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EDC Board of Supervisors August 3, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents

20-0950Agenda #26 Silver Springs Parkway Offsite (South Segment), CIP 76108/36105039, Contract 4076: 1) Award the Construction Contract to Granite Construction Company, who was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder
Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Silver Springs Parkway Offsite (South Segment), CIP 76108/36105039, Contract 4076: 1) Award the Construction Contract to Granite Construction Company, who was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Construction Contract, subject to review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Authorize the Director of Transportation to sign an Escrow Agreement, if requested by the Contractor and in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22300, for the purpose of holding Contract retention funds. FUNDING: Road Fund/Discretionary (0.3%), TIM Zone 1-7 (11.7%), Developer Advance TIM Zone 1-7 (33.1%), Developer Funded (54.9%).

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar
20-0980Agenda #30 approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement with the El Dorado Hills Community Services District and Serrano Associates, LLC, relating to the dedication, financing, and construction of that certain 12.5 acre park to be located within Serrano, Village J, Lot H
Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department and County Counsel recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement with the El Dorado Hills Community Services District and Serrano Associates, LLC, relating to the dedication, financing, and construction of that certain 12.5 acre park to be located within Serrano, Village J, Lot H. FUNDING: Developer Funded Subdivision Improvements/Community Facility District Funds.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar
20-0919Agenda #40 HEARING – Environmental Management Department recommending the Board consider the following regarding Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates for Waste Connections of California, Inc., doing business as El Dorado Disposal Service, Franchise Areas A, B, and C: 1) Find that a 1.0% Consumer Price Index increase to the existing Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates, both residential and commercial, in Franchise Areas A, B, and C, to be in accordance with the interim year rate setting process as outlined in the Solid Waste Rate Setting Policies and Procedures Manual; 2) Based on the analysis completed by Crowe LLP, find that an additional flat $0.19 cent increase on all residential collection rates, and an additional 1.59% increase on all commercial collection rates in Franchise Areas A, B, and C to be in accordance with the Unforeseen Circumstances section of the Rate Setting Policies and Procedures Manual
Agenda ItemHEARING – Environmental Management Department recommending the Board consider the following regarding Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates for Waste Connections of California, Inc., doing business as El Dorado Disposal Service, Franchise Areas A, B, and C:
1) Find that a 1.0% Consumer Price Index increase to the existing Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates, both residential and commercial, in Franchise Areas A, B, and C, to be in accordance with the interim year rate setting process as outlined in the Solid Waste Rate Setting Policies and Procedures Manual;
2) Based on the analysis completed by Crowe LLP, find that an additional flat $0.19 cent increase on all residential collection rates, and an additional 1.59% increase on all commercial collection rates in Franchise Areas A, B, and C to be in accordance with the Unforeseen Circumstances section of the Rate Setting Policies and Procedures Manual;
3) Based on the analysis completed by Crowe LLP, due to significant cost increases associated with the Material Recovery Facility construction project, find that a greater than 1% increase to certain Material Recovery Facility gates rates, phased in over a 3-year period, and a 3.23% increase to all solid waste collection rates, is warranted;
4) Consistent with the Board’s action on the Fifth Amendment to the El Dorado Disposal Service Solid Waste Services Agreement, Legistar 20-0918 also being heard this date, find that an additional increase of up to 2.46% on all Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates is required to fund Environmental Management’s solid waste programs, including the ongoing operation, maintenance and monitoring of the Union Mine Landfill;
5) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 127-2020 (Attachment D),adjusting the Material Recovery Facility rates 3.46% (1%+2.46%) with certain rates increasing greater than up to 3.46% over a 3-year period; and
6) Adopt and Authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 128-2020 (Attachment E), adjusting the residential solid waste collection rates 6.69% (1%+3.23%+2.46%) plus $0.19 cents, and adjusting commercial solid waste collection rates 8.28% (1%+1.59%+3.23%+2.46%), for El Dorado Disposal Service Areas A, B, and C, to become effective September 1, 2020.

Public Comment: A. Nevis, K. Payne, W. Lowery, G. Turnbo, K. Greenwood, P. Dwyer, B. Franchiseur, Mandi R, T. White

Items 39 and 40 were heard together.
Supervisor Veerkamp opened the public hearing and upon public comment and staff input Continued the hearing to August 25, 2020.

A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Novasel to Continue this matter to August 25, 2020.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
20-0981Agenda #42 Receive the workshop information on implementation of Senate Bill 743 which was intended to ensure that the environmental impacts of traffic, such as noise, air pollution, and safety concerns, continue to be properly addressed and mitigated through the California Environmental Quality Act; 2) Provide direction on the County’s application of the methodology, significance thresholds, mitigation measures and exemptions
Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Receive the workshop information on implementation of Senate Bill 743 which was intended to ensure that the environmental impacts of traffic, such as noise, air pollution, and safety concerns, continue to be properly addressed and mitigated through the California Environmental Quality Act; 2) Provide direction on the County’s application of the methodology, significance thresholds, mitigation measures and exemptions; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the letter to Governor Newsom, requesting an extension of two years to implement SB 743. FUNDING: Road Fund.

Public Comment: K. Payne, D. Schaffer, R. Miler

A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Novasel to:

1) Receive the workshop information on implementation of Senate Bill 743 which was intended to ensure that the environmental impacts of traffic, such as noise, air pollution, and safety concerns, continue to be properly addressed and mitigated through the California Environmental Quality Act;
2) Provide the following direction to staff on the County’s application of the methodology, significance thresholds, mitigation measures and exemptions:
a) Small Project – Threshold to be 100 trips per day to be consistent with General Plan Policy TC-Xe;
b) Map-based screening for Residential and Office Projects – Accept the updated El Dorado County Travel Demand Model (TDM) to develop screening tools;
c) Presumption of less than significant impacts near Transit Stations – Staff to look at the location being within a half of a mile of transit stations and/or transit stops with the action to engage staff to follow up with appropriate resources to
determine applicable definitions and provide them to the Board at the next meeting for action;
d) Presumption of less than significant impact for Affordable Residential Development – Staff to research the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) definition of very low and low for the West Slope to determine if the housing
would be exempt and provide the Board at the next meeting for action;
e) Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) Thresholds for Future Projects – Staff to look at local thresholds not the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) guidance;
f) Threshold of 15% below baseline for land use projects in Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) areas – Staff to use 15% below the Community Region Boundary Average not the Building Industry Association (BIA) recommendation to use the Countywide comparison; and
g) Efficiencies and measures – Request staff to return to the Board with definitions for Absolute vs Efficiency Metrics and Project Effect vs Project-Generated VMT; and
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the letter to Governor Newsom requesting an extension of two years to implement SB 743 and remove from the letter the sentence “El Dorado County supports the VMT metric which balances our mobility needs with the achievement of identified greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction” and include a statement that El Dorado County supports the intent of VMT but El Dorado County finds it extremely difficult to apply in rural county settings.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin

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