Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan: NEW Planning Commission Hearing Schedule – One Hearing To Be Held IN El Dorado Hills
Two new hearings added to previously announced November and December Hearings
The El Dorado Hills APAC has been notified by the County of El Dorado Planning Department of two new hearings to be scheduled regarding the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan project for the proposed Serrano Westside (Old Executive Golf Course) and the Pedregal (west of El Dorado Hills Blvd at Wilson Way) planning areas. The new third and fourth hearings will be scheduled for January 2020. The first January 2020 Planning Commission Hearing will be held IN El Dorado Hills, in the evening, allowing the opportunity for more El Dorado Hills residents to contribute to the process.
From the the Planning Department update:
During today’s agenda review meeting with Planning Commission Chair Gary Miller, Dave Livingston, and Tiffany Schmid, the following Planning Commission hearing schedule was determined for the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan project. This will allow several opportunities for public testimony and also comply with the Board’s direction on November 5th to hold a Special Meeting in January 2020 in El Dorado Hills during the evening.
**Public Testimony will be taken at the November, December and January (Special Meeting) hearings and then closed for Planning Commission deliberation and action at the final hearing in January/February 2020.
Hearing #1 – November 14, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting (Building C Hearing Room)(meeting to be continued to December 12, 2019)
Hearing #2 – December 12, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting (Building C Hearing Room) (meeting to be continued to Special Meeting in January 2020 in El Dorado Hills-evening)
Hearing #3 – January 2020 Special Planning Commission Evening Meeting – El Dorado Hills (TBD)(meeting to be continued to Regular Meeting in January/February 2020)
Hearing #4 – January/February 2020 Regular Planning Commission Meeting (Building C Hearing Room)
Wednesday November 13th 7PM EDH APAC Meeting -Serrano Associates Presentation
The El Dorado Hills APAC Wednesday November 13th 7PM meeting be focused on an overview and recent changes to the proposed Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan in a presentation by representatives of Serrano Associates.
This is an opportunity for El Dorado Hills residents to learn about the proposed project, and a question and answer session will follow the presentation. Keep in mind – El Dorado Hills APAC has no land use authority, and only provides resident feedback on proposed development projects to the Applicant, the County Planning Department, the Planning Commission, and to the Board of Supervisors. We will be conducting a respectful discussion with the project applicant, who is under no obligation to appear at our EDH APAC meeting. We appreciate the applicant’s effort in providing a review and discussion of their proposed project.
The EDH APAC page for CEDHSP documents and details can be found HERE