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El Dorado County Planning Commission Meeting June 10, 2021 Agenda

Legistar Calendar File

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: To comply with social distancing requirements and the stay at home order from the Governor, the Meeting Room will be closed to members of the public and all public participation will be handled remotely. Please note you will not be able to join the live stream until the posted meeting start time.

PHONE IN: 1-530-621-7603 or 1-530-621-7610, Meeting ID 924 9464 4350

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PUBLIC COMMENT PARTICIPATION: If you are joining the meeting via zoom and wish to make a comment on an item, press the “raise hand” button. If you are joining the meeting by phone, press *9 to indicate a desire to make a comment. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.

By participating in this meeting you acknowledge that you are being recorded.

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

21-0916AGENDA #3 Hearing to consider the Heritage at Carson Creek project (Specific Plan Amendment SP-R20-0001/Tentative Subdivision Map TM20-0001/Development Agreement DA20-0001)
AGENDA ITEMHearing to consider the Heritage at Carson Creek project (Specific Plan Amendment SP-R20-0001/Tentative Subdivision Map TM20-0001/Development Agreement DA20-0001) to request:
1) Amendment to the Carson Creek Specific Plan (CCSP) consisting of the following modifications (Appendix A1 of Exhibit W [Addendum to the Carson Creek Specific Plan EIR]):
A) Amend land use categories by changing Industrial (I) and Research and Development (RD) within the Tentative Subdivision Map area to 86.4± acres Residential, 1.7± acres of future Local Convenience Commercial, a 0.9-acre increase of the Open Space (OS) land use category, and a 0.56-acre parcel that supports the western terminus of Investment Boulevard;
B) Add Village 11 as a Residential Village;
C) Increase the CCSP residential unit cap from 1,700 to 1,925 units and stipulate that none of the additional units may be developed outside of the project site;
D) Adopt development standards for the Single Family (4,500 sq. ft. min.) zoning, which would be applied to all of the proposed Village 11 area. A summary of the primary development standards proposed for this village is presented in the Project Description section below and additional details are provided in the proposed Carson Creek Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) text in Appendix A1 of Exhibit W;
E) Create a new future Local Convenience Commercial (LC) – Investment Boulevard CCSP zone district and adopt development standards for this zone. These development standards would be similar to the existing LC development standards in the CCSP. A summary of the development standards proposed for this commercial area is presented in the Project Description section below and additional details are provided in the proposed Carson Creek SPA text in Appendix A1 of Exhibit W;
F) Remove all references to a golf course, particularly Section 4.16 Golf Course Standards;
G) Edit text and Figures throughout the CCSP to reflect the increased maximum unit cap and changes in the maximum amount of square footage for non-residential land uses, update tables, document changes in public and utility service infrastructure, and identify road section standards for Village 11;
H) Supplement CCSP Figure 4, Land Use Plan, with Figure 4a, Amended Land Use Plan, which removes I and RD referenced in the lower portion of the Figure 4 Land Use Plan, replaces with Village 11 and includes a private clubhouse site, Local Commercial and OS;
I) Supplement CCSP Figure 5, Circulation Plan, in the CCSP, with Figure 5a, Amended Circulation Plan, which removes I and RD referenced for the project site, replaces with Village 11 and includes a private clubhouse site, Local Commercial and OS, and identifies offsite roadway connection to Latrobe Road. The Industrial Collector shown in Figure 5, will now be Residential Collector and Residential Street for the new Village 11;
J) Modify CCSP Figure 6 to include right-of-way (ROW) exhibits for Residential Collector and Residential Street for Village 11; and
K) Supplement CCSP Figure 7 Pedestrian Trail System, with Figure 7a, Amended Pedestrian Trail System which removes I and RD referenced in the lower portion of the Figure 7 Pedestrian Trail System, replaces with Village 11 and includes a private clubhouse site, Local Commercial and OS and Revise Schematic Pedestrian Trail Layout Alignment.
2) Approve Tentative Subdivision Map of proposed Residential Village 11 dividing a 132.1-acre site into:
• 86.4 acres of Residential to include 410 buildable lots and 29 lots for landscaping and/or water quality Best Management Practices;
• 1.7-acre future Local Convenience Commercial site;
• 13.5 acres of Open Space; and
• 30.0-acre Park site.
Of the 410 buildable lots, 409 would support for-sale, market rate age-restricted units (ARUs), to be constructed in three (3) phases, and one would support a future private clubhouse. The proposed lots are shown in Exhibit N and the proposed development phasing is shown in Exhibit O. The residential lot sizes would range in size from 4,595 square feet to 13,522 square feet.
3) Enter into and execute a Development Agreement (DA) between the County of El Dorado, Carson Creek El Dorado, LLC, and Lennar Homes of California, Inc., for the development known as Heritage Carson Creek Village 11.
On property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 117-680-003, 117-680-004, 117-680-007, 117-680-008, 117-680-016, 117-570-013, 117-570-017, and 117-570-018, consisting of 132.1 acres, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Lennar Homes of California; and staff recommending the Planning Commission:
1) Review the staff report, receive public comment, and direct staff on recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding the CCSP SPA, the Heritage at Carson Creek Tentative Map, and the proposed Development Agreement (DA).
(Supervisorial District 2)
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