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EDC Board of Supervisors March 6, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Video Recording: PENDING

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Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

18-020423Agenda ItemCommunity Development Services, Department of Transportation, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 021-2018 authorizing the Department of Transportation Director, or designee, the delegated authority to approve temporary road closures for utility and Capital Improvement Program projects. FUNDING: N/A – Resolution 021-2018 was Adopted upon Approval of the Consent Calendar.
18-028725Agenda ItemCommunity Development Services, Planning and Building Department, submitting for approval of Final Map (TM06-1428-F-2) for Carson Creek Unit 2A, Phase 2, creating a total of 141 lots consisting of 139 residential lots and 2 lettered lots on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 117-680-05, located on the south side of Carson Crossing Drive on the west side of Palmdale Drive, in the El Dorado Hills area, and recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the Final Map (TM06-1428-F-2) for Carson Creek Unit 2A, Phase 2 Subdivision; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements. (Supervisorial District 2) FUNDING: Developer funded subdivision improvements. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. 
18-029430.Agenda ItemSupervisor Ranalli recommending Board: 1) Recognize California Highway Patrol Officer Ian Hoey for his dedication and extraordinary effort to establish partnerships, on behalf of the Placerville California Highway Patrol Office, with the numerous local government, education and non-profit organizations throughout the County of El Dorado in the establishment, support and participation in programs and events that serve to improve and protect the lives of all residents throughout the County of El Dorado; and 2) Authorize Chair to sign Proclamation to commend Officer Ian Hoey for his commitment to protect and serve the residents of the County of El Dorado. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)

Supervisor Ranalli read the Proclamation.
A motion was made by Supervisor Ranalli, seconded by Supervisor Frentzen to
Approve this matter.
Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Ranalli, Novasel and Hidahl
