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El Dorado County Planning Commission March 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in AUDIO Recording format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

20-02922Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Planning Commission receive and file the information on the future land use allocation pertaining to the Major Update of the Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program and the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). FUNDING: TIM Fee Program

Chair Vegna opened the item and upon conclusion of public comment and staff
input, closed the item noting Planning Commission’s input: 1) Inform Board of
Supervisors of what the growth rates are from other rural counties: Amador,
Calaveras and Tuolumne; 2) To consider a surcharge or other funding, such as a
Development Agreement, should there be a General Plan Amendment or
Rezone; 3) Planning Commission feels the Projected Housing Unit growth of 0.7
% is too low and the Projected Employment growth of 0.67 % is too high; and 4)
The Commission would like to see a cross-reference showing household size
compared to population.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:43 A.M. by Chair Vegna
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