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Supervisors March 21, 2023 Meeting Agenda

Legistar Calendar File

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: The Board of Supervisors meeting room will be open to the public. The meeting will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube.

Members of the public may address the Board in-person or via Zoom to make a public comment. The public should call into 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The Meeting ID is 827 6620 2864. Please note you will be able to join the live-stream 15 minutes prior to the posted meeting start time.

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By participating in this meeting, you acknowledge that you are being recorded.

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

23-0464AGENDA #20 Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer adjusting Transportation’s budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 to accommodate nine (9) Gridsmart Camera Systems to be used at the intersections along Green Valley Road; (4/5 vote) and 2) Approve the addition of nine (9) Gridsmart Camera Systems to the Department of Transportation’s Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fixed Asset List at $32,000 each for a total of $288,000.
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer adjusting Transportation’s budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 to accommodate nine (9) Gridsmart Camera Systems to be used at the intersections along Green Valley Road; (4/5 vote) and 2) Approve the addition of nine (9) Gridsmart Camera Systems to the Department of Transportation’s Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fixed Asset List at $32,000 each for a total of $288,000. FUNDING: Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Act of 2017. (SB1-RMRA 100%)
22-1966AGENDA #21 Department of Transportation recommending the Board take the following actions related to the Fire Hazard Mitigation Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36106003: 1) Accept $2,055,321.75 in grant funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program; 2) Adopt the project into the 2022 Capital Improvement Program; and 3) Approve a budget transfer of $320,636 to cover the anticipated work on the Project in Fiscal Year 22/23 (4/5 vote required).
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board take the following actions related to the Fire Hazard Mitigation Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36106003: 1) Accept $2,055,321.75 in grant funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program; 2) Adopt the project into the 2022 Capital Improvement Program; and 3) Approve a budget transfer of $320,636 to cover the anticipated work on the Project in Fiscal Year 22/23 (4/5 vote required). FUNDING: Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds (68.7% Federal) and El Dorado County General Fund/Designated Reserves (22.9%), and Regional Surface Transportation Program (8.3%).
23-0160AGENDA #22 Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 048-2023 approving the revised Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Administrative Manual. FUNDING: Traffic Impact Fee Program.
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 048-2023 approving the revised Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Administrative Manual.
22-2252AGENDA #24 Department of Transportation recommending the Board Adopt the Addendum to the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, certified by the Board on June 28, 2011, related to the Silva Valley Parkway Interchange Project (Project), Capital Improvement Project number 66104/36104002/36104003.
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board Adopt the Addendum to the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, certified by the Board on June 28, 2011, related to the Silva Valley Parkway Interchange Project (Project), Capital Improvement Project number 66104/36104002/36104003. FUNDING: The Silva Valley Interchange Project is included in the Adopted 2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and is funded by 2004 General Plan Silva Valley Interchange Set Aside Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program fees.
23-0609AGENDA #26 Director of the Department of Transportation, serving as the Road Commissioner, recommending the Board receive and file the attached report as required under Resolution 016-2023, providing a status update on the emergency road repair work related to the 2022 storms.
AGENDA ITEMDirector of the Department of Transportation, serving as the Road Commissioner, recommending the Board receive and file the attached report as required under Resolution 016-2023, providing a status update on the emergency road repair work related to the 2022 storms. FUNDING: Undetermined. Options include General Fund, Road Fund, Tribe Fund Balance or Road Maintenance General Fund Designation. The Department will also be seeking FEMA and CalOES reimbursement through the California Severe Winter Storms, Flooding, Landslides and Mudslides FEMA declaration for incident period December 27, 2022 – January 31, 2023.
23-0306AGENDA #28 Planning and Building Department, Code Enforcement Division, recommending the Board Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5174 to amend Chapter 9.02., of the El Dorado County Code of Ordinances, related to Code Enforcement activities.
AGENDA ITEMPlanning and Building Department, Code Enforcement Division, recommending the Board Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5174 to amend Chapter 9.02., of the El Dorado County Code of Ordinances, related to Code Enforcement activities. FUNDING: N/A
23-0411AGENDA #29 Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Lead Agency Agreement made between the County of El Dorado and the El Dorado Hills Community Services District to confirm that the Community Services District shall serve as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act for the Community Services District’s Bass Lake Regional Park Project (Supervisorial District 1).
AGENDA ITEMPlanning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Lead Agency Agreement made between the County of El Dorado and the El Dorado Hills Community Services District to confirm that the Community Services District shall serve as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act for the Community Services District’s Bass Lake Regional Park Project (Supervisorial District 1). FUNDING: General Fund.
23-0590AGENDA #30 Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, Long Range Planning Unit, recommending the Board receive and file the 2022 Housing Element Annual Progress Report following public comment for submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
AGENDA ITEMPlanning and Building Department, Planning Division, Long Range Planning Unit, recommending the Board receive and file the 2022 Housing Element Annual Progress Report following public comment for submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development. FUNDING: General Fund.

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