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DR20-0008 Latrobe Road R&D Complex

Project DR20-0008

Project proposes 5 buildings at a GFA of 6,000 sq.ft. and a single 10,000 sq.ft. building. Will include parking, drive aisle, and utilities to support the proposed use. The project proponent and the uses within the complex will be consistent with zoning code Research & Development Uses.

Attachments:11/04/2020 Application Packet_DR20-0008.pdf

From the project application

The owner/applicant is making an application for an entitlement for Design Review to develop the property located at the southeast corner of Latrobe Road and Monte Verde Drive (Parcel 2; PM BK51 PG41 & APN 118-020-013) for a Research & Development Complex to include a potential mix of Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Civic, Transportation, and Utility and
Communication; as permitted uses allowed within the current R&D Zoning designation. The property is located within the El Dorado Hills Community Region and within El Dorado County’s “lndustrial/R&D” Zone. The adjacent properties to the north are both single family residential and open space, to the west is the El Dorado Hills Business Park, and south are both the Life
Storage Mini Storage and a maintenance yard for the El Dorado Hills CSD. Based on current zoning and proposed use it was identified through a prior preapplication meeting that a Design Review Permit will be required.

The subject property consists of a ±4.5-acre parcel, with a ±25-foot private drive (w/underground utilities) connecting the Mini-Storage to Monte Verde Drive. The site was previously mass graded with the Mini-Storage Project and a portion of the subject property is currently being used as Outdoor Storage (S02-0039-R) and the balance of the site is vacant with sparse vegetation. The subject property fronts Latrobe Road but has no direct access rights to Latrobe Road. Through the evolution of the surrounding developments and reserving access for the subject property two point of access are provided; (1) Monte Verde Lane via the existing 25-foot private drive (2) through the Mini-Storage property to Latrobe Road via a private access agreement.

Download Application Packet [9.91 MB]
