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El Dorado County Planning Commission July 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in video recording format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents

20-0790Agenda #2 Hearing to consider the Marble Valley Ridge Estates Time Extension request (Tentative Subdivision Map Time Extension TM-E20-0002) to request three one-year time extensions to an approved Marble Valley Ridge Estates Tentative Subdivision Map (TM06-1412) creating three residential lots and one open space lot, resulting in a new expiration date of March 11, 2023
Agenda ItemHearing to consider the Marble Valley Ridge Estates Time Extension request (Tentative Subdivision Map Time Extension TM-E20-0002) to request three one-year time extensions to an approved Marble Valley Ridge Estates Tentative Subdivision Map (TM06-1412) creating three residential lots and one open space lot, resulting in a new expiration date of March 11, 2023 on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 119-310-039 and 119-320-026, consisting of 14.59 acres, in the Cameron Park area, submitted by Cambridge Oaks 14-3, LLC; and staff recommending the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1) Find the Marble Valley Ridge Estates Tentative Subdivision Map Time Extension TM-E20-0002 consistent with the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted for the approved tentative map pursuant to Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR)s and Negative Declarations); and 2) Approve Marble Valley Ridge Estates Tentative Subdivision Map Time Extension (TM-E20-0002) granting three one-year time extensions to the
approved Tentative Map TM06-1412 (Marble Valley Ridge Estates), resulting in a new expiration date of March 11, 2023, based on the findings and subject to the original Conditions of Approval as presented.

Chair Vegna opened the hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the hearing.

A motion was made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Miller, to Approve staff’s recommended actions.

Votes were by roll call.
Yes: 5 – Commissioner Vegna, Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Hansen,
Commissioner Miller and Commissioner Ross
20-0829Agenda #3 Hearing to consider the first reading of proposed Title 130 Zoning Ordinance Major Amendments (OR17-0002) and Title 120 Subdivisions Ordinance Amendments
Agenda ItemHearing to consider the first reading of proposed Title 130 Zoning Ordinance Major Amendments (OR17-0002) and Title 120 Subdivisions Ordinance Amendments and staff recommending the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors take the following actions: 1) Recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Addendum to the Targeted General Plan Amendment/Zoning Ordinance Update (TGPA/ZOU) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consistent with Sections 15162 and 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines (EXHIBIT A); and 2) Recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the proposed major amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, incorporating additional changes recommended by the Planning Commission on July 9, 2020, and adopt an Ordinance for Title 130 Zoning Ordinance Major Amendments of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code (EXHIBIT B) as presented by staff; and 3) Recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the proposed amendments to Title 120 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code (EXHIBIT C) as presented by staff.

Public Comment: Sue, R. Miller

Chair Vegna opened the hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the hearing.

A motion was made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Miller, to Approve staff’s recommended actions with the additional recommendations provided by the Planning Commission for Title 120 and Title
130 Major Amendments as outlined below:

Recommended additional modifications to Zoning Ordinance Title 130
Amendments as follows:

-Article 2, Section 3, Table 130.23.020:
1) Edit the use type ‘Restaurant’ under ‘Industrial Low (IL)’ column to P/CUP superscript 2.
2) Retain subsection ‘NOTE 2’ and revise to ‘Is an ancillary use by right; P/CUP’. -Article 3, Section 4, Table
1) Restaurant and Brewpub: Parking Space Requirements – modify to: “1 per 225 sf.” and spell out acronyms GFA and OUA.

-Article 4, 130.40.140:
-Section 6.D.1.b.:
1) Edit ‘may be required’ to ‘shall be required’.
2) Recommend further review as to whether a minimum 12 foot inside radius is adequate for larger passenger vehicles.
-Section 6.D.1.c.:
1) Concerns posed as to whether 50 feet is appropriate. Recommend revising minimum to 75 feet from the nearest property line of any residentially zoned lot or residential use.
-Section 6.D.1.d.:
1) Concerns posed as to whether 50 feet is appropriate. Recommend revising minimum to 75 feet from the nearest property line of a residential land use.
-Section 6.D.4.:
1) Add ‘onsite’ after ‘continuous’ to clarify that this pedestrian access is not within the public right-of-way.

-Article 4, Section 7, Figure 130-40-140.A:
1) Specify the ‘Example’ provided is called out as “typical” and not “site specific”.

-Article 5, 130.51.050:
-Section B:
1) Specify this section is intended to be utilized for County initiated projects. Development projects will be subject to the noticing requirements as set forth in Tables and
-Section C:
1) Recommended increase to 14 days prior to hearing.
-Section F. Table
1) Change all asterisks within the Table to bullets or dashes for subcategories.
-Section H.b.:
1) Specify a minimum font size based on further review as to what distance the text is intended to be read (example: vehicle driving by or walk-up).
2) Add Project Type (Commercial or Residential) between ‘PROPOSED’ and ‘DEVELOPMENT’.
3) Add Project description if Project Type is not included (as noted above).
-Section H.f.:
1) Revise minimum to at least 30 calendar days prior to the hearing for physical sign posting.
-Article 5, Section 19, 130.51.100:
1) Require a Public Outreach Plan for projects proposing 300 or more dwelling units.
-Section 19, 130.51.100.B:
1) Include ‘attendance numbers’ in the public outreach summary.

Recommended additional modifications to Subdivision Ordinance Title 120 Amendments as follows:
-Section 1, 120.24.085.B:

1) Specify this section is intended to be utilized for County initiated projects. Development projects will be subject to the noticing requirements as set forth in Tables,, and
-Section 1, 120.24.085.C:
1) Recommended increase to 14 days prior to hearing.
-Section 1, 120.24.085:
1) Add a Public Outreach Plan to Title 120 (as specified in Title 130, shown below):
Public Outreach Plan:
For some Planning Commission-level and Board-level discretionary development projects, the Director may require the Applicant to prepare a public outreach plan to provide for early public notice and an opportunity for the public to provide input to the Applicant on the proposed development project.

A. The public outreach plan may include but shall not be limited to:
1) direct mailing to the property owners nearby (distance radius from the proposed project site parcel boundary) for the Project Type as noted in Tables,, and that includes a description of the proposed project and methods for how to submit comments; and
2) one or more public workshops held in the community by the Applicant prior to any County public hearing on the proposed project.

B. The Applicant shall submit the public outreach plan to the Director for approval and inclusion in the public record. The Applicant shall implement the public outreach plan and provide a summary to the Director of the outreach
efforts conducted and public comments received which will be included in the agenda packet presented to the Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors.
2) Require a Public Outreach Plan for projects proposing 300 or more lots.
3) Include ‘attendance numbers’ in the public outreach summary.
-Section 1, Table
1) Define ‘lots’ to include all lots (including undeveloped lots) in the count of lots within the glossary and to re-state the glossary definition of ‘lots’ within this section.
2) Require ‘Physical Sign Posting’ for ‘Tentative Map – Revision’ projects.
3) New subsection note. Note 5: Additional notified parties to include County recorded entities within the project notification range including, but not limited to, HOA’s, Road Maintenance Entities, etc.

Votes were by roll call.
Yes: 5- Commissioner Vegna, Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Hansen,
Commissioner Miller and Commissioner Ross

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