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EDH APAC Comments on Third and Fourth Quarter 2024 Project Review Schedule

Letter submitted July 3rd.

The Officers of the El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee (EDH APAC) submitted a letter expressing concerns about the tentative review schedule of multiple projects impacting El Dorado Hills in the third and fourth quarters of 2024.

Adequate time for thoughtful project review and analysis along with input from residents results in projects that offer increased benefits for a community to better balance against potential negative impacts.

The El Dorado County Planning and Building Department must operate in a manner that adheres to both state law, as well as El Dorado County policies and ordinances, in a process that respects the rights of project applicants, and County residents. EDH APAC recognizes that Planning and Building Staff have a challenging task to respond to both developers and the community. EDH APAC is grateful for the collaborative manner that County Staff conducts project review, and the amount of assistance that Staff generously provides to EDH APAC volunteers, and the community.

Please note that the letter contains a typo regarding the date of the Town & Country Village El Dorado Scoping meeting date – the letter indicates August 2024, when in fact the Scoping meeting was held in August 2023.

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Download EDH APAC Comment Letter [168.88 KB]

Stormwater Resource Plan -SWRP- For El Dorado County West Slope

El Dorado County has released the following regarding the process underway by the El Dorado County Water Agency, in conjunction with El Dorado County, and the City of Placerville – Public Comments can be submitted up to February 26, 2018

The El Dorado County Water Agency, in collaboration with El Dorado County and the City of Placerville, is developing a stormwater resource plan (SWRP) for the West Slope of El Dorado County.

The SWRP is a watershed-based comprehensive strategic document that summarizes a renewed approach to watershed resource planning and stormwater runoff management in the County. The plan will also incorporate prioritized actions, affordability considerations, and nexus to other related resource planning and implementation efforts to support efficient and responsible implementation.

The SWRP is available for review at The above-mentioned Agencies are seeking public comments on the SWRP from January 26, 2018 to February 26, 2018.

Please provide any comments to the plan during this period using the comment log on the webpage and submit them to by February 26, 2018.

Click HERE to review the Stormwater Resource Plan

El Dorado County Department Of Transportation Current Projects Update

The El Dorado County Department of Transportation has just updated their current projects status web page.

The page also has links for a El Dorado County Capital Improvement Program (CIP) interactive map

And a link  to a comprehensive project list page.

The status pages includes updates on the following projects:

Road Projects

EDC Board of Supervisors Sep 26 2017 Meeting Minutes Now Available Online

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors September 26 2017 meeting minutes are now available online.

In Video Recording format HERE – PDF format is included on the same page.

The downloadable PDF version is available HERE.

Also available in the APAC Documents section HERE


Of note to El Dorado Hills residents

Agenda Item 5:    APPROVED 5-0
File No. 17-0829
County Counsel recommending the Board order the Auditor-Controller to process a journal entry transferring the amount of $1,738,070.04 from the El Dorado Hills Community Services District Development Impact Mitigation Fee Account (8963117) to the operating account designated by the District. FUNDING: El Dorado Hills Community Services District Development Impact Mitigation Fees.

File No. 17-1062
County Counsel recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Defense, Indemnity, and Hold Harmless Agreement between the County of El Dorado and El Dorado Hills Community Services District relating to the transfer of park and recreation development impact mitigation fees in the amount of $1,738,070.04 and any subsequent transfers to the El Dorado Hills Community Services District. FUNDING: El Dorado Hills Community Services District Development Impact Mitigation Fee Account (8963117).

El Doardo County Board of Supervisors Sep 19 2017 Meeting

The Agenda for the regular meeting of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on September 19, 2017 is now available online (Legistar Calendar)

PDF Link

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

Agenda item 19 
File 17-0406
BUDGET HEARING – Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board open the Budget Hearing, scheduled for September 19, 2017, commencing at 9:00 a.m., to consider adoption of the County of El Dorado Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/18 and direct staff to return on September 26, 2017 with a Budget Resolution and revised Personnel Allocation Resolution based on discussion and direction received during the Budget Hearing. (Est. Time: 2 Hr.)

Agenda item 22 
File 16-0195
HEARING – To consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Hawk View Residential Project (Development Agreement DA16-0001), for a Development Agreement to extend the Hawk View Tentative Map approval of 114 residential lots for a period of 10 years, on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 115-040-16 consisting of 40 acres in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Lennar Winncrest, LLC; and Planning staff recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Adopt Ordinance 5062 approving Development Agreement DA16-0001 (Attachment 4A); and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Development Agreement with Lennar Winncrest, LLC (Attachment 4B). (Supervisorial District 1) (Est. Time: 10 Min.)

Agenda item 23
File 16-0198
HEARING – To consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Bell Ranch Residential Project (Development Agreement DA16-0003), for a Development Agreement to extend the Bell Ranch Tentative Map approval of 113 residential lots for a period of 10 years, on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 119-020-52 consisting of 112 acres in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Lennar Winncrest, LLC; and Planning staff recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Adopt Ordinance 5063 approving Development Agreement DA16-0003 (Attachment 4A); and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Development Agreement with Lennar Winncrest, LLC (Attachment 4B). (Supervisorial District 2) (Est. Time: 10 Min.)

Agenda item 24
File 16-0199

HEARING – To consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Bell Woods Residential Project (Development Agreement DA16-0002) for a Development Agreement to extend the Bell Woods Tentative Map approval of 54 residential lots for a period of 10 years, on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 119-020-50 consisting of 33.69 acres in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Lennar Winncrest, LLC; and Planning staff recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Adopt Ordinance 5064 approving Development Agreement DA16-0002 (Attachment 4A); and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Development Agreement with Lennar Winncrest, LLC (Attachment 4B). (Supervisorial District 2) (Est. Time: 10 Min.)

Event Details

Meeting Agenda

EDC Board of Supervisors Sep 12 2017 Meeting Minutes Now Available Online

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors September 12 2017 meeting minutes are now available online.

In Video Recording format HERE – PDF format (not available for download) is included on the same page.

The downloadable PDF version is available HERE.

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents

Agenda Item no. 27 File no. 12-1203
Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Board consider the General Plan Biological Resources Policy Update, Oak Resources Management Plan, and Oak Resources Conservation Ordinance, consisting of specific revisions to biological resources objectives, policies, and implementation measures included in the Conservation and Open Space Element of the County’s General Plan, adoption of the Oak Resources Management Plan, adoption of an Oak Resources Conservation Ordinance, and adoption of an in-lieu fee
(collectively the Project), and further recommends that the Board take the following final actions, pursuant to Board direction on July 18, 2017:

1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 127-2017 Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Biological Resources Policy Update, Oak Resources Management Plan, Oak Resources Conservation Ordinance and In-Lieu Fee; Making Environmental Findings of Fact (Exhibit A); Adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit B); and Approving the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Exhibit C); (see Attachment 25B for Resolution and 22N for a link to the Final Environmental Impact Report);

2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 128-2017 Adopting a General Plan Amendment to the Biological Resources Policies, Objectives, and Implementation Measures in the El Dorado County General Plan (Attachment 25C);

3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 129-2017 Adopting an Oak Resources Management Plan (Attachment 25D);

4) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 130-2017 Establishing an In-Lieu Fee to Mitigate Impacts to Oak Woodland Areas and Individual Oak trees (Attachment 25E);

5) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Ordinance 5061, for Oak Resources Conservation (Attachment 25F); and

6) Direct staff to return to the Planning Commission and Board within 12-18 months after adoption or earlier, if necessary, to review implementation of the Project.

The Board held a public hearing on this matter on July 18, 2017. The public hearing was closed and the matter was continued to September 12, 2017.

Planning and Building Department staff is recommending that the Board redirect staff to remove two Board initiated proposed changes (exclusion of Live Oaks from the definition of Heritage

Trees and modification of the personal use exemption) from the Project and to Continue this matter to October 10, 2017.

EDH APAC August 9 2017 Meeting

APAC held it’s August 2017 meeting at the EDH Fire Department Headquarters at Station 85 Wednesday evening, August 9, 2017.

A presentation was made by Kirk Bone and Andrea Howard of Parker Development/ Serrano Associates, regarding the 12 plus acre park site at Village J, Lot H. This is the final park facility that was required in the original Serrano Development Agreements. The park will be funded partially with Mello Roos fees that have been collected expressly for the purpose of creating park spaces in Serrano. The park will be designed in conjunction withe the EL Dorado Hills Community Services District (CSD), who will accept ownership of the property, and manage the park.  El Dorado Hills CSD General Manager Kevin Loewen also provided some information regarding combining Lot H facilities to the existing CSD Sellwood Field, as well as potential opportunities with adjoining property at the site currently owned by the El Dorado Irrigation District, Rescue Union School District, and El Dorado County. No definitive time line is set, but as the project moves through design stages, more information will be available to the public, and input from EDH residents is welcomed.

A presentation was made by El Dorado Fire Department Deputy Chief Operations Mike Lilienthal on the proposed EDH Fire Department Training Facility next to Station 87 in the EDH Business Park. The Fire Department has a special use permit to operate a training facility on the site, which was granted in 2009, and expires in 2018. Deputy Chief Lilienthal presented cost saving changes the plan has undergone in the past several years, and indicated that the focus of the facility has changed from a regional training center, to a narrower basic firefighther training facility for EDH Fire Department employees, with the opportunity to also have training available for other fire agencies.

A presentation was made by representatives of the Spanos Corporation on the proposed El Dorado Hills Apartments at Town Center, highlighting changes and improvements made to the design from the original 2014 project. The project consists of 214 units, in two four story buildings, with a five story parking garage in the center. The focus is luxury apartments that leverage the shopping and services that benefit the project inside Town Center East. The Spanos Corporation representatives followed up the presentation with a question and answer session for El Dorado Hills residents. Following this, the APAC Subcommittee studying the DEIR of the project made a short presentation of the results of their report. The subcommittee recommended non-support of the project as currently presented. A motion was made for the full Area Planning Advisory Committee to accept the Subcommittee recommendation of non-support, and this passed 7 -0.

The full Subcommittee report is available HERE

The letter to El Dorado County Planning and Development Services notifying the County of the vote of non-support can be seen HERE

The August 9 2017 APAC Meeting Minutes are available HERE

Hollow Oak Area Roads To Become Facilities Of El Dorado County

El Dorado County Board of Supervisors July 25 2017 Meeting Agenda Consent Item – File No. 16-1087 

Community Development Services, Department of Transportation, recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 117-2017 to accept the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication from Joseph P. Williams, Jr., also shown of record as Joseph P. Williams, Trustee of the Williams Family Living Trust dated September 19, 1991, for road right of way, public utilities easement, and slope easement, and authorize the Chair to sign the Certificate of Acceptance pertaining to the property identified as Assessors Parcel Number 119-090-17 in El Dorado Hills; and 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 118-2017 to accept the facilities and right of way of the following, into the County’s maintained mileage system: Hollow Oak Drive, Ore Cart Court, Samuel Way, Whistlers Bend Way, Whiskey Drift Drive, Copper Lantern Court, Salt Wash Way, Spinning Wheel Court, and Cradle Mountain Court. FUNDING: There is no funding associated with adopting these Resolutions.

Read the Legistar Calendar Item HERE