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El Dorado County Board of Supervisors October 26, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

21-1615AGENDA #2 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board appoint Christopher Perry as Interim Director of Planning and Buildin effective November 6, 2021.
Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board appoint Christopher Perry as Interim Director of Planning and Building, at Step 3 of the salary range ($87.53/hour), effective November 6, 2021. FUNDING: N/A

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
21-1544AGENDA #13 recommending the Board consider the following regarding the Silver Springs Parkway Offsite (South Segment) Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 76108/36105039, Contract 4076 with Granite Construction Company: 1) Retroactively approve and authorize the Chair to sign Contract Change Order 28 in the amount of $90,380 to construct a leveling course of hot mix asphalt on Bass Lake Road and on Madera Way; 2) Retroactively approve and authorize the Chair to sign Contract Change Order 30 in the amount of $11,600 for grinding the existing hot mix asphalt surfacing on Bass Lake Road and on Madera Way; and 3) Find that an exception to the competitive bidding requirement of Public Contract Code section 20137 exists here and that a waiver of competitive bidding is appropriate.
Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following regarding the Silver Springs Parkway Offsite (South Segment) Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 76108/36105039, Contract 4076 with Granite Construction Company: 1) Retroactively approve and authorize the Chair to sign Contract Change Order 28 in the amount of $90,380 to construct a leveling course of hot mix asphalt on Bass Lake Road and on Madera Way; 2) Retroactively approve and authorize the Chair to sign Contract Change Order 30 in the amount of $11,600 for grinding the existing hot mix asphalt surfacing on Bass Lake Road and on Madera Way; and 3) Find that an exception to the competitive bidding requirement of Public Contract Code section 20137 exists here and that a waiver of competitive bidding is appropriate. FUNDING: Road Fund/Discretionary (0.4%), TIM Zone 1-7 (16.6%), Developer Advance TIM Zone 1-7 (21.7%), Developer Funded (61.2%).

Public Comment: K. Payne, R. Michelson, M. Lane, K. Greewood

A motion was made by Supervisor Novasel, seconded by Supervisor Thomas to Approve this matter.

Yes: 5 – Novasel, Hidahl, Parlin, Thomas and Turnboo
21-1040AGENDA #21 Supervisor Turnboo recommending the Board make the following appointment to the El Dorado County Planning Commission: Appoint Sue Taylor, Member – District 2, Term Expiration 01/01/2025.
Agenda ItemSupervisor Turnboo recommending the Board make the following appointment to the El Dorado County Planning Commission: Appoint Sue Taylor, Member – District 2, Term Expiration 01/01/2025. FUNDING: N/A

Public Comment: S.Taylor, K. Payne, R. Michelson, J. Gainsbourgh, M. Lane, L. Grado, L. Brent-Bumb, J. Folder, J. Maynard, H. Krogh, B. Chapman, K. Greenwood, D. Manning, G. Helm, R. Mason, R. Miller, K. Smith

A motion was made by Supervisor Turnboo, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to Approve this matter.

This matter did not pass.
Yes: 2 – Parlin and Turnboo
Noes: 2 – Novasel and Thomas
Abstained: 1 – Hidahl

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