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El Dorado County Planning Commission May 26, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

22-0936AGENDA #6 A request by Chair Vegna that the Planning Commission consider having Planning Division staff coordinate a workshop at an upcoming Planning Commission hearing with a focus on short-term and long-term water planning and utility infrastructure related to water delivery within greater El Dorado County, with specific requests for presentations going to the El Dorado County Water Agencies and the El Dorado Irrigation District
Agenda ItemA request by Chair Vegna that the Planning Commission consider having Planning Division staff coordinate a workshop at an upcoming Planning Commission hearing with a focus on short-term and long-term water planning and utility infrastructure related to water delivery within greater El Dorado County, with specific requests for presentations going to the El Dorado County Water Agencies and the El Dorado Irrigation District.

Chair Vegna opened the public hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the public hearing.

A motion was made by Commissioner Nevis, seconded by Commissioner Payne to approve holding an informational workshop at an upcoming Planning Commission hearing focusing on the impacts of water policy on the County
Water Agency’s and local water districts within El Dorado County, and to include invitations to all local water districts.

Yes 4: Commissioner Vegna, Commissioner Nevis, Commissioner Payne and Commissioner Harkin
Absent: 1 – Commissioner Clerici
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