Although the County strives to offer remote participation, be advised that remote Zoom participation is provided for convenience only. In the event of a technological malfunction, the only assurance of live comments being received by the Board is to attend in person. Except for a noticed teleconference meeting, the Board reserves the right to conduct the meeting without remote access if there is a malfunction.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: The Board of Supervisors meeting room will be open to the public. The meeting will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube. Members of the public may address the Board in-person or via Zoom to make a public comment. The public should call into 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The Meeting ID is 899 8333 6070. Please note you will be able to join the live-stream 15 minutes prior to the posted meeting start time. To observe the live stream of the Board of Supervisors meeting go to To observe the Board of Supervisors meetings via YouTube, click If you are joining the meeting via zoom and wish to make a comment on an item, press the “raise a hand” button. If you are joining the meeting by phone, press *9 to indicate a desire to make a comment. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. By participating in this meeting, you acknowledge that you are being recorded.
El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Acting as the AQMD Board of Directors, authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer to execute an amendment to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 6907 increasing Targeted Airshed Grant funding by $11,959.75 for a new total of $994,643 and amending the scope for County Department of Transportation for the paving of previously unpaved roadways in the area of the County roadwork projects with no change to the term; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the amendment to MOU 6907 on behalf of the Department of Transportation. FUNDING: Targeted Airshed Grant funding.
Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to Contract 9299 for the 2025 DOT Maintenance Pavement Rehabilitation Projects on Larsen Drive, Barkley Road, Mount Aukum Road, Somerset Loop, Salmon Falls Road, Kekin Street, Wailaki Street, Nahane Drive, Henderson Street, Egret Way, Beaver Bre, East River Park Drive, W River Park Drive, Panorama Drive, and Gillette Drive: 1) Approve and adopt the Contract Documents; and 2) Authorize advertisement for bids. FUNDING: Road Repair and Rehabilitation Act 2017 (SB1-RMRA) (100%) (No Federal Funds).
Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer increasing appropriations by $3,000,000 for the transfer of funds from the Senate Bill 1 special revenue fund to the Maintenance and Operations Division to cover road maintenance projects funded by Senate Bill 1: Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 to cover the increased costs of the Board approved FY2024-25 SB1 projects. (Projects listed below). (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Act of 2017. (SB1) (100%)
Planning and Building Department recommending the Board: 1) Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5224, Planning and Building Department Fee Schedule; and 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 020-2025, establishing a resolution for the Cemetery Division Fee Schedule.(Cont. 2/11/2025, Item 11) FUNDING: N/A
Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board 1) In accordance with Chapter 3.13, Section 3.13.030 (B) of County Ordinance Code, Contracting Out, find that specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in County classifications are involved in the performance of the work; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to competitively bid Agreement 3506 with Goodwin Consulting Group, Inc., for the provision of peer reviews of Fiscal Impact Analysis and Public Facilities Financing Plans for various development projects, extending the term of the Agreement by two (2) years for a new expiration date of March 5, 2027, increasing the compensation by $100,000 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $500,000, and replacing the Rate Schedule to allow an increase in rates; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any further documents determined necessary related to Agreement 3506, including amendments which do not increase the not-to-exceed amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel