24-1821 | 1 | 6. | Agenda Item | Hearing to consider: Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning Unit, proposed amendments to Section 130.40.130 of the Zoning Ordinance (Communications Facilities) and staff recommending the Planning Commission forward the following recommendations to the Board of Supervisors: 1) Adopt the Addendum to El Dorado County’s General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), certified in May 2003 (State Clearinghouse Number 2001082030) (Legistar Attachment B) demonstrating that the analysis in that EIR adequately addresses the potential physical impacts associated with implementation of the amendments to Section 130.40.130 of the Zoning Ordinance (Communications Facilities), and the amendments would not trigger any of the conditions described in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration based on the analysis prepared; and 2) Approve the amendments to Section 130.40.130 (Communications Facilities) as proposed
Public Comment: D. Metti, M. Lobaugh, K. Greenwood, C. Bronty, K. Payne, Steve, Katie P.
Chair Nevis opened the public hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Reinhardt left the meeting at 11:09 a.m. and returned at 11:16 a.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Frega, seconded by Chair Nevis, to move staff recommendation with the following changes to the proposed ordinance:
1) Remove the 15 foot language from Section 13 and add language regarding evaluation of character of the area. 2) Increase the notice requirements to 1,500 feet for a Wireless Telecommunication Facility under 100 feet tall and 2,000 feet for a Facility over 100 feet and include the same notice for a neighboring HOA. 3) Add reference to evaluation of multiple small sites to the alternatives analysis section. 4) Change the adjacent residential setback to 1.5 times height of the Facility. 5) Incorporate the OWPR recommendations regarding screening and have staff evaluation conforming changes to the zoning ordinance. 6) Request staff return in two years to evaluate the changes to the ordinance.
Yes: 5 – Commissioner Boeger, Commissioner Nevis, Commissioner Reinhardt, Commissioner Williams and Commissioner Frega