the General Plan from 24 dwelling units/acre to a maximum of 47 dwelling units/acre for the 4.565-acre site within the Town Center East Planned Development area identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 121-290-60, 121-290-61, and 121-290-62;
(2) El Dorado Hills Specific Plan Amendment incorporating multifamily residential use, density, and related standards for the apartment project. The project site would be designated as “Urban Infill Residential” within the Village T area of the El Dorado Hills Specific Plan;
(3) Rezone of project site from General Commercial-Planned Development (CG-PD) to  multifamily Residential-Planned Development (RM-PD) and revisions to the Multifamily Residential zone district development standards applicable to the proposed 214-unit apartment complex; and
(4) Revisions to the approved Town Center East Development Plan incorporating multifamily residential use, density, and related design and development standards for the proposed 214-unit apartment complex within Planning Area 2 of the Town Center East Development Plan.
The proposed apartment complex would be contained in two 4-story, 60-foot-tall buildings and a 5-level, 60-foot-tall parking garage and other on-site amenities. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 121-290-60, 121-290-61, and 121-290-62, consisting of 4.56 acres, is located on the northwest corner of Town Center Blvd. and Vine Street, within the Town Center East Planned Commercial Center, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 1. (County Planner: Mel Pabalinas) (Environmental Impact Report prepared, State Clearinghouse No. 201704217)

EDH APAC voted 7-0 non-support for this project in August 2017

Public comments can be submitted on the project by December 13, 2017
Address public comments to :
County Planner Mel Pabalinas [ ]
Please be certain to cc:
As well as the Clerk of the Planning Commission, Char Tim [ ]


Saratoga Retail (previously The Shops at El Dorado Hills) APAC FILES HERE
The Planning Commission is considering an application for a Design Review Revision- to add one building and reduce square footage by 6,907 square feet from Design Review DR08-0003/The Shops at El Dorado Hills, that was originally approved by the Planning Commission in 2009 with 3 buildings totaling 30,628 square feet. Phase 1 has been constructed as a Walgreens (13,263 square feet). Phase 2 is proposed to be 3 buildings totaling 10,458 square feet consisting of: one 2,800 square foot restaurant with a drive-thru lane; one 3,000 square foot retail commercial building; and one 4,658 square foot restaurant with a drive-thru lane. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 120-690-07 and 120-690-08, consisting of 1.71 acres, is located on the west side of El Dorado Hills Boulevard, south of the intersection with Saratoga Way, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 1. (County Planner: Efren Sanchez) (Negative Declaration prepared)*

*This is a notice of intent to adopt the negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration that has been prepared for this project and which may be reviewed and/or obtained in the County of El Dorado Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667, during normal business hours or online at A negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration is a document filed to satisfy CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act). This document states that there are no significant environmental effects resulting from the project, or that conditions have been proposed which would mitigate or reduce potential negative effects to an insignificant level.

EDH APAC sent this letter to El Dorado County Community Development Agency / Development Services Department, Planning Division on August 31 2017 – no response has been received.

November 9 2017 Proposed Negative Declaration and Initial Study DR08-0003-R (506 pages)

Public comments can be submitted on the project by December 13, 2017
Address public comments to :
County Planner Efren Sanchez [ ]
Please be certain to cc:
As well as the Clerk of the Planning Commission, Char Tim [ ]


El Dorado Hills Memory Care (The Pavilions) APAC FILES HERE
The County of El Dorado Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider Planned Development PD16-0003/El Dorado Hills Memory Care (The Pavilions) submitted by FAMILY REAL PROPERTY for a Planned Development permit to allow the construction and operation of a 64-bed, single-story, 38,784 square-foot memory care facility. The project includes a maximum of 42 parking stalls (including 12 reserve stalls), landscaping, and three monument signs. The facility will be accessed from Francisco Drive and Cambria Way. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 124-140-33, consisting of 6.85 acres, is located on the southwest corner of Green Valley Road and Francisco Drive, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 1. (County Planner: Mel Pabalinas) (Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared)*
The draft mitigated negative declaration for the PD16-0003 project addresses environmental issues including Aesthetic/Visual, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Drainage/Absorption, Flood Plain/Flooding, Forest Land/Fire Hazard, Geologic/Seismic, Noise, Public Services/Facilities, Traffic/Circulation, Vegetation, Water Quality, Wetland/Riparian, and Land Use. No hazardous waste sites are located within the vicinity of the project. Mitigation has been identified which would reduce potentially significant impacts to a level of insignificance.

*This is a notice of intent to adopt the negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration that has been prepared for this project and which may be reviewed and/or obtained in the County of El Dorado Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667, during normal business hours or online at A negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration is a document filed to satisfy CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act). This document states that there are no significant environmental effects resulting from the project, or that conditions have been proposed which would mitigate or reduce potential negative effects to an insignificant level. The public review period for the negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration set forth in CEQA for this project is thirty days, beginning November 14, 2017, and ending December 13, 2017.

Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study_PD16-0003
Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study_Attachments A-O_PD16-0003
Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study_Attachments P-S_PD16-0003
Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study_Attachment T_PD16-0003

Public comments can be submitted on the project by December 13, 2017
Address public comments to :
County Planner Mel Pabalinas [ ]
Please be certain to cc:
As well as the Clerk of the Planning Commission, Char Tim [ ]

APAC Meeting Coverage – Village Life

The El Dorado Hills Village Life has a new article regarding the August 9 2017 APAC meeting, focusing on the El Dorado Hills Apartments at Town Center East.

From the article:

A Stockton-based developer went back to the architectural drawing board to reduce the density of its original plans for the apartment complex proposed on a vacant 4.6-acre lot in the heart of El Dorado Hills Town Center.

Voting members of the Area Planning Advisory Committee, which studies land use projects and gives recommendations to the El Dorado County Planning Commission, voted against the project last Wednesday night and encouraged the Planning Commission to do the same. Planning commissioners received a project presentation last Thursday but did not vote.

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors will ultimately vote to approve or deny the El Dorado Hills Apartments project, which needs a General Plan amendment since the project calls for 47 dwelling units per acre. The parcel’s current General Plan land use designation allows a maximum of 24. When the project was first proposed in 2014 developers designed it with 56 units per acre. The four-story luxury apartment complex is 15 percent less dense today, with 214 units, ranging from studio to one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments.

Representatives from developer Spanos Corporation spoke at an APAC meeting last Wednesday night inside El Dorado Hills Fire Station 85 ahead of the vote. The project would consist of two, four-story apartment buildings, outdoor recreation areas and an informal open space area. There would also be a five-story parking structure that would house 411 enclosed parking spaces for residents, 22 motorcycle spaces and 54 guest spaces.

Spanos Corp. Division Manager Jeff Morgan said, “We went back to the drawing board. We believe in this project.” He described it as “Old World architecture,” blending in with Town Center’s aesthetics.

Morgan, citing a change in the market since 2014, declined to share expected rents, only saying, “Rents would be competitive.”

Three years ago Spanos Corp. officials said rents would range between $1,600 to $2,200 per month.

El Dorado Hills resident John Davey read a committee report of non-support written by El Dorado Hills Community Council members who extensively studied the project. The first concern was that the project would “nearly double the density under the General Plan,” Davey said. “This would set a precedent.”

Davey said the committee was also concerned about traffic. Several residents in the audience Wednesday night asked questions, uneasy that 54 guest spots wouldn’t be enough and would impact the already limited parking in Town Center.

Morgan said the development company “used historical data” to determine how many guest spaces are needed. “It’s a substantial number,” he added. “This parking ratio works well in our other communities.” When asked, Morgan said Spanos does not have a similar project in the greater Sacramento area but has many across the country.

Davey read the next concern, regarding whether the project would “revitalize” Town Center as a place where people would live, work and play. “We don’t buy the argument,” he said. “There is no job center here. People who live in the complex would most likely be commuting to Sacramento or somewhere else to work.”

Davey continued that the complex “doesn’t address our affordable housing issue” in El Dorado Hills, adding, “This isn’t it. Luxury and affordable are at odds.”

There were also concerns about noise and the potential loss of community events, such as the Santa Run, fireworks, concerts and farmers market.

“How will this benefit the community?” Davey read from the report. A hotel was once planned for the vacant lot, but with this plan, “Transient Occupancy Taxes would continue going to Folsom.”

While Davey, and then APAC members, thanked Spanos representatives for working on reducing density and for coming to the meeting, he ended by saying, “We don’t believe this project is the cure-all for the ails of Town Center.”

Voting members of APAC agreed. At the end of the meeting they voted 7-0 against approval of the project, citing traffic as their “biggest issue.”

Read the full article at the El Dorado Hills Village Life website


EDH APAC August 9 2017 Meeting

APAC held it’s August 2017 meeting at the EDH Fire Department Headquarters at Station 85 Wednesday evening, August 9, 2017.

A presentation was made by Kirk Bone and Andrea Howard of Parker Development/ Serrano Associates, regarding the 12 plus acre park site at Village J, Lot H. This is the final park facility that was required in the original Serrano Development Agreements. The park will be funded partially with Mello Roos fees that have been collected expressly for the purpose of creating park spaces in Serrano. The park will be designed in conjunction withe the EL Dorado Hills Community Services District (CSD), who will accept ownership of the property, and manage the park.  El Dorado Hills CSD General Manager Kevin Loewen also provided some information regarding combining Lot H facilities to the existing CSD Sellwood Field, as well as potential opportunities with adjoining property at the site currently owned by the El Dorado Irrigation District, Rescue Union School District, and El Dorado County. No definitive time line is set, but as the project moves through design stages, more information will be available to the public, and input from EDH residents is welcomed.

A presentation was made by El Dorado Fire Department Deputy Chief Operations Mike Lilienthal on the proposed EDH Fire Department Training Facility next to Station 87 in the EDH Business Park. The Fire Department has a special use permit to operate a training facility on the site, which was granted in 2009, and expires in 2018. Deputy Chief Lilienthal presented cost saving changes the plan has undergone in the past several years, and indicated that the focus of the facility has changed from a regional training center, to a narrower basic firefighther training facility for EDH Fire Department employees, with the opportunity to also have training available for other fire agencies.

A presentation was made by representatives of the Spanos Corporation on the proposed El Dorado Hills Apartments at Town Center, highlighting changes and improvements made to the design from the original 2014 project. The project consists of 214 units, in two four story buildings, with a five story parking garage in the center. The focus is luxury apartments that leverage the shopping and services that benefit the project inside Town Center East. The Spanos Corporation representatives followed up the presentation with a question and answer session for El Dorado Hills residents. Following this, the APAC Subcommittee studying the DEIR of the project made a short presentation of the results of their report. The subcommittee recommended non-support of the project as currently presented. A motion was made for the full Area Planning Advisory Committee to accept the Subcommittee recommendation of non-support, and this passed 7 -0.

The full Subcommittee report is available HERE

The letter to El Dorado County Planning and Development Services notifying the County of the vote of non-support can be seen HERE

The August 9 2017 APAC Meeting Minutes are available HERE

El Dorado Hills Apartments At Town Center Project Initial Consultation Notification

The El Dorado County Community Development Service Planning And Building Department has issued the following Initial Consultation notice to concerned agencies in El Dorado County, regarding the proposed General Plan Amendment A16-0001, Specific Plan Amendment SP86-0002-R, Rezone Z16-0004, and Revision to Planned Development Permit PD94-0004R for the El Dorado Hills Apartments at Town Center East.

August 4, 2017
Please find enclosed the Project Consultation information for your review and comment regarding the following application:
General Plan Amendment (A16-0001), Specific Plan Amendment (SP86-0002-R), Rezone (Z16-0004), Revision to Planned Development Permit (PD94-0004-R)/EL DORADO HILLS APARTMENTS (David Pick Family PTN LP/The Spanos Corporation/TSD Engineering): Proposed El Dorado Hills Apartments consisting of the following entitlements requests:1) General Plan Amendment adding a new policy under objective 2.2.6 (site specific policy section) increasing the maximum residential density allowed in the general plan from 24 dwelling units/acre to a maximum of 47 dwelling units/acre for the 4.565-acre site within the town center east planned development area. 2) El Dorado Hills Specific Plan Amendment incorporating multifamily residential use, density, and related development standards for the project site. Subject site would be designated as “Urban Infill Residential” within the Village T area of the El Dorado Hills Specific Plan; 3) Rezone of project site from General Commercial-Planned Development (CG-PD) to Multifamily Residential-Planned Development (RM-PD) and revisions to the RM-zone district development standards applicable to the proposed 214-unit apartment complex development plan; and 4) Revision to the approved Town Center East Development Plan incorporating multifamily residential use, density, and related design and development standards for the proposed 214-unit apartment complex within Planning Area 2 of the Town Center East Development Plan. The proposed apartment complex would be contained in a maximum 4-story, 60-foot-tall building with a 5-story, 60-foot-tall parking garage and other amenities. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 121-290-60, -61, -62, consists of 4.6 acres, is located at the northwest corner of Town Center Blvd and Vine Street within the El Dorado Hills Town Center, in the El Dorado Hills area.
Project information is available for review online:

Please note that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), analyzing the potential project environmental impacts, has been prepared and may also be accessed from the web link provided above.

Review and comment by your agency is requested for consideration by the County during application processing in order to develop conditions of approval for the project. Your agency’s written responses must be received by the Planning Services no later than September 4, 2017. If we do not receive written correspondence from your agency by that date, we will assume your agency has no comment and your agency’s concerns may not be reflected in our recommendations.

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will meet on September 11, 2017 to take one or more of the following actions; 1) Determine Final project conditions and/or, 2) Confirm the public hearing date. The meeting will be held in the El Dorado County Planning Commission Conference Room, at 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA. Please call this office one week prior to the meeting for the scheduled time. Technical Advisory Committee meetings are for agency discussion with the applicant and/or agent only. Other interested individuals may obtain project information by contacting the project planner.
If you have questions or need additional information, please call Planning Services office at (530) 621-5355.

To review the full project information, visit the project status page on the El Dorado County website here

This project will be one of the issues discussed at the August 9 2017 EDH APAC Meeting at Fire Station 85 on Wilson Blvd in EDH at 7PM.

EDH APAC Seeks Review Period Extension for El Dorado Hills Apartments DEIR

The El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee requested a thirty day extension of the review period of the lengthy El Dorado Hills Apartments at Town Center Draft Environmental Impact Report ( File No. A16-0001, SP86-0002-R-3, Z16-0004, and PD94-0004-R-3 ), scheduled to be completed on August 14, 2017.

The El Dorado County Community Development Services Planning And Building Department has responded with a fifteen day extension period. The public review period will now end on August 30, 2017.

To implement the proposed development, the applicant is requesting an amendment to the El Dorado County General Plan (File No. A16-0001), an amendment to the existing El Dorado Hills Specific Plan (File No. SP86-0002-R3), a rezone of the project site (File No. Z16-0004), and a revision of the approved Town Center East Development Plan (File No. PD94-0004-R3.

The application status, and the DEIR can be viewed online here



El Dorado Hills Apartments At Town Center 2017

From  EDC Planning Services




Revised Applications_A16-0001,Z16-0004,PD94-0004-R-3,SP86-0002-R-3


Application Packet




Click here for the Draft Environmental Impact Report