EDH CSD Issues NOP of DEIR for Bass Lake Regional Park
Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Bass Lake Park Project
Review Period Jan 3 – Feb 1 2024
The El Dorado Hills Community Services District provided a Notice or Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the planned Bass Lake Regional Park on February 3, 2024. The initial review period begins January 3, 2024 and ends February 1, 2024.
Public Scoping Meeting Tuesday January 23, 2024 6:00PM at the EDH CSD Norm Rowett Pavilion 1021 Harvard Way
A scoping meeting will be held:
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 Time: 6:00 PM
Location: El Dorado Hills Community Services District
Norm Rowett Pavilion
1020 Harvard Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
The scoping meeting is the time when the District solicits input from the public and agencies on specific topics they believe should be addressed in the environmental analysis. The scoping process is designed to enable the District to determine the scope and content of the EIR and identify potentially significant environmental effects, alternatives, and mitigation measures to be analyzed in the EIR.
Project Location and Existing Conditions From the January 3, 2024 NOP:
PROJECT LOCATION AND EXISTING CONDITIONS: The approximately 211-acre project site consists of six parcels located adjacent to Bass Lake Road and Serrano Parkway, approximately 1.5 miles due north of United States Highway 50 (US-50) in El Dorado County (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APNs] 123-740-001, 115-400-025, 115-400-026, 115-400-021, 115-030-018, and 115-400-002)
The project site is undeveloped, with the exception of the existing Sellwood Field on the northwest portion of the project site; the existing fenced El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) maintenance yard, which is immediately west of Bass Lake; and some existing trails throughout the site. Bass Lake is centrally located and surrounded by grassland, oak woodland, and chaparral. More than 700 trees are located on site. The tree canopies are most dense in the west and north, but scattered tree stands are located on the east side of the site.
The site supports various wetland and riparian habitats, including the overflow pond northeast of Bass Lake and the spillway ditch southwest of Bass Lake.
The proposed park site is bounded on the west by Serrano Parkway, beyond which are single-family residences. To the north are single-family residences and residential estate parcels (5 acres; Green Springs Development), and to the east are residential uses (Woodridge and Bridlewood Canyon developments) and Bass Lake Road. Bass Lake Road provides the southern boundary to the proposed project area, beyond which is land developed with commercial uses and single-family residences.