El Dorado County Planning Commission June 13, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Meeting in Video Recording Format
Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:
24-1001 | 1 | 2. | Agenda Item | Hearing to consider Malcolm Dixon Verizon Communications Facility (Conditional Use Permit CUP23-0011) request for a Conditional Use Permit for the construction and ongoing operation of an unmanned, 108-foot-tall faux pine tree (monopine) wireless telecommunications facility and accessory items within a 40’-0” x 40’-0” lease area. The telecommunications facility is proposed to include one (1) 103-foot tall monopine tower, nine (9) antennas, six (6) remote radio units, two (2) surge suppressors, one (1) 30kW diesel standby generator and 211-gallon fuel tank, and two (2) equipment cabinets. The facility will be camouflaged as a pine tree, including branching, needle socks, and paint. Panel antennas would be installed at a tip height of 98’-0”, with the remaining height needed for a faux “crown” to adequately conceal the antennas and maintain a silhouette mimicking a natural pine tree. No water or sewer service would be required for the proposed project as it is an unmanned facility. Electricity will be provided by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). The project is proposing a 55-foot-long, 12-foot-wide access road within a proposed 20’-0” access/utility easement off of Malcolm Dixon Rd., north of the property. No trees are proposed for removal. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 126-070-010, consisting of 5.05 acres, is located on the south side of Malcolm Dixon Road, 4,000 feet west of the intersection of Green Valley Rd, in the Arroyo Vista area, submitted by Verizon Wireless (Agent: Kevin Gallagher, Complete Wireless Consulting, Inc.); Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff in accordance with CEQA Guidelines; 2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15074(d), incorporated as Conditions of Approval; and 3) Approve Conditional Use Permit CUP23-0011 based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented. (Supervisorial District 4) Public Comment: S. Ulrich, D. Gersten, T. Ulrich, N. Barranti, C. Barranti, P. Miller, V. Miller, K. Pierman, J. Pierman, Sally O., J. Miller, D. Mette, K. Payne, Monica, M. Mette, S. Blake, 390 (K. Greenwood), Anna, Tara, A. Lichtig Chair Nevis opened the public hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the public hearing. Commissioner Boeger disclosed that she visited the project site and had a phone call with Verizon staff. Commissioner Reinhardt disclosed that he visited the project site and met with residents. Commissioner Williams disclosed that he visited the project site. Commissioner Harkin disclosed that he visited the project site. Chair Nevis disclosed that he visited the project site with the public and Verizon representatives. A motion was made by Chair Nevis, seconded by Commissioner Williams, to deny the project without prejudice as presented based on the findings of denial presented by staff. Commissioner Boeger abstained from findings 3.1 due to lack of data. Yes: 5 – Commissioner Boeger, Commissioner Harkin, Commissioner Nevis, Commissioner Reinhardt and Commissioner Williams |