Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board of Supervisors: 1) Receive and file a presentation from the Vegetation Management and Wildfire Resiliency Working Group; 2) Approve in concept the establishment of an “Office of Wildfire Resilience” in the Chief Administrative Office; and 3) Designate $3,375,000 of excess contingency funds as the local matching funds for a federal Hazard Mitigation Grant to conduct defensible space, home hardening work, and hazardous fuels reduction in the County. FUNDING: General Fund.
Public Comment: K. Payne, L. Newson, M. Johnson, M. Lane, K. Pruett, W. Deloria
A motion was made by Supervisor Turnboo, seconded by Supervisor Thomas to: 1) Receive and file a presentation from the Vegetation Management and Wildfire Resiliency Working Group; 2) Approve in concept the establishment of an “Office of Wildfire Resilience” in the Chief Administrative Office; and 3) Designate $3,375,000 of excess contingency funds as the local matching funds for a federal Hazard Mitigation Grant to conduct defensible space, home hardening work, and hazardous fuels reduction in the County.
Yes: 5 – Novasel, Hidahl, Parlin, Thomas and Turnboo |