20-0565 | 25 | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Chief Administrative Office, Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, and Planning Commission recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Find that the adoption of the proposed amendments to Section 130.14.260 of Title 130, Article 9 is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3), 15060(c)(2), 15060(c)(3), 15305, and 15308 of the CEQA Guidelines; 2) Recommend approval of amendments to Section 130.14.260 of Title 130, Article 9 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code entitled “Outdoor Medical Cannabis Cultivation for Personal Use” renumbered as Section 130.42.100 of Title 130, Article 4, and retitled as “Cultivation of Cannabis for Personal Use,” with amendments; 3) Find that the ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage pursuant to Government Code section 25123(d) in order for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety; 4) Waive full reading, read by title only, and continue this matter to May 5, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. for public hearing and Final Passage (Second Reading); and 5) Direct staff to bring this ordinance to the Board of Supervisors for review in one year after input from County stakeholders, as recommended by the Planning Commission. (4/5 vote required) (Est. Time: 1.5 Hr.)
Public Comment: D. Schafer, R. Miller, B. Allen, T. White, M. Fadel, R. Miller, E. Komp, Tony, K. Chiusano, M.Fidal, Gay, J. Linden, D. Ferrera, no name given, M. Allen
A motion was made by Supervisor Veerkamp, seconded by Supervisor Frentzen to: 1) Approve this matter and Continue to May 5, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. for public hearing and Final Passage (Second Reading); and 2) Change cultivation to be conducted indoors only within a private residence or inside an accessory structure to a private residence located upon the grounds of a private residence that is fully enclosed and secure, including the use of a fully enclosed greenhouse, hoop-house, glass house, conservatory, hothouse, or other similar fully enclosed structure that complies with all building and zoning codes. Motion Failed. Yes: 2 – Veerkamp and Frentzen Noes: 3 – Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin
A motion was made by Supervisor Frentzen, seconded by Supervisor Novasel to Approve this matter and Continue to May 5, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. for public hearing and Final Passage (Second Reading). Yes: 5 – Veerkamp, Frentzen, Novasel, Hidahl and Parlin |