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EDC Board of Supervisors August 27, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes in Video Recording Format

Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:

19-122028.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Offsite Road Improvement Agreement for Bass Lake Road Reconstruction and Country Club Drive Extension, CIP 71360, Road Improvement Agreement 19-54906, between the County and the Developer, Lennar Winncrest, LLC. FUNDING: Developer Funded.

Public Comment: T. Kayes, G. Carpenter

A motion was made by Supervisor Frentzen, seconded by Supervisor Hidahl to
Approve this matter.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
19-119333.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Planning Services Division-Current Planning, submitting for approval Final Map (TM-F18-0005) for Hawk View Unit 2 (TM00-1371-R), creating 55 residential lots, ranging in size from .216 to 1.730 acres, and 10 lettered lots, on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 115-450-006, located on the northwest side of the intersection of Hawk View Road and Bass Lake Road, in the El Dorado Hills area and recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve Final Map (TM-F18-0005) for Hawk View Unit 2; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements (Attachment B). (Supervisorial District 1) FUNDING: Developer-Funded.

This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar
19-120542.Agenda ItemHEARING – Recorder-Clerk recommending the Board conduct a public hearing and approve and authorize the Chair to sign Ordinance 5108 adding Chapter 3.25 to the El Dorado County Ordinance Code pertaining to a schedule of fees and fee changes for the Recorder-Clerk’s Office, with fee changes to become effective October 1, 2019. (Est. Time: 30 Min.) FUNDING: General Fund Revenue.

Public Comment: K. Payne

Supervisor Novasel opened the public hearing and upon conclusion of public
comment and staff input, closed the hearing.

A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Veerkamp to
direct staff to proceed with Alternative 2 – Amend the ordinance by replacing
the proposed fees with full cost of services fees, which would result in full cost
recovery and generate approximately $188,000 annually. Full cost recovery to
be achieved in increments over a two year period. Subject to County Counsel’s
review, an inflationary component should be applied after full cost recovery is
attained. Staff is directed to return to the Board with the amended ordinance.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
-129044.Agenda ItemHEARING – Ad Hoc Cannabis Committee, in coordination with the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 141-2019 establishing commercial cannabis fees for the unincorporated county for the pre-application, application, monitoring, and renewal process for commercial cannabis. (Public Hearing is being Continued to September 10, 2019 to comply with noticing requirements.) FUNDING: Commercial Cannabis Fees.

Supervisor Novasel opened the hearing.

A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Veerkamp to
Continue this matter to September 10, 2019 when additional testimony will be
taken at that time.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
19-125045.Agenda ItemAd Hoc Cannabis Committee, in coordination with the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 140-2019 establishing the general tax rates for the unincorporated county for voter-approved general taxes for different commercial cannabis uses; and 2) Provide staff direction as to which department the commercial cannabis program, medicinal use personal cannabis program, and cannabis civil enforcement program should reside. (Est. Time: 45 Min.) FUNDING: Commercial Cannabis Taxes – General Fund.

Public Comment: R. MIller, C. Forester, D. Schaffer, R. Miller, B. Esienberg, C. Wollet, T. Kayes, C. Simpson

A motion was made by Supervisor Frentzen, seconded by Supervisor Veerkamp
to Adopt Resolution 140-2019 and direct staff to initiate the commercial cannabis
program, medicinal use personal cannabis program and cannabis civil
enforcement program in the Chief Administrative Office. The program is to be
located in the Planning and Building Department with management assistance
from the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer from Chief Administrative Officer’s

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
19-118646.Agenda ItemAd Hoc Cannabis Committee, in coordination with the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board: 1) Find that the adoption of the proposed amendments to sections 130.14.280 (Measure N) are not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines and Business and Professions Code section 26055(h); 2) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5107 pertaining to Section 130.14.280 of Title 130, Article 9 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code entitled “Taxation of Commercial Cannabis Activities” renumbered in Chapter 22 of Title 3, with amendments; and 3) Waive full reading of the Ordinance, read by title only and continue this matter to September 10, 2019 for Final Passage (Second Reading). (Est. Time: 15 Min.)

Public Comment: R. Miller, D. Schaffer, R. Miller

A motion was made by Supervisor Veerkamp, seconded by Supervisor Hidahl to
Approve this matter finding that the adoption of the proposed amendments to
section 130.14.280 (Measure N) are not subject to the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines and
Business and Professions Code section 26055(h) and Continue the adoption of
Ordinance 5107 to September 10, 2019 for Final Passage (Second Reading) with
the addition of “establish shorter for any commercial cannabis activity and
longer for commercial cannabis cultivation report and payment periods” to
section 3.22.090(D) of Ordinance 5107.

Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
19-115247.Agenda ItemPlanning Commission recommending the Board: 1) Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinances 5109, 5110, and 5111 for proposed amendments (Attachments C, E and G) to Title 130 Zoning Ordinance for the voter-enacted Measures N, P, Q, R, and S, which authorized the permitting and regulation of commercial cannabis activities in the County (OR19-0001). The proposed amendments allow for commercial cannabis nurseries, processors, testing laboratories, and manufacturers in limited zones and subject to specific regulations. As part of implementation of the ballot measures, the proposed amendments also combine the ballot measures for medicinal and adult recreational use cannabis and codify the ordinances in a new cannabis section of Title 130. Additional amendments address changes in state regulations that were enacted after voters passed the ballot measures, changes to the authorized zones for particular commercial cannabis uses, and other minor amendments. Planning Commission recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Find that the adoption of the proposed amendments

Public Comment: R. Miller, D. Schaffer, I. Baker, R. Miller, C. Wollet, Z. Alex

A motion was made by Supervisor Veerkamp, seconded by Supervisor Frentzen
to Approve this matter finding that the adoption of the proposed amendments to
sections 130.14.290 (Measure N), 130.14.300 (Measure P), 130.14.310 (Measure Q),
130.14.320 (Measure R), and 130.14.330 (Measure S) are not subject to the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Business and
Professions Code section 26055(h) and Continue the adoption of Ordinances
5109, 5110 and 5111 to September 10, 2019 for Final Passage (Second Reading).

Yes: 4 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Hidahl and Parlin
Noes: 1 – Novasel

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