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El Dorado County Board of Supervisors October 24, 2023 Meeting

This event has ended

Although the County strives to offer remote participation, be advised that remote Zoom participation is provided for convenience only. In the event of a technological malfunction, the only assurance of live comments being received by the Board is to attend in person. Except for a noticed teleconference meeting, the Board reserves the right to conduct the meeting without remote access if there is a malfunction.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: The Board of Supervisors meeting room will be open to the public. The meeting will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube.
Members of the public may address the Board in-person or via Zoom to make a public comment. The public should call into 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The Meeting ID is 843 9474 9470. Please note you will be able to join the live-stream 15 minutes prior to the posted meeting start time. To observe the live stream of the Board of Supervisors meeting go to
To observe the Board of Supervisors meetings via YouTube, click
If you are joining the meeting via zoom and wish to make a comment on an item, press the “raise a hand” button. If you are joining the meeting by phone, press *9 to indicate a desire to make a comment. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.
By participating in this meeting, you acknowledge that you are being recorded.

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

23-1903116.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board to reduce Performance Bond SU1184163 pertaining to Bass Lake North, TM 14-1522 / PD 14-0010, from $2,786,761.30 to $431,609.50, representing 100% of the total remaining improvements. This amount guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished. (District 1) FUNDING: Developer Funded.
23-1443118.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment VII to Agreement 510 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc. for the provision of preparing environmental documents and planning consultation services for the proposed Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan, extending the term of the Agreement by two (2) years for a revised expiration date of November 12, 2025, with no changes to the scope of work or not-to-exceed amount; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment VII to Agreement 516 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc. for the provision of preparing environmental documents and planning consultation services for the proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan, extending the term of the Agreement by two (2) years for a revised expiration date of November 12, 2025, with no changes to the scope of work or not-to-exceed amount. FUNDING: Applicant Funded.
23-1586119.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Planning Division, Long Range Planning Unit, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment III to Agreement 4511 with PlaceWorks, Inc. for assistance in the development of the County’s Housing Element Update Project and Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit Plan Program, increasing the compensation amount by $25,407 for a not-to-exceed amount of $246,078 and augmenting the Scope of Work, with no changes to the term of the Agreement. FUNDING: Building Permit Fee Revenue.
23-1672127.Agenda ItemHEARING – Planning and Building Department recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Ordinance 5185 entitled “Planning and Building Department Fee Schedule;” 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 164-2023 entitled “Planning and Building Department, Policies and Procedures,” superseding prior Resolution 183-2019 and 184-2019, adopted by the Board on October 22, 2019 (File No. 19-0663, Item No.31), Resolution 050-2020, adopted by the Board on January 14, 2020 (File No. 19-1826, Item No. 24), and Resolution 089-2021 adopted by the Board on July 21, 2021 (File No. 21-0872, Item No. 26); and 3) Direct staff to establish two new special revenue funds for administration of the updated General Plan Fee and new Technology Improvement/Enhancement Fee. FUNDING: Fees for Service.

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