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El Dorado County Board of Supervisors October 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

24-169313.Agenda ItemProcurement and Contracts, a division of the Chief Administrative Office, on behalf of the Facilities and Airports Divisions of the Chief Administrative Office and the Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Make findings in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Section 3.13.030 C that due to the limited time frames, temporary or occasional nature, or schedule for the project or scope of work, the ongoing aggregate of work to be performed under Agreement for Services 5910 with Hilltop Tree Service is not sufficient to warrant the addition of permanent staff; 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment II to Agreement for Services 5910 with Eric S. Hill doing business as Hilltop Tree Service to increase the compensation amount by $75,000 for an updated amount not to exceed $380,000 to provide as-needed, urgent, or immediate certified arborist services for matters of public safety; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments to Agreement for Services 5910

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
24-0858111.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Accept the subdivision improvements for Bass Lake North, TM 14-1522 / PD 14-0010, as complete; 2) Hold Performance Bond SU1184163 in the amount of $431,609.50, which is ten percent of the total cost of the subdivision improvements. This amount guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, which is to be released after one year if no claims are made; 3) Hold Laborers & Materialmens Bond SU1184163 in the amount of $2,158,047.50 for six months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and 4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective Bonds after the required time periods upon written request by Transportation. (District 1) FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
24-1555219.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning and Building Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5209 amending Title 5 – County Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code, amending Chapter 5.56 – Vacation Home Rentals, to add the recommendations of the Vacation Home Rental Advisory Committee and Board of Supervisors; and 2) Waive reading the full Ordinance, read by title only, and continue this matter to October 22, 2024, for Final Passage (Second Reading). FUNDING: N/A

Public Comment: M. Blue-Bennett, Corina, A. Dandery, M. Gremlin, H. Hoffman, L. Gresh, V. Ketchskey, K. Frye, L. Allen, No name given, B. Guave, V. Kumar

A motion was made by Supervisor Laine, seconded by Supervisor to Parlin to Approve this matter and provide the following direction to staff:

1) In Section 5.56.020(B), after the word complaints add regarding vacation home rentals;
2) Include language in Section 5.56.0240 Purpose of Chapter, to include hosted rentals and how they are valued by the community and tend to have less violations;
3) Include language in Section 5.56.056, that the hosted home rentals are not subject to clustering within the Lake Tahoe Basin portion of the unincorporated area of El Dorado County;
4) In Section 5.56.055, move the cap of 600 Vacation Home Rentals back to 900 and the Board will continue to monitor;
5) In Section 5.56.040 remove specific language as it pertains to guest houses (“A laundry facility and kitchen or cooking facility, or room for installation of a stove, a full-size refrigerator, or sink other than the bathroom and wet bar sinks, shall be prohibited. In the Tahoe Basin, a total of one (1) sink may be included which can be either the bathroom or bar sink on guest houses and refer to the unit being properly permitted”); and
6) Continue Ordinance 5209 to October 22, 2024 for Final Passage (Second Reading).

Yes: 5 – Hidahl, Thomas, Turnboo, Laine and Parlin
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