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El Dorado County Planning Commission March 25, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

21-0376Agenda #2 Hearing to consider the Montano De El Dorado Phase I and II Master Plan project (Rezone Z15-0002/Tentative Parcel Map P15-0006/Planned Development PD15-0004/Conditional Use Permit S17-0015)
AGENDA ITEMHearing to consider the Montano De El Dorado Phase I and II Master Plan project (Rezone Z15-0002/Tentative Parcel Map P15-0006/Planned Development PD15-0004/Conditional Use Permit S17-0015) to request: 1) Rezone (Z15-0002) from Regional Commercial – Community Design Review Combining Zone (CR-DC) to Regional Commercial – Planned Development Combining Zone (CR-PD); 2) Commercial Tentative Parcel Map (P15-0006) on Assessor’s Parcel No. 118-010-012 to create a total of 12 commercial parcels from an existing 16.85-acre parcel, ranging from 0.72 acres to 3.48 acres in size, as part of proposed Phase II of the Montano De El Dorado Master Plan; 3) Planned Development (PD15-0004) to establish a Development Plan for the existing Montano De El Dorado Phase 1 development and the proposed Phase II expansion. Phase I consists of an existing commercial center, consisting of five buildings, on the 20.1-acre project site with a combined total of 39,645 square feet of floor area. Existing uses include retail stores, restaurants, and a bank

Public Comment: C. Gaewsky, J. Raslear

Chair Vegna opened the hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the hearing.
A motion was made by Commissioner Ross, seconded by Commissioner Bly-Chester, to recommend Approval to the Board of Supervisors of staff’s recommended actions with the following amendments:

1) Modify Condition of Approval 9 to include: Dumpsters shown on the preliminary site plan adjacent to residential shall be relocated.

2) Modify Condition of Approval 13(a) to include: Prior to issuance of building permits, applicant shall enter into a Roadway Improvement Agreement to construct these improvements. Hotel occupancy shall not occur until the
Primary Driveway Signal is constructed and coordinated.

3) Add New Condition of Approval 13(c): Applicant to construct a median barrier at White Rock Road and existing driveway with existing right in, right out only access on White Rock Road, which shall be included in the Roadway
Improvement Agreement and completed prior to occupancy of hotel.

4) Add New Condition of Approval 53: All special events as allowed in the Conditional Use Permit and as identified in the Outdoor Special Events Plan (Exhibit I) must comply with the El Dorado County noise ordinance, Chapter 130.37 and Table, and consistent with Mitigation Measure 3.10-6b, which is included herein.
The applicant shall incorporate an amplified sound system as part of the community pavilion so that there is consistency of the speakers used, placement of speakers, and other mitigation related to sound. The intent of this requirement is to ensure that consistent mitigation is in place prior to each event. All events must be documented in writing to reflect initial calibration and event samples to reflect compliance with the El Dorado County noise standards and conditions herein. These written logs shall be maintained and provided to the County upon request. Samples shall be taken at the most impacted sensitive receptor areas if different than originally contemplated after construction. Any public comments or complaints received during special events shall be retained and tracked in a written log. The amplified sound system shall be secured so that it cannot be accessed without authorization from the permit holder. This Conditional Use Permit shall be reviewed by Planning and Building Department staff after two years of commencement of Conditional Use Permit activities. At this two-year review, the permit holder shall provide the Planning and Building Department with the following: 1) written documentation showing the testing for each event consistent with this condition; 2) a written log of all public comments or complaints received associated with any special event; and 3) a brief description of each event and the approximate number of spectators at each event. This information shall be delivered to the Planning and Building Department no later than twenty-six months after the first special event with amplified sound is held. By operation of this condition, it is the intent of County to reserve the right to modify or add new conditions, as warranted, for this Conditional Use Permit.
The applicant shall enter into a Time and Materials Agreement with Planning and Building Department to cover the cost of staff time to process the two-year review.
The following measures shall be implemented to ensure that off-site residences are not exposed to noise levels generated by amphitheater events that exceed the County’s noise level performance standards for noise-sensitive land uses affected by non-transportation sources in community centers, as presented in Table 3.10-8.
Prohibit events with amplified music or sound during the nighttime hours of 10 p.m. – 7 a.m.
During the sound testing of the amplified sound system prior to each event multiple sound level measurements shall be conducted at the source and along the property line of the most affected residential land uses. The sound level meter used for the sound level measurements should meet a minimum Type 2 compliance and be fitted with the manufacturer’s windscreen and calibrated before use. Volume settings shall be adjusted to ensure that the applicable county noise standards will not be exceeded at the residences during the event. Only hold events with amplified music or sound during daytime hours (i.e., 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.) until it can be demonstrated with sound level measurements conducted during the first two daytime events with amplified sound that the noise generated by amplified events would not expose off-site residences to noise levels that exceed the County’s evening noise level performance standards of 45 dB Leq and 55 dB Lmax. If sound level measurements conducted during the first two daytime events indicate that offsite residences would not be exposed to noise levels that exceed these standards, then events with amplified music or sound can be held on the project site during the evening hours of 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. for non-movie events and 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. for movie events April to September. This evaluation shall be conducted by a qualified noise analyst selected by county staff; however, all funding shall be provided by the applicant. The results of all sound measurements shall be provided to the County. Prohibit the use of subwoofers during amplified music events.

5) Reduce the maximum height of the tower to 50 feet.

6) Edit Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program 3.10-2b to specify noticing shall include date and the start and stop times of when blasting will occur.

7) Revised plans shall by prepared for the Board of Supervisors as follows:
(a) The detention basin shall include appropriate green screening vegetation and railing;
(b) Landscaping plans shall include continuation of a living/crib wall that is substantially the same as it exists in Phase I;
(c) Revised elevations showing reduced tower height to 50 feet (Revise Exhibit Q); and
(d) Revised retaining wall plans/diagrams showing elevations of the retaining walls/sound walls.

Votes were by roll call.

Yes 4 -: Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Bly-Chester, Commissioner Clerici and Commissioner Vegna
Noes: 1 – Commissioner Williams

Commissioner Clerici left the meeting at 1:59 PM
Present: 4 -Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Bly-Chester and Commissioner Vegna
Absent: 1 – Commissioner Clerici
Commissioner Clerici returned to the meeting at 2:16 PM
Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Bly-Chester, Commissioner Clerici and Commissioner Vegna
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