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El Dorado County Planning Commission Meeting April 14, 2022 Agenda

Legistar Calendar File

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: In accordance with new guidance from the California Department of Public Health, the meeting will be open to the public. The meeting will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom.

Members of the public may address the Commission in-person or via Zoom to make a public comment. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. The public should call into 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The Meeting ID is 896 3098 6641. Please note you will not be able to join the live-stream until the posted meeting start time.

To observe the live stream of the Planning Commission meeting go to

If you are joining the meeting via Zoom and wish to make a comment on an item, press the “raise a hand” button. If you are joining the meeting by phone, press *9 to indicate a desire to make a comment. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.

By participating in this meeting, you acknowledge that you are being recorded.

If you choose not to observe the Planning Commission meeting but wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item, please submit your comments to the Clerk of the Planning Commission at [email protected]. Planning Services cannot guarantee that any public comment received the day of the Commission meeting will be delivered to the Commission prior to any action.

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

22-0614Agenda #3 Department of Transportation recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Approve the Finding of Consistency of the 2022 Annual Capital Improvement Program with the General Plan; and 2) Approve the Finding of Consistency of four additional projects to be included in the Annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP): a) Missouri Flat Road Phase 1 – Class I Trail Connection Project, CIP 36109012; b) El Dorado Hills Boulevard/Saratoga Way Turn Lanes Project, CIP 36105076; c) Georgetown Airport Pavement Maintenance Management Plan, CIP 35402013; d) Placerville Airport Pavement Maintenance Management Plan, CIP 35401009; and 3) Approve the Finding of Consistency of removing one project from the Annual CIP, Pleasant Valley Road – Restripe (2 to 4 lanes) from SR 49 to Toyan Drive, CIP 36105067, and include the scope of this project with the Diamond Springs Parkway – Phase 1B Project, CIP 36105011
Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Approve the Finding of Consistency of the 2022 Annual Capital Improvement Program with the General Plan; and 2) Approve the Finding of Consistency of four additional projects to be included in the Annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP): a) Missouri Flat Road Phase 1 – Class I Trail Connection Project, CIP 36109012; b) El Dorado Hills Boulevard/Saratoga Way Turn Lanes Project, CIP 36105076; c) Georgetown Airport Pavement Maintenance Management Plan, CIP 35402013; d) Placerville Airport Pavement Maintenance Management Plan, CIP 35401009; and 3) Approve the Finding of Consistency of removing one project from the Annual CIP, Pleasant Valley Road – Restripe (2 to 4 lanes) from SR 49 to Toyan Drive, CIP 36105067, and include the scope of this project with the Diamond Springs Parkway – Phase 1B Project, CIP 36105011.
22-0616Agenda #4 Hearing to consider Summer Brook (Tentative Subdivision Map Revision TM-R21-0001) request for a revision to the approved Summer Brook Tentative Map and Planned Development TM07-1440/PD07-0007 to remove Conditions of Approval No. 25, 27 and 28 requiring installation of a traffic signal and completion of, or financing for, associated intersection improvements prior to final map recordation. In lieu of a financial contribution, the applicant may instead propose the submittal of construction documents for the signal and which support construction by others once a signal warrant analysis justifies installation on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-210-12 and 102-220-13, consisting of 90 acres, is located on the north side of Green Valley Road, approximately 500 feet west of the intersection with Bass Lake Road, in the Cameron Park area, submitted by Blue Mountain Communities, Inc.; staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Determine that pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164, there is no substantial evidence requiring the preparation of a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration or an Addendum to the existing Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 11, 2008; and
2) Approve Tentative Subdivision Map Revision TM-R21-0001, based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented.
Agenda ItemHearing to consider Summer Brook (Tentative Subdivision Map Revision TM-R21-0001) request for a revision to the approved Summer Brook Tentative Map and Planned Development TM07-1440/PD07-0007 to remove Conditions of Approval No. 25, 27 and 28 requiring installation of a traffic signal and completion of, or financing for, associated intersection improvements prior to final map recordation. In lieu of a financial contribution, the applicant may instead propose the submittal of construction documents for the signal and which support construction by others once a signal warrant analysis justifies installation on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-210-12 and 102-220-13, consisting of 90 acres, is located on the north side of Green Valley Road, approximately 500 feet west of the intersection with Bass Lake Road, in the Cameron Park area, submitted by Blue Mountain Communities, Inc.; staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Determine that pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164, there is no substantial evidence requiring the preparation of a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration or an Addendum to the existing Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 11, 2008; and
2) Approve Tentative Subdivision Map Revision TM-R21-0001, based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented.
(Supervisorial District 4)
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