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EDC Board of Supervisors November 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

19-138118Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Accept the subdivision improvements for West Valley Village, Unit 6C, TM 99-1359-6C, as complete; 2) Reduce Performance Bond with Rider 6547252 from $541,192.46 to $144,584.63, which is ten percent of the total revised cost of the subdivision improvements, which guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, and which is to be released after one year if no claims are made; 3) Hold Laborers & Materialmens Bond 6547252 in the amount of $681,388.97 for six months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and 4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective Bonds after the required time periods upon written request by the Department. FUNDING: Developer Funded. (No Federal Funds)

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-161220Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Accept the subdivision improvements for the West Valley Village – Unit 3C project, TM 10-1500 as complete; 2) Reduce Performance Bond 706103S from $329,110.75 to $90,517.33, which is ten percent of the total cost of the subdivision improvements, which guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, and which is to be released after one year if no claims are made; 3) Hold Laborer and Materialmens Bond 706103S in the amount of $452,586.66 for six (6) months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and 4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective bonds after the required time periods upon written request from the Department of Transportation. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-163522Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 205-2019 authorizing the Department to apply for the California Climate Investment Fire Prevention Grant Program and expend funds if awarded the grant. FUNDING: Road Fund.

Resolution 205-2019 was Adopted upon Approval of the Consent Calendar.
19-163923Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve appointments of Advisory Committee members to fill vacancies on Zone of Benefit Advisory Committees in County Service Areas No. 2 and No. 9 as outlined in Exhibit A, Zone of Benefit Advisory Committee Changes for 2019/2020; and 2) Confirm the appointment of Advisory Committee members who will be continuing their participation on the Zone of Benefit Advisory Committees in County Service Areas No. 2 and No. 9, as outlined in Exhibit B, Zone of Benefit Advisory Committee Continuing Participants for 2019/2020. FUNDING: County Service Area 2 and 9 Zone of Benefit Special Taxes and Assessments.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
Supervisor Parlin made a statement regarding this matter that going forward
she plans to work with staff regarding the Zone of Benefit committee to ensure
the committee appointment process is open to everyone that is interested in it
and that these committees are as transparent and inclusive as possible.
19-161324Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Accept the subdivision improvements for the West Valley Village – Unit 5C, TM 10-1501 project as complete; 2) Reduce Performance Bond 706105S from $643,498.34 to $154,449.71, which is ten percent of the total cost of the subdivision improvements, which guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, and which is to be released after one year if no claims are made; 3) Hold Laborer and Materialmens Bond 706105S in the amount of $772,248.57 for six (6) months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and 4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective bonds after the required time periods upon written request from the Department of Transportation. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-161425Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Accept the subdivision improvements for the West Valley Village – Unit 7C, TM 10-1494 project as complete; 2) Reduce Performance Bond 703555S from $213,765.47 to $61,959.82, which is ten percent of the total cost of the subdivision improvements, which guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, and which is to be released after one year if no claims are made; 3) Hold Laborer and Materialmens Bond 703555S in the amount of $309,799.10 for six (6) months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and 4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective bonds after the required time periods upon written request from the Department of Transportation. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-152926Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 4378 for Sale of Mitigation Credits with Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC, as owner of the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank, for the sale of 2.31 Floodplain Mosaic Wetland (Riparian) credits to the County of El Dorado for a total purchase price of $300,300, as necessary mitigation for the construction of the Silver Springs Parkway to Bass Lake Road (South Segment) Project, CIP 76108/36105039. FUNDING: Developer Advanced Traffic Impact Mitigation Zones 1-7 Fees, Traffic Impact Mitigation Zones 1-7 Fees, Developer Funds and Road Funds/Discretionary Funds.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-161527Agenda Item
Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Accept the subdivision improvements for the West Valley Village – Lots 6 & 7, Phase 2, TM 06-1409-R project as complete; 2) Reduce Performance Bond with 706101S from $130,396.32 to $40,783.52, which is ten percent of the total cost of the subdivision improvements, which guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, and which is to be released after one year if no claims are made; 3) Hold Laborer and Materialmens Bond 706101S in the amount of $203,917.64 for six (6) months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and 4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective bonds after the required time periods upon written request from the Department of Transportation. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-160430Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Planning Services Division-Current Planning, submitting for approval Final Map (TM-F19-0001) for Serrano Village J6 Unit 2 (TM13-1511), creating 30 residential lots, ranging in size from 5,009 to 9,322 square feet, and 2 lettered lots, on property identified by Assessor’s Number 123-690-001, located on the south side of Bass Lake Road at the intersection with Serrano Parkway/Sienna Ridge Road, in the El Dorado Hills area and recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve Final Map (TM-F19-0001) for Serrano Village J6 Unit 2; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements (Attachment B); 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement on Conditions for Acceptance of Drainage Easements for Serrano Village J6 Unit 2 (Attachment D); and 4) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement on Conditions for Acceptance of Roads for Serrano Village J Unit 2 (Attachment E). (Supervisorial District 1) FUNDING: Developer-Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar.
19-160133Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Approve three amendments to the FY 2019-20 budget to (a) reflect one entry to the financial system for a technical correction to the stated General Fund Designation for Road Infrastructure and Fund Balance pursuant to a previously approved budget amendment, and (b) to reflect two amendments to special revenue funds that are necessary to balance the two funds to actual fund balance available in the respective funds; 2) Consider and provide conceptual approval for amendments to the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Adopted Budget to incorporate recommended uses for General Fund fund balance carried over from Fiscal Year 2018-19, reflecting information and requests that arose following the approval of the Recommended Budget; and 3) Direct staff to return to the Board with a budget transfer form for approval, reflecting the Board’s direction on recommended amendments. A 4/5 vote will be required to approve the Budget Amendments. (Est. Time: 1 Hr.) FUNDING: General Fund Appropriation for Contingency; Various Related Budgets.

Public Comment: T. LeMoncheck, M. Durando, W. DeWalt, T. Kayes, J. Gray

Items 33 and 34 were heard together.

A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to
Approve three amendments to the FY 2019-20 budget to:
1) Reflect one entry to the financial system for a technical correction to the
stated General Fund Designation for Road Infrastructure and Fund Balance
pursuant to a previously approved budget amendment; and
2) Reflect two amendments to special revenue funds that are necessary to
balance the two funds to actual fund balance available in the respective funds.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin

A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to
give conceptual approval for amendments to the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Adopted
Budget to incorporate recommended uses for General Fund fund balance
carried over from Fiscal Year 2018-19 to include: (from Attachment A)
1) Previously Approved Accumulative Capital Outlay (ACO) Fund Projects;
2) Additional ACO Fund Projects;
3) Expense Related to Transient Occupancy Tax Economic Development
4) Other Priority Expenditures; and
5) Already Approved/Funded.
Not included in this were requests from:
1) Tahoe Management Association;
2) Contribution to Arts Council;
3) El Dorado County Office of Education Bellweather Project; and
4) Promise Foundation Contribution.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin

A motion was made by Supervisor Veerkamp, seconded by Supervisor Novael
to provide conceptual approval of $20,000 for the Veterans programs offered
though the Arts Council.
Motion Failed.

Yes: 3 – Veerkamp, Novasel and Hidahl
Noes: 2 – Frentzen and Parlin
19-159735Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Receive an El Dorado Countywide Housing and Employment Projections, 2018 – 2040 Memorandum pertaining to the 2020 Major Update of the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, the 2016 – 2020 five-year review of the General Plan and the 2021 – 2029 Housing Element Update; and 2) Provide Staff and their consultants with input and direction. (Est. Time: 1.5 Hr.) FUNDING: N/A

Public Comment: T. Kayes, K. Payne

A motion was made by Supervisor Frentzen, seconded by Supervisor Veerkamp
to provide direction to staff and their consultants to move forward utilizing the
data and methodology described in the BAE Urban Economics, Inc. presentation
to use the West Slope housing unit and employment growth assumptions for
planning purposes.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
19-157536Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board receive a presentation from staff regarding an update to the proposed methodology process for the Regional Housing Needs Assessment for the 2021-2029 General Plan Housing Element Update. (Est. Time: 15 Min.) FUNDING: N/A

Public Comment: T. Kayes, K. Payne

Received and Filed.
19-164039Agenda ItemEnvironmental Management Department recommending the Board receive a presentation from members of the El Dorado Solid Waste Advisory Committee regarding current recycling practices and goals going forward. (Est. Time: 30 Min.) FUNDING: Non-General Fund. County Service Area No. 10 – Solid Waste funds.

Public Comment: T. Kayes, F. Rios

Received and Filed.
19-161040Agenda ItemHEARING – Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, forwarding a request from Lennar Homes of California, Inc. for an Initiation Hearing (Conceptual Review) of a proposed Specific Plan Amendment of the Carson Creek Specific Plan to change land use designations from Research and Development, and Industrial to Residential and Commercial which would facilitate a development that would include a mixture of commercial use, a community center, open space, and a continuation of an existing age-restricted residential development of up to 415 residential units. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 117-680-007, 117-680-003, 117-680-004, 117-680-008, 117-680-016, 117-570-013, 117-570-017, and 117-570-018, consisting of 138 acres, is located in the El Dorado Hills area. Staff recommends the Board take the following actions: 1) Find that the proposed Pre-Application PA17-0004 complies with the criteria for initiation of General Plan Amendments as required by Board of Supervisors Policy J-6; and 2) Provide the Applicant with initial feedback on the proposed project.

Public Comment: A. Celsel, J. Harn, T. Kayes

Supervisor Novasel opened the public hearing and upon conclusion of public
comment and staff input, closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Supervisor Veerkamp, seconded by Supervisor Hidahl
1) Find that conceptual review for the proposed Carson Creek Specific Plan
Amendment is consistent with Board of Supervisors Policy J6; and
2) Provide advisory feedback to the applicant on the project to consider the
following components an emergency medical service equalization tax,
stringent development agreement with the County, school district financing, age
restriction element, fiscal analysis and regional housing needs assessment.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin

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