Continuance Request For CEDHSP June 11 Planning Commission Hearing
Applicant looking for formal VMT Policy from County Board of Supervisors.
Serrano Associates has requested a continuance of their fourth, and presumed final Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan hearing scheduled for the June 11, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting.
The request is made in light of the State of California’s July 1, 2020 implementation of a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) analysis as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors is expected to consider and approve a policy on how to implement VMT analysis in the County’s planning and development processes later in June, or July.
No official continuance date is requested by the applicant, or suggested in the County Planning Staff’s Staff memo supporting the request.
A determination will be made on whether to grant the continuance request at the June 11th El Dorado County Planning Commission Hearing.