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El Dorado County Planning Commission January 28, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

Agenda #2 Hearing to consider a request for a Finding of General Plan consistency on the proposed vacation of a portion of Bass Lake Road (GOV20-0001)** a portion of an existing right-of-way easement for Bass Lake Road, south of the intersection between Bass Lake Road and Bridlewood Drive
AGENDA ITEMHearing to consider a request for a Finding of General Plan consistency on the proposed vacation of a portion of Bass Lake Road (GOV20-0001)** on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 123-040-010 is a portion of an existing right-of-way easement for Bass Lake Road, south of the intersection between Bass Lake Road and Bridlewood Drive, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Serrano Associates; and staff recommending the Planning Commission find the proposed vacation portion of Bass Lake Road to be consistent with the applicable policies of the El Dorado County General Plan. (Supervisorial District 1)

Clerk’s Note: Item was pulled from Consent Calendar for discussion.

Public Comment: D. Gillick

Chair Vegna opened the hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the hearing.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bly-Chester, seconded by Commissioner Williams, to:

1) Find the four lane highway configuration consistent with the General Plan;
2) Find the existing easement and/or future planned configuration of the intersection with Bridlewood Drive will not be adversely affected;
3) Find GOV20-0001 Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15305;
4) Find GOV20-0001 consistent with the General Plan based on the General Plan Consistency as presented in the Staff Report; and
5) Note the applicant is working with Bridlewood Canyon HOA in regards to the easement between Bridlewood and Serrano.

Votes were by roll call.
Yes: Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Bly-Chester, Commissioner Clerici and Commissioner Vegna
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