North West El Dorado Hills Specific Plan
On December 6, 1983 El Dorado County adopted the El Dorado Hills/Salmon Falls Area Plan and Development Policies. That plan contemplates a development pattern consisting primarily of residential villages with a small supporting commercial area and supporting public facilities and services such as fire protection, police protection, schools, and utilities.
The Northwest El Dorado Hills Specific Plan is intended to establish a Master Plan consistent with the mandates elements of the El Dorado Hills/Salmon Falls Area Plan. The Specific Plan includes a written plan document for the distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land including open space withing the planning area. It also includes planning for roads, sewer, water, drainage and other community services to serve the project land uses and resulting population and traffic projections. County experience, the size and scale of the proposed project, and the growth anticipated in this area suggest the use the specific plan process
A development agreement between the project proponents and El Dorado Count is a companion document to this Specific Plan. The development agreement provides for specific land use entitlements and for public improvements that implement, in part, the policies in this Specific Plan.