Public Hearing for adoption of a Resolution to partially decertify the Final Environmental Impact Report of the General Plan Biological Resources Policy
El Dorado County provides Notice of Public Hearing.
The County of El Dorado Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing in the Supervisors Meeting Room, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 on October 20, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., to consider: 1) the adoption of a Resolution to partially decertify the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the General Plan Biological Resources Policy Update (Project) only as it
relates to the County’s determination that focusing on preservation of oak woodland habitat in the Highway 50 corridor was not the best course of action and it was not feasible to focus on preserving the oak woodlands within the Highway 50 corridor; 2) directing staff to augment the administrative record as authorized by CEQA, including the missing reports and studies, as set forth in the court’s ruling in Rural Communities United v. County of El Dorado, Superior Court of the County of El Dorado, Case No. PC20170536; and 3) the adoption of a Resolution to recertify the portions of the FEIR that were decertified by the adoption of the prior resolution. The proposed action is in response to the Court’s orders in the writ issued in the above noted litigation. The FEIR for the Project was certified by adoption of Resolution 127-2017 on October 24, 2017. The proposed decertification is a partial decertification; all other parts of the FEIR/EIR will remain in effect.