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Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan Notice of Availability of SECOND Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report

Released April 30, 2021 – comment/review period closes June 14, 2021

El Dorado County Planning Department has released the Notice of Availability of a Second Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report, which reflects changes to CEQA that removes Level of Service metrics for transportation impacts, and instead implements the Vehicle Miles Traveled metric. The Project also has been updated with new alternate use scenarios for the old El Dorado Hills Executive Golf Course property that is currently zoned as Recreational Facility – High (RF-H).

Download NOTICE [311.89 KB]

The Second Recirculated DEIR is located on the Project DOCUMENTS page here

Project Alternatives 4 and 5

The Second recirculated DEIR contains two new project alternatives –

Alternative 4 Zoning-Consistent Alternative

RF zoning provided for certain types of active recreational facilities such as picnic areas, ball fields and courts, playgrounds, golf courses, and swimming pools for day use only, as well as passive opportunities such as riding and hiking trails. For both active and passive uses, no special use permit or variance was required, but a project required site plan review.

The Serrano Westside planning area under this alternative would include residential development (135 units) on the hillsides or ridgelines, which would not occur with the proposed project. Instead of residential development, the former Executive Golf Course would be entirely in active recreation. While exact uses in this recreation area have not been defined, they could include a tennis and aquatics facility, day-use and night-use sporting fields, amusement complex, indoor or outdoor entertainment facilities, hotels, and general merchandise sales or potentially indoor/outdoor golf ranges, ice-skating rinks, or other recreational uses that involve large structures and require parking lots. Residential development on the Pedregal planning area (375 units) would be more dense as compared to the project (37 units).

Alternative 5 Senior Living Alternative

The Senior Living Alternative would include residential development similar to the proposed project on the Pedregal planning area and the northern portion of the former Executive Golf Course. The former Executive Golf Course south of Serrano Parkway would be developed as a senior living facility. The senior living facility assumes a continuing care retirement community (CCRC), which provides residential services, on-site amenities and recreation, and health care. As with the proposed project, a County General Plan amendment and EDHSP amendment would be required. The Senior Living Alternative would consist of developing 37 detached, single-family residential units at a density of <1–5 dwelling units per acre on the Pedregal planning area, identical to the proposed project, 226 single-family residential units at a density of 8–14 dwelling units per acre on the Serrano Westside planning area north of Serrano Parkway, and 300 attached, multi-family residential units at a density of 14–24 dwelling units per acre in both planning areas. The former Executive Golf Course south of Serrano Parkway would be developed as a senior living facility with 1,000 independent living dwelling units and 200 assisted living dwelling units. Open space and parkland would be dedicated. This alternative would include 11 acres of civic–limited commercial land use.

Public Workshop Scheduled for the May 27, 2021 Planning Commission meeting

The Second RDEIR is scheduled for a public workshop before the Planning Commission on May 27, 2021. The purpose of this workshop is to present information on the RDEIR and receive public input; no formal action will be taken.

Serrano Associates are scheduled to present an overview of the Second Recirculated DEIR and new Project Alternatives at the May 12, 2021 El Dorado Hills APAC meeting