El Dorado County Board of Supervisors June 25, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Meeting in Video Recording Format
Of note to El Dorado Hills residents
24-0822 | 1 | 5. | Agenda Item | Community Development Finance and Administration, a division of the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget for operating transfers in to the General Fund by $1,885,000, with corresponding changes to the budgets for Department of Transportation, Environmental Management and Planning and Building Department, Airports Division due to a change in methodology in cost recovery. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Road Fund, CSA 10 Funds, CSA 3 Funds, Internal Service Charges, and General Fund. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-0765 | 1 | 9. | Agenda Item | Facilities, a division of the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Joint Use Agreement 303-O1511 (FENIX 8736), Amendment III, with El Dorado Hills Community Services District (CSD) to extend their use of county-owned space located at 990 Lassen Way, El Dorado Hills, for senior services activities provided by the CSD, for one year, beginning July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, reimbursing the County for CSD’s pro rata share of costs, estimated to total $30,000, to operate the facility; and 2) Authorize the County Purchasing Agent to execute further Amendments, if any, relating to Joint Use Agreement 303-O1511 (FENIX 8736) that do not decrease the dollar amount or change the term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: El Dorado Hills Community Services District. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-0987 | 1 | 10. | Agenda Item | County Counsel recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment 2 to Agreement 4089 with Abbott & Kindermann, Inc. for legal services pertaining to Environmental Impact Report review and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance for various specific plan applications being processed by the Planning & Building Department, revising the Notification of Conflict, Costs, and Compensation sections, and extending the agreement by two years to June 30, 2026. FUNDING: Applicant funded. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-0986 | 1 | 27. | Agenda Item | Library Department recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 8851 with First 5 El Dorado Commission to provide funding for the Library to provide professional services for the Community Hubs in the amount of $276,600 for the period of July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 8851, including amendments which do not increase Net County Cost or extend the term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: First 5 El Dorado Grant. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-0963 | 1 | 28. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement between the El Dorado County Transportation Commission and the County of El Dorado for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Exchange Funds (X24-6157(086)) in the amount of $560,513 for the following projects: Diamond Springs Parkway – Phase 1B (District 3), Green Valley Road at Indian Creek – Bridge Replacement (District 4), Green Valley Road at Mound Springs Creek – Bridge Replacement (District 4), and Latrobe West Connector (District 2). FUNDING: Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Exchange Funds (X24-6157(086)). This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-0900 | 1 | 31. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment to the Green Valley Road Road Improvement Agreement 21-54989, between the County and the Developer, Summerbrook, El Dorado, LLC, extending the performance period to July 7, 2025. (Districts 1 & 4) FUNDING: Developer Funded. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-1068 | 1 | 37. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, Long Range Planning Division, Affordable Housing Unit, recommending the Board: 1) Pursuant to Section 3.13.030 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Chapter 3.13, Contracting Out, find that specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in County classifications are required for the performance of this work; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to competitively bid Agreement 7389 with Housing Group LLC for the provision of providing program administration of the Department’s Affordable Housing Program (formerly Housing, Community, and Economic Development Unit), increasing the total agreement amount by $360,000 for a new total agreement of $420,000.00, updating the scope of work, and extending the term of the Agreement by two years with a revised expiration of July 8, 2026; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, to execute any further documents determined necessary related to Agreement 7389, including amendments which do not increase the not-to-exceed amount or the term of the Agreement This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-1023 | 1 | 38. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, Long Range Planning Division, Affordable Housing Unit, in accordance with Board of Supervisors Policy B-14, Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Offset Program for Developments with Affordable Housing Units, recommending the Board: 1) Find that the El Dorado Senior Apartments Phases 1 & 2 project provides significant community benefit by providing housing that is affordable to very-low, low- and moderate-income households; 2) Make a conditional award of a Traffic Impact Fee Offset totaling approximately $1,103,806.00 (per current TIF Program Fee schedule, but subject to change with each TIF Program Fee schedule update) to offset 100% of 144 units affordable at various low-income levels, ranging from 20% to 70% of area median income; and 3) Authorize the Planning and Building Department Director, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, to execute all documents associated with the TIF Offset Program. (District 3) FUNDING: Federal and State Transportation Revenues. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
24-0823 | 2 | 50. | Agenda Item | HEARING – Air Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board, acting as the AQMD Board of Directors, approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 115-2024 adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-25 recommended budget for the El Dorado County AQMD. (Cont. 6/11/2024, Item 40) FUNDING: Permit revenues, State surcharge fees, Grants. Supervisor Thomas opened the public hearing and upon hearing from staff and the public closed the hearing. A motion was made by Supervisor Turnboo, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to adopt Resolution 115-2024 to include the following corrections of the proposed permit cost for program element 0882 (Authority to Construct Application) increased by $1, from $481 to $482 and program element 0942 (Filing Fee) increased by $1 from $125 to $126. Yes: 5 – Hidahl, Thomas, Turnboo, Laine and Parlin |
24-0813 | 2 | 51. | Agenda Item | HEARING – Auditor-Controller recommending the Board: 1) Adopt the following resolutions that are on file in the Board Clerk’s Office completing the formation process for El Dorado County Community Facilities District No. 2024-2 (Heritage at Carson Creek Village 11): A) Resolution of Formation of Community Facilities District 119-2024, to which are attached two exhibits as follows: a) Exhibit A – List of Facilities and b) Exhibit B – Rate and Method of Apportionment. B) Resolution Calling Special Landowner Election 120-2024, to which is attached a form of the Ballot; and C) Resolution Declaring Results of Special Landowner Election and Directing Recording of Notice of Special Tax Lien 121-2024, to which is a form for the Board Clerk’s use in canvassing the election results; and 2) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5204 Levying Special Taxes for CFD 2024-2 (Heritage at Carson Creek Village 11), waive full reading of the Ordinance, read by title only, and continue this matter to July 16, 2024 for Final Passage (Second Reading). FUNDING: N/A Public Comment: C. Roberts, R. Williams, K. Payne Supervisor Thomas opened the public hearing and upon hearing from staff and the public closed the hearing. A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to Continue this matter to July 16, 2024. Yes: 5 – Hidahl, Thomas, Turnboo, Laine and Parlin |
24-1077 | 1 | 52. | Agenda Item | HEARING – Planning and Building Department, Commercial Cannabis Division, and the Treasurer-Tax Collector recommending the Board: 1) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5203 to consider amendments to the commercial cannabis tax rate structure changing the tax rate types for all types of cannabis cultivation from various square footage rates to three percent of gross receipts commencing upon the adoption of the Ordinance and increase by one half percent each subsequent fiscal year until reaching four percent; increasing to three and half percent on July 1, 2025, and four percent on July 1, 2026; 2) Find the ordinance exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines §15060(c)(2), §15061(b)(3), and §15378; and 3) Waive the full reading of the Ordinance, read by title only, and continue this matter to July 16, 2024, for Final Passage (Second Reading). FUNDING: N/A Supervisor Thomas opened the public hearing and upon hearing from staff and the public closed the hearing. A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to Continue Ordinance 5203 to July 16, 2023 for Final Passage (Second Reading) and to include the following changes to Ordinance 5203: 1) Include a small escalator in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024/25 – 3%, FY 2025/26 – 3.5% and FY 2026/27 – 4%; and 2) Staff requesting a clerical correction be made to section (B) of the Ordinance as it currently reads 3.20.090 and should read 3.22.090. Yes: 5 – Hidahl, Thomas, Turnboo, Laine and Parlin |