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Notice Of Public Hearing Serrano Village J Lot H April 12, 2018

The County of El Dorado Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in the Building C Hearing Room, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667 on April 12, 2018, at 8:30 a.m., to consider Tentative Subdivision Map TM14-1524/Planned Development PD14-0008/Serrano Village J Lot H submitted by SERRANO ASSOCIATES, LLC to request the following: 1) Serrano Village J-Lot H Tentative Subdivision Map consisting of 41 single-family detached residential lots ranging from 7,200 to 17,077 square feet in size, two landscape lots, one open space lot, and a 12.53 acre-lot for a future recreational park. This map replaces the approved 83-unit tentative map approved under TM10-1498; 2) Development Plan for the Serrano Village J-Lot H Tentative Subdivision Map with modifications to applicable residential development standards in the Zoning Ordinance. This Development Plan replaces the previously approved Development Plan under PD10-0003; and 3) Design Waiver of El Dorado County Design and Improvement Standard Manual (DISM) standards: Modification of subdivision road improvement Standard Plan 101 B: A) Reduction of right-of-way width from 50 feet to 38 feet, reduction; B) Construction of 4-foot wide sidewalk along one side of the residential road instead of 6 foot sidewalks on both sides; and C) Construction of modified rolled curb and gutter instead of vertical curb. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 123-370-01, 123-370-03, and 123-280-10, consisting of 25.27 acres, is located approximately 1½ miles north of Highway 50 along Bass Lake Road, at the intersection with Serrano Parkway, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 1. (County Planner: Mel Pabalinas) (Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 15182 of the CEQA Guidelines)**

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