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El Dorado County Planning Commission May 23, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

23-219032.Agenda ItemHearing to consider EDH Verizon Wireless Telecommunications Facility (Conditional Use Permit CUP23-0010) request for a Conditional Use Permit for the construction and ongoing operation of an unmanned, 97-foot-tall faux pine tree (monopine) wireless telecommunications facility and accessory items within a 19’-5” x 19’-0” (179 sq ft) lease area. The telecommunications facility is proposed to include one (1) 97-foot tall monopine tower, nine (9) antennas (with three (3) future antennas proposed), six (6) remote radio units (with three (3) future remote radio units proposed), four (4) surge suppressors, a 50KVA stepdown transformer with 100AMP, 480V transformer disconnect, and three (3) equipment cabinets. No water or sewer service would be required for the proposed project as it is an unmanned facility. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 117-084-005, consisting of 2 acres, is located on the west side of Hillsdale Circle, approximately 925 feet to the southwest of Robert J. Mathews Parkway, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Verizon Wireless 

Public Comment: Sue W., Bonnie, K. Payne

Clerk’s Note: Commissioner Williams left the meeting at 8:47 a.m.

Commissioner Williams recused himself from item #2 due to 1) he lives within 200 feet of the proposed cell tower and there is a perceived financial conflict of interest and 2) he provided testimony to the Commission prior to being appointed a commissioner. He left the meeting at 8:47 a.m.

Commissioner Boeger disclosed that she visited the proposed cell tower site.

Commissioner Nevis disclosed that he visited the proposed cell tower site.

A motion was made by Commissioner Reinhardt, seconded by Commissioner Boeger to accept staff recommendation 1 and 2 with the following two modifications:

1) Additional Condition of Approval #48: Applicant will use best efforts to consult with the property owner and property to the west about additional plantings to aid in masking the project. These efforts shall be supported by written documentation for staff to review which shall address feasibility of additional plantings and the consultation process; and
2) The COAs shall reflect approval of the updated 80 foot monopine proposal and revised site location as detailed in Exhibit F.

Yes: 3 – Commissioner Boeger, Commissioner Nevis and Commissioner Reinhardt
Recused: 1 – Commissioner Williams
Absent: 1 – Commissioner Harkin
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