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El Dorado County Board of Supervisors October 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

22-1749AGENDA #2 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board consider approving and authorizing the Chair to sign a letter to California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara advocating that insurance companies provide or continue to provide insurance for rural counties.
Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board consider approving and authorizing the Chair to sign a letter to California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara advocating that insurance companies provide or continue to provide insurance for rural counties. FUNDING: N/A

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
22-1504AGENDA #14 Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve the Appraisal Cost Reimbursement Agreement boilerplate, subject to minor modifications by County Counsel; and 2) Approve the Resolution 155-2022 to Authorize the Department of Transportation Director to Execute Appraisal Cost Reimbursement Agreements as necessary for the Right-of-Way acquisition process.
Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve the Appraisal Cost Reimbursement Agreement boilerplate, subject to minor modifications by County Counsel; and 2) Approve the Resolution 155-2022 to Authorize the Department of Transportation Director to Execute Appraisal Cost Reimbursement Agreements as necessary for the Right-of-Way acquisition process. FUNDING: N/A

This matter was Approved and Resolution 155-2022 was Adopted upon Approval of the Consent Calendar.
22-1717AGENDA #17 Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, submitting for approval of Final Maps for the Summer Brook, Unit 1 Subdivision (TM07-1440-R2), Phases 1 & 2 (TM-F22-0008) to create a total of 15 residential lots ranging in size from 1.4 acres to 2.23 acres in size and four (4) open space/landscape lots (Lots “A”, “B”, “D” and “E”), on property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-210-012 and 102-220-013 (Attachment H, Exhibit A), located on the north side of Green Valley Road, 500 feet west of the intersection with Bass Lake Road in the Cameron Park area (Attachment H, Exhibit B) and Summer Brook, Unit 2 Subdivision Phases 3 & 4 (TM-F22-0009) to create a total of 14 residential lots ranging in size from 1.3 acres to 2.06 acres in size and one open space/landscape lot (Lot “C”), on property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-210-012 and 102-220-013 (Attachment I, Exhibit A), located on the north side of Green Valley Road, 500 feet west of the intersection with Bass Lake Road in the Cameron Park area 
Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Planning Division, submitting for approval of Final Maps for the Summer Brook, Unit 1 Subdivision (TM07-1440-R2), Phases 1 & 2 (TM-F22-0008) to create a total of 15 residential lots ranging in size from 1.4 acres to 2.23 acres in size and four (4) open space/landscape lots (Lots “A”, “B”, “D” and “E”), on property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-210-012 and 102-220-013 (Attachment H, Exhibit A), located on the north side of Green Valley Road, 500 feet west of the intersection with Bass Lake Road in the Cameron Park area (Attachment H, Exhibit B) and Summer Brook, Unit 2 Subdivision Phases 3 & 4 (TM-F22-0009) to create a total of 14 residential lots ranging in size from 1.3 acres to 2.06 acres in size and one open space/landscape lot (Lot “C”), on property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 102-210-012 and 102-220-013 (Attachment I, Exhibit A), located on the north side of Green Valley Road, 500 feet west of the intersection with Bass Lake Road in the Cameron Park area 

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
Staff directed to include Attachment L – Traffic Signal Agreement with this item.
22-1764AGENDA #23 Planning and Building Department, Code Enforcement Division, recommending the Board receive a presentation on Code Enforcement activities and procedures.
Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Code Enforcement Division, recommending the Board receive a presentation on Code Enforcement activities and procedures. FUNDING: N/A

Public Comment: R. Mason, D. Getz, K. Greenwood, N. Yanish

A motion was made by Supervisor Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to:
1) Receive and file a presentation on Code Enforcement activities and procedures;
2) Direct staff to explore concepts for amnesty programs and return to the Board by February 2023 for the Board to provide staff with recommendations to be incorporated into the County’s ordinance; and
3) Direct staff to remove the anonymous language on the Code Enforcement website and the Code Enforcement complaint. Also include language that confidentiality will be maintained on all Code Enforcement complaints
submitted to the County.

Yes: 5 – Novasel, Hidahl, Parlin, Thomas, and Turnboo
22-1763AGENDA #24 Planning & Building Department recommending the Board approve the Introduction (First Reading) of amendments to Chapter 9.02 of the El Dorado County Code of Ordinances, related to Code Enforcement activities, and waive full reading, read by title only and continue this matter to November 8, 2022 for Final Passage (Second Reading). Amendments are as follows: 1) Amend County Ordinance §9.02.470, removing the subsection that provides for appeals of Hearing Officer determinations to the Board of Supervisors; 2) Add Section 9.02.510 incorporating Health and Safety Code §17920.3 regarding substandard housing; 3) Add Section 9.02.520, adoption of Board Resolution 202-2015 Parking and Loading Standards; and 4) Add Section 9.02.530, which will expressly allow Code Enforcement to investigate and enforce violations of approval requirements contained within Temporary Use Permits, Conditional Use Permits, Special Use Permits, Conditions of Approval, and similar.
Agenda ItemPlanning & Building Department recommending the Board approve the Introduction (First Reading) of amendments to Chapter 9.02 of the El Dorado County Code of Ordinances, related to Code Enforcement activities, and waive full reading, read by title only and continue this matter to November 8, 2022 for Final Passage (Second Reading). Amendments are as follows: 1) Amend County Ordinance §9.02.470, removing the subsection that provides for appeals of Hearing Officer determinations to the Board of Supervisors; 2) Add Section 9.02.510 incorporating Health and Safety Code §17920.3 regarding substandard housing; 3) Add Section 9.02.520, adoption of Board Resolution 202-2015 Parking and Loading Standards; and 4) Add Section 9.02.530, which will expressly allow Code Enforcement to investigate and enforce violations of approval requirements contained within Temporary Use Permits, Conditional Use Permits, Special Use Permits, Conditions of Approval, and similar. FUNDING: N/A

Public Comment: R. Mason, D. Getz, K. Greenwood

A motion was made by Supervisor Parlin, seconded by Supervisor Thomas to Continue amendments to Chapter 9.02 of the El Dorado County Code of Ordinance related to Code Enforcement activities to November 8, 2022 for Final
Passage (Second Reading).

Yes: 5 – Novasel, Hidahl, Parlin, Thomas, and Turnboo

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