24-0688 | 1 | 32. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Thomas recommending the Board: 1) Authorize reconsideration of the action taken on February 6, 2024 (Legistar 24-0274), to include disbanding the cannabis ad hoc committee and directing staff to no longer pursue any additional changes to the cannabis ordinance, including setbacks, canopy limits, propagation, and manufacturing; 2) Direct the Clerk of the Board to place an item on a future agenda to reconsider the aforementioned action and provide related direction to staff; and 3) Direct staff to stay any action on the Ad Hoc Committee pending final reconsideration. FUNDING: N/A
Public Comment: T. Moore, R. Rossi, A. Strukey, M. Moraley, No name given, Barry, K. McCarty, C. Moraley, L. Tannebaum, C. Clary, K. Payne, K. Nalawaja, S. Dkarll, J. Wark, K. Nalawaja, Mike, Tracy
A motion was made by Supervisor Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to Approve this matter.
Yes: 3 – Thomas, Turnboo and Parlin Noes: 2 – Hidahl and Laine |