El Dorado County Planning Commission August 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Recording in Video Format
4-1291 | 2 | 2. | Agenda Item | Hearing to consider Carson Creek Heritage Clubhouse (Conditional Use Permit CUP22-0012) request to allow a 3.05 acre site to include a private clubhouse, Heritage at Carson Creek Clubhouse. The request consists of a 5,837-square-foot single story clubhouse, which includes a fitness room, a large gathering space, restrooms, and a private kitchen and bar area. The grounds include a large pool, deck, spa, an event lawn area for gatherings and multiple outdoor recreational courts. The site use is approved as part of the Heritage at Carson Creek Tentative Map (TM20-0001), approved in August 2021, pending approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a specific project. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 117-820-059, consisting of 3.05 acres, is located on the south side of Investment Boulevard, approximately 0.36 mile south of the intersection with Investment Boulevard and Pismo Drive, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA; Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1) Find Conditional Use Permit CUP22-0012 Public Comment: K. Payne Chair Nevis opened the public hearing and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams recused himself from item #2 due to the following: 1) received new information that could be inferred as influencing his bias, 2) as a member of the Heritage Homeowners Association it could be inferred he has financial interest and could share in the liabilities on legal action and 3) his proximity to the project. Commissioner Williams left the hearing room at 8:39 a.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Reinhardt, seconded by Commissioner Boeger to approve staff recommendations 1 and 2. Yes: 3 – Commissioner Boeger, Commissioner Nevis and Commissioner Reinhardt Noes: 1 – Commissioner Harkin Recused: 1 – Commissioner Williams |
24-1388 | 1 | 3. | Agenda Item | A staff led informational workshop to introduce projects for the Planning Commission in a setting less formal than a public hearing. No action or recommendation to the Board of Supervisors is being sought from Planning Commissioners for this item. Informational Workshop on the Proposed Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan (A14-0004/Z14-0006/SP12-0003/DA14-0002/PD14-0005) and the Proposed Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan (A14-0002/Z14-0003/SP12-0001/ DA14-0004/PD14-0003). Public Comment: L. Campbell, B. Thompson, S. Palmer, L. Stanfell, B. Tyler, J. Blodgett, T. Israel, E. Trillquato, K. Jermstad, T. Hyatt, John, K. Payne, D. Wolfson, G. Posey Chair Nevis opened the public workshop and upon conclusion of public comment and staff input, closed the public workshop. Jefferson Billingsley, Deputy County Counsel, stated that his personal residence is in close proximity to both of the projects and will not be participating in the Planning Commission hearing. He left the hearing room at 8:48 a.m. Commissioner Williams returned to the hearing room at 8:48 a.m. He expressed his concern about hearing two Specific Plan projects at the same time. He also found it troubling to receive a data dump from staff at 5:00 p.m. the evening before the hearing, not giving enough time for the public or the Commission to review the materials. Commissioner Boeger agreed that for a hearing all the materials should be available in a timely manner. However, as it’s a workshop, she is comfortable with having the conversation. Chair Nevis agreed with Commissioner Williams that when it comes to a hearing that the last minute data dump is not going to go over well. However, as this is a workshop and is informational, Commissioner Nevis stated that he is comfortable proceeding. No action was taken on this item. |