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Villages At Town Center West PD-R19-0003 SP-R19-0001

Project PD-R19-0003

Description:Villages at Town Center West
Linked Activities:  Parent ProjectSP-R19-0001  SPECIFIC PLAN-REVISION  PROCESSING
Attachments:11/04/2019 Application Packet_SP-R19-0001,PD-R19-0003.pdf

Project SP-R19-0001

Description:Villages at Town Center West


11/04/2019 Application Packet_SP-R19-0001,PD-R19-0003.pdf

Download Application Packet [5.08 MB]

From the Project Application Packet:

Oakmont’s proposal for the Town Center West acreage will be designed to be a viable, stand-alone, mixed-use project using a combination of the existing PD entitlements and development standards alongside design criteria described in the mixed-use design manual.

Approximately 34 acres will be dedicated to rental housing.

The remaining 12 acres will be devoted to a full-service hotel and conference center, and other commercial uses approved for the site consistent with PD-95-02 such as: a financial institution, medical offices, dental offices, professional associations, hair salon, delicatessen, dry cleaner, florist, restaurant and service station. All commercial space will be utilized to their highest and best use with the goal of serving the residents of the new community and the surrounding area.

While the Town Center West Planned development does include 116 acres of land, 69 of those acres have already been developed by Blue Shield, CVS, El Dorado Estates, Superior Self-Storage and Oakmont Senior Living. The remaining 46 acres owned by Oakmont is undeveloped and the subject of the proposal. Mixed use is allowed by right in all commercial zones throughout El Dorado County. Oakmont is simply requesting to become consistent with the general plan policy.

To further clarify, Oakmont’s proposal also includes the completion of commercial development already approved for the site on approximately 12 acres of land. Only 34 acres of the 116 total acres of the planned development are identified in Oakmont’s proposal for the residential use. Therefore, a maximum of 680 residential units would be allowed. But when the proposed roads, open space, recreational areas, setbacks, and height restrictions are taken into consideration and removed from the gross allowable building area, it is clear to see that building the maximum allowable 680 residential units is not feasible.

Oakmont will commit to retaining a 60 ft. landscape buffer along the westerly property line. To further protect the residents of the Springfield Meadows and Stonebriar subdivisions only two- story buildings will be built adjacent to the buffered area. These two- story buildings will be designed with seniors in mind. Oakmont’s years of experience providing senior care services will be utilized to create floor plans and living elements which seniors deem important to age in place.

Previous Project

PA19-0003 Town Center West Mixed Use Pre-App
