Notice of Availability of a DRAFT EIR For Generations at Green Valley Project
County issues NOA 107 days following scoping meeting
45 day public comment period closes on August 12, 2024
From the notice of availability –
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is a request to amend the General Plan land use designations of the project site from Low Density Residential (LDR) and Open Space (OS), to High Density Residential (HDR), LDR, and Public Facilities (PF); a Rezone from Residential Estate, Ten-Acre (RE-10), Residential Estate, Five Acre- (RE-5), and Recreational Facilities, Low Intensity (RF-L), to Residential, Single-Unit (R1), RE-5, OS, and Recreational Facilities, High Intensity (RF-H); and a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide the project site into 379 residential lots, a clubhouse lot, a park site, 13 landscape lots, and nine (9) open space lots. 214 of the proposed lots would be age-restricted for residents 55 years or older. 18 of the Residential Estate (RE) zoned lots would be located generally along the northern, eastern, and southern perimeter of the site, as well as along Green Valley Road. The project includes two proposed access roadway connections to Green Valley Road (C-Drive and A-Drive). The project site is within the General Plan designated El Dorado Hills Community Region boundary. The project would require the El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to approve annexations of the site into the service boundaries of El Dorado Hills Fire Department for fire protection services, El Dorado Hills Community Services District (CSD) for parks, recreation, and other community services, and the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) for water and wastewater services. Additionally, the proposed project would include improvements to Green Valley Road, as well as other off-site improvements for transportation, water supply, wastewater conveyance, and utilities.
PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is located in an unincorporated area of El Dorado County, in the eastern portion of the El Dorado Hills Community Region. The project site encompasses 280.70-acres and is located on five parcels identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 126-020-001, 126-020-002, 126-020-003, 126-020-004, and 126-150-023. The majority of the site is located south of Green Valley Road, with the exception of the northern tip of the site that is north of Green Valley Road (portion of APN 126-150-023). This portion is being removed from the project as part of a Boundary Line Adjustment that is being processed under a separate application to the County.
Providing Public Comments related to ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS
Providing Comments: The DEIR is available for public and agency review for a 45-day period beginning June 27, 2024, and ending August 12, 2024. The purpose of this comment period is to consider the content of the DEIR and potential environmental impacts that may result from project implementation, not the positive or negative attributes of the proposed project itself. Comments pertaining to the environmental impact analysis, criteria and thresholds, mitigation measures and alternatives presented in the DEIR will be considered by the County during preparation of the Final EIR. The Final EIR will include copies of the comments and the County’s responses to comments pertaining to the environmental review and DEIR.
Informational Meeting: El Dorado County will hold a meeting to receive comments regarding the content of the DEIR and answer general questions regarding the environmental process. The meeting will be held in-person with a remote option via Zoom on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the El Dorado County Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Ct, Building C, Placerville, CA 95667 in the Planning Commission hearing room. Here is the Zoom link: