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EDC Board of Supervisors September 29, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

20-1198Agenda #3 Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5129, authorizing the implementation of a Community Choice Aggregation Program in the unincorporated areas of El Dorado County that are serviced by PG&E
AGENDA ITEMChief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5129, authorizing the implementation of a Community Choice Aggregation Program in the unincorporated areas of El Dorado County that are serviced by PG&E. (Cont. 9/22/20, Item 35) FUNDING: N/A

Ordinance 5129 was Adopted upon Approval of the Consent Calendar.
20-1079Agenda #10 approve and authorize the Chair to sign First Amendment to Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class 1 Subdivision between County and Owner, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., for Carson Creek 2A, Phase 1, TM 06-1428R
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign First Amendment to Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class 1 Subdivision between County and Owner, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., for Carson Creek 2A, Phase 1, TM 06-1428R, extending the performance period to October 22, 2021. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
20-1080Agenda #11 approve and authorize the Chair to sign First Amendment to Agreement 17-54790 to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class 1 Subdivision between County and Owner, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., for Carson Creek 2A, Phase 2, TM 06-1428R
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign First Amendment to Agreement 17-54790 to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class 1 Subdivision between County and Owner, Lennar Homes of California, Inc., for Carson Creek 2A, Phase 2, TM 06-1428R, extending the performance period to March 5, 2021. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
20-1081Agenda #12 approve and authorize the Chair to sign Sixth Amendment to Agreement 07-1496 to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class 1 Subdivision between County and Owner, Lennar Homes of California, Inc. for West Valley Village Unit 7B, TM 99-1359-7B
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Sixth Amendment to Agreement 07-1496 to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class 1 Subdivision between County and Owner, Lennar Homes of California, Inc. for West Valley Village Unit 7B, TM 99-1359-7B, extending the performance period to February 7, 2021. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
20-1071Agenda #13 approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 9 to Subdivision Improvement Agreement 06-1060 for Silver Springs – Unit 1, TM 97-1330
AGENDA ITEMDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 9 to Subdivision Improvement Agreement 06-1060 for Silver Springs – Unit 1, TM 97-1330, with Silver Springs El Dorado County, Inc., extending the performance period to September 24, 2021. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.

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