23-0851 | 1 | 56. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 086-2023 and adopt the 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as presented in Attachment E; and 2) Return the project, Latrobe Road Widening – Investment Boulevard to Golden Foothill Parkway South/Clubview Drive, CIP 36105055, to the unfunded list and not add it to the 2023 CIP. FUNDING: Various Federal, State, and Local funding sources, including Traffic Impact Fee Program, Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Financing Plan, Road Fund, Tribe Funds, Accumulative Capital Outlay, Developer Advanced Funds, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and/or General Fund.
Public Comment: L. Knutson, W. Deloria, K. Lishman
A motion was made by Supervisor Parlin, seconded by Supervisor Laine to: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 086-2023 and adopt the 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as presented in Attachment E; 2) Return the project, Latrobe Road Widening – Investment Boulevard to Golden Foothill Parkway South/Clubview Drive, CIP 36105055, to the unfunded list and not add it to the 2023 CIP; 3) Direct staff to return to the Board by the end of August 2023 with a workshop to discuss the CIP and its relationship to the Traffic Impact Fee program which would include projects on Green Valley Road, Bass Lake Road and White Rock Road which were removed in the 2016 CIP; and 4) Direct staff to include a preliminary analysis and potential action for the Board to take within 30 days of the workshop.
Yes: 4 – Hidahl, Turnboo, Laine and Parlin Absent: 1 – Thomas |