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White Rock Road Noise Study Report EDH APAC Subcommittee

APAC Subcommittee finding and recommendations

Over the past 14+years the communities adjacent to the proposed White Rock segment of the JPA Connector have expressed their environmental concerns about the expansion of that road.

The recent decisions of Elk Grove and the City of Folsom to complete their road segments plus the number of changes that have occurred along this corridor will increase the noise level causing additional hardship on property owners. Increasing the damage to their environment and decreasing the value of their homes.

The communities of Four Seasons, StoneBriar, Sierra Monte, ShadowHills, and Spring Field Meadows have formed a subcommittee of the El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee to study the increased noise levels stemming from the future JPA SE Connector Project, specifically Segment D3/E1. Segment E1 is from County line to Latrobe Road.

This subcommittee’s  review of the NSR, has concluded that  the existing NSR is in need of updating taking into consideration the following future impacts including: (not inclusive):

  • The influx of significant traffic from major development in recent years and future planned including:
  • The Folsom Ranch Development
  • Sierra Monte  Development
  • Heritage 1, Heritage 2 , Heritage 3 
  • Lake View Village Development
  • Town Center West Development
  • New Empire Ranch Interchanges from White Rock to HWY 50
  • The increase of the speed limit to 55 mph
  • Folsom banning truck traffic on East Bidwell that will increase truck traffic on White Rock Road
  • Following  NSR NEPA requirement for addressing project impacts: the existing traffic studies need to be  projected out to at least 2050 vs the 2035.
  • Apparent Inconsistencies in Table B for receptors #1-7a is showing:
    • Noise dBA that is actually decreasing (and/or the same) in some cases despite 2 additional through lanes being added to the existing 2 lanes and traffic moving closer to receptors
    • Noise dBA exterior of Church (#1) having reduced noise under the Build alternative
    • Noise for receptors #1-7a (residential) range from 53-62 dBA and for receptors #8-11b (open areas) with the same roadway cross-section, range from 57-75 dBA
  • Modeling that Impacts to include:
    • Proposed 4-lane cross-section thoroughfare in which traffic is moved closer to property, in some cases approximately 24-feet (especially on the north side of White Rock)
    • Use speed of 55 mph for proposed facility to predict build-out, worst-case (level-of service (LOS) C) alternative vs the 40 mph used for modeling
    • Use LOS C traffic for predicted future (worst case) traffic which equates to 2,200 total PM peak hour traffic vs the 810 – 1,300 (Table 3.5) shown.  Based on AASHTO Green Book.
    • Update truck mix % accordingly based on recent Folsom ordinance of restricting large trucks on Prairie City Road and East Bidwell and forcing them to use White Rock/Latrobe/Silva PKWY connection to HWY 50
    • The need to take new noise readings for existing/new receptors as warranted .aka Receptor #R5 (represents 15 dwellings) is a public park which Section 4(f) – parkland protection could be invoked with new readings closer to the existing wall and useable area.  #R6 – not sure location (end of a street) was selected?
    • It is noted in the NSR (2015) that rubberized pavement is being considered for Segment E1:
      rubberized pavement can reduce noise in the “short-term” but is not recognized as long-term (perpetuity) NEPA mitigation
    • Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1100 (September 2006) which state sound walls are required to be designed to intercept the line-of-sight from the exhaust stack of a truck (11.5 ft) to the first tier of receivers (5.5 ft). The communities of StoneBriar, Shadow Hills, Spring Field Meadows have only 5 foot  privacy walls and Four Seasons has only 8 foot walls. Recent development along Latrobe Road currently have sound walls over 12 feet.

Recommendations of the subcommittee:

  • Update the current noise study to identify additional noise impacts.
  • JPA & El Dorado County DOT survey property owners adjacent to White Rock Road about their need for improvements to sound walls.
  • Implement constructing / adding the justified noise abatement sound walls and other forms of noise abatement.
  • This  “noise-barrier” project to begin in the near future seeking funding in lieu of waiting for YEAR 2030-40. Being pro-active with constructing a noise abatement project in the near future would help reduce the property owners hardships previously mentioned!
Example: Stonebriar

Example: Stonebriar
Example: Four Seasons
Example: Four Seasons Gate
Example: Sierra Monte
Example: Sierra Monte
Proposed Southeast Connector JPA/White Rock Road in El Dorado Hills
Example: Latrobe Road Glass
Example: Blackstone Wall – Latrobe Road

Additional Information

FL Noise Wall video – 2 plus minute video that gives some good background on why / how walls are built and suppose to do!

UDOT’s DOT’s Noise Wall Policy Explained video – 3 minutes

VDOT: Noise Barrier Walls – 10 minutes

Caltrans Noise Protocol

Download CalTrans Noise Protocol [10.34 MB]

FHWA Highway Traffic Noise

Click on FHWA page for the complete list of videos

All Federal-aid Essentials Videos

Click on FHWA page image for the complete list of videos

EDH APAC Subcommittee White Rock Road Noise Study Report

Download Subcommittee Findings [218.19 KB]

Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority Consultant Dokken Engineering Response to El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee White Rock Road Noise Study Report Subcommittee Review

EDH APAC White Rock Road Noise Study Report Subcommittee June 3, 2021 Letter
