CUP20-0009 Tractor Supply Store
A Conditional Use Permit request to develop an approximately 16,191 square foot Permanent Outdoor Sales Area to support a 19,034 square foot Tractor Supply Store.
This Conditional Use Permit only addresses the development of the Permanent Outdoor Sales Area as development and operation of the Tractor Supply Store building is an “Allowed Use” on this property under the zoning designation Research and Development. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 117-210-052, consists of 3.13 acres, and is located on the west side of Latrobe Road, approximately 300 feet north of the intersection with Golden Foothill Parkway

Description: | Tractor Supply |
Subtype: | |
Planner: | BRET SAMPSON |
Status: | SUBMITTED |
Applied: | 9/2/2020 |
Attachments: 09/30/2020 Initial Consultation Letter_CUP20-0009.pdf 09/22/2020 Application Packet_CUP20-0009.pdf |