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El Dorado Transit

El Dorado Transit Workshop May 3, 2023 in EDH

El Dorado Transit will host two workshops on May 3rd. The second workshop will be in El Dorado Hills at the CSD Pavilion 6:30PM – 8:30PM

El Dorado Transit will be hosting 2 workshops and a listening session this week for the public to provide input on their short-range transit master plan.


Please help the El Dorado Transit District shape its future services, routes, and schedules in western El Dorado County and Folsom. 

Opportunities to provide input:

In Person Workshops on May 3rd:

  • 9:30a – 11:00a Placerville Town Hall (549 Main Street)
  • 6:30p – 8:30p El Dorado Hills CSD Pavilion (1201 Harvard Way)

VIRTUAL Listening Session scheduled for May 4th

Virtual Listening Session on May 4thPlease use this link to RSVP

For more information or if you have any questions, please reach out to Lucy Crocker at [email protected] or 916-491-3161.

El Dorado County Line Multi-Modal Transit Center Study Community Open House – Summary

AIM Consulting has released a summary of the results from public comments generated at the May 17, 2018 Community open house for the El Dorado County Line Multi-Modal Transit Center Study,  sponsored by the El Dorado County Transportation Commission and El Dorado Transit. This study is envisioned to find a replacement for the existing El Dorado Transit Park and Ride facility at White Rock Rd and Post St in Town Center (behind the Big O Tires store).

The current facility is maxed out (167 parking spaces). The concept is to provide a more capable facility, to handle more parking spaces and to provide additional services to draw more commute riders into El Dorado Transit Commuter buses into Sacramento and Folsom, and to get more cars off of HWY50. The focus is for  transportation between El Dorado Hills & Sacramento County. Options are being explored to make the facility more ‘walkable’ and ‘bikeable’ as well as amenities like electric charging stations for hybrid and full electric vehicles, access for school buses from school districts, bike lockers, a rideshare drop off lane (Uber/Lyft) and other potential concepts like shops and a cafe. Potential for parking El Dorado Transit vehicles on site is also desired.

Potential sites for the new facility have been located in and around White Rock Rd and Latrobe Rd – the facility needs to be near HWY50 to minimize the time spent getting on and off the highway.

From the summary:

Next Steps
Over the summer, the project team will develop a plan for the new El Dorado Hills transit center. In the fall, the project team will host a second public workshop to explore proposed transit center options. The project team will present a recommended plan to the public and the EDCTC Board at the end of the year.

The full study summary is here in PDF Format.

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El Dorado Transit Announces End To El Dorado Hills Taxi-Voucher Program

El Dorado Transit has issued a press release regarding the El Dorado Hills Taxi-Voucher program.

From the press release:

El Dorado Hills Taxi Voucher Program Discontinuance

Diamond Springs, CA, December 15, 2017 –

The El Dorado Hills Taxi Voucher Program is being discontinued effective February 10, 2018. El Dorado Transit and Gold Rush Taxi have provided this service to the residents of El Dorado Hills since October 2015.

Taxi vouchers will continue to be sold at distribution sites until December 31, 2017. Passengers may use Taxi Vouchers (valued at $3.00) to ride with Gold Rush Taxi until the end of business on February 10, 2018.

To provide transportation after February 10, 2018, El Dorado Transit will make more rides available using the Dial-a-Ride service. Passengers may use the vouchers as full fare on El Dorado Transit Dial-a-Ride in the El Dorado Hills Taxi Voucher service area through June 30, 2018.

Refund requests will be accepted through June 30, 2018. Program participants are asked to mail a completed reimbursement form and the unused Taxi Vouchers to El Dorado Transit at 6565 Commerce Way, Diamond Springs, CA 95619.       EDH Taxi Voucher Reimbursement Form

El Dorado Transit is currently developing a Request for Proposals that will be sent to all taxi companies in the area with the intent of launching the Taxi Voucher service in El Dorado Hills under a new contract.